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Last active December 7, 2021 01:45
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import numpy as np
def weighted_quantile_type_7(a, q, weights=None, axis=None):
def _func_1d(arr, q, weights):
n = len(arr)
if weights is None:
weights = np.repeat(1 / n, n)
weights = np.asarray(weights)
assert len(weights) == n
sorter = np.argsort(arr)
arr = arr[sorter]
weights = weights[sorter]
weights /= weights.sum()
weights_cum = np.append(0, weights.cumsum())
res = []
for p in q:
h = p * (n - 1) + 1
u = np.maximum((h - 1) / n, np.minimum(h / n, weights_cum))
v = u * n - h + 1
w = np.diff(v)
res.append(sum(arr * w))
return res
q = np.atleast_1d(q)
# We need to first partially flatten `a`, which is potentially multidimensional,
# into a 2D matrix with size [C x L]:
# * L: the size of one flattened 1d array that will be sent to _func_1d
# * C: the number of calls we will need to make (one per row of L values)
a = np.asarray(a)
shape = np.asarray(a.shape)
if axis is None:
flattened_1d_input_size =
flattened_1d_input_size =[np.asarray(axis)])
total_size =
n_calls = total_size // flattened_1d_input_size
# Permute the input axes with np.moveaxis
def get_source_axis():
# From the complete axis (0, 1, ..ndims), iteratively take every
# element from user axis param, and move it at the end.
# Ex, with n=3 and axis=0 : (1, 2, 0)
# with n=3 and axis=(0,2): (1, 0, 2)
n = a.ndim
src_axis = list(range(n))
for i in np.atleast_1d(axis if axis is not None else []):
src_axis.insert(n, src_axis.pop(i))
return src_axis
src = get_source_axis()
dest = tuple(range(a.ndim))
b = np.moveaxis(a, src, dest)
# Reshape into 2D matrix: [n_calls] X [1d input size]
b = b.reshape(n_calls, flattened_1d_input_size)
# Call 1D func for every row of `b`; each call will return a result of size q
r = np.apply_along_axis(_func_1d, 0, b.T, q, weights)
# Reshape results back into shape: |q| x (original shape minus input axis)
if axis is None:
r = r.squeeze()
r = r.reshape(len(q), *np.delete(shape, axis))
return r
# Base 1D case, non-weighted #
a = [1, 1.9, 2.2, 3 , 3.7, 4.1, 5]
q = [.2, .4, .6, .8]
wq_equal_weights = weighted_quantile_type_7(a, q)
assert np.allclose(wq_equal_weights, np.quantile(a, q))
# Base 1D case, weighted #
weights = [0.05, 0.05, 0.1 , 0.15, 0.15, 0.25, 0.25]
wq_with_weights = weighted_quantile_type_7(a, q, weights)
# Multidimensional case, non-weighted #
a = np.random.rand(3, 4, 5)
q = [0.1, 0.9]
nq = len(q)
for (ax, shp) in [(None, (nq,)),
(0, (nq, 4, 5)),
(2, (nq, 3, 4)),
((0,2), (nq, 4)),
((0,1,2), (nq,))]:
mine = weighted_quantile_type_7(a, q, axis=ax)
theirs = np.quantile(a, q, axis=ax)
assert np.allclose(mine, theirs)
assert mine.shape == shp
assert theirs.shape == shp
print(ax, mine)
# Multidimensional case, weighted #
ax = (0, 2)
# Since ax=(0, 2), the weights size must be: [size of dim0 x size of dim2] = 3 x 5 = 15
weights = np.random.random(15)
print(weighted_quantile_type_7(a, q, weights, axis=ax))
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