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Last active December 14, 2015 15:18
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Be happy.
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Data ↦ Visualization<br>
Chris Barber
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var w = 1280,
h = 800,
r = 80,
x = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / 3),
y = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / 3),
speed = 4,
start =;
var svg ="body").insert("svg:svg", "form")
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.data([{radius: r * 5}]);
.attr("class", "ring")
.data([{teeth: 80, radius: -r * 5, ring: true}])
.attr("class", "gear")
.attr("d", gear);
var sun = svg.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "sun")
.data([{teeth: 16, radius: r}])
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.on("change", function(d) {[{radius: d}]); });
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function gear(d) {
var n = d.teeth,
r2 = Math.abs(d.radius),
r0 = r2 - 8,
r1 = r2 + 8,
r3 = d.ring ? (r3 = r0, r0 = r1, r1 = r3, r2 + 20) : 20,
da = Math.PI / n,
a0 = -Math.PI / 2 + (d.ring ? Math.PI / n : 0),
i = -1,
path = ["M", r0 * Math.cos(a0), ",", r0 * Math.sin(a0)];
while (++i < n) path.push(
"A", r0, ",", r0, " 0 0,1 ", r0 * Math.cos(a0 += da), ",", r0 * Math.sin(a0),
"L", r2 * Math.cos(a0), ",", r2 * Math.sin(a0),
"L", r1 * Math.cos(a0 += da / 3), ",", r1 * Math.sin(a0),
"A", r1, ",", r1, " 0 0,1 ", r1 * Math.cos(a0 += da / 3), ",", r1 * Math.sin(a0),
"L", r2 * Math.cos(a0 += da / 3), ",", r2 * Math.sin(a0),
"L", r0 * Math.cos(a0), ",", r0 * Math.sin(a0));
path.push("M0,", -r3, "A", r3, ",", r3, " 0 0,0 0,", r3, "A", r3, ",", r3, " 0 0,0 0,", -r3, "Z");
return path.join("");
d3.timer(function() {
var angle = ( - start) * speed,
transform = function(d) { return "rotate(" + angle / d.radius + ")"; };
svg.selectAll(".gear").attr("transform", transform);
svg.attr("transform", transform); // fixed ring
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