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Created April 5, 2019 20:09
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Print disk usage of all files and directories (ducks) with the colors of ls (for macOS).
# Don't glob . and .. and don't ignore .files
export GLOBIGNORE=".:.."
# Old ducks with no color, sorted ascending with at most the 50 largest
#alias ducks='du -cksh * | sort -h | tail -n 50'
# ducks with color from ls, sorted ascending with at most the 50 largest
alias ducks="paste -d' ' <(du -cksh * | cut -f1) <(CLICOLOR_FORCE=1 ls -1d * && echo total) | sort -h | tail -n 50"
# paste creates columns from the inputs with ' ' as the column delimiter
# du -cksh * prints disk usage with a total and human readable sizes
# cut -f1 cuts the first field of every line
# CLICOLOR_FORCE=1 force ls on macOS to output color even if not directed to a terminal (try unbuffer for linux)
# echo total adds one more line of names for the total
# sort -h sorts the lines in human understandable numeric form (i.e. 200MB < 1G). Add -r for the opposite order.
# tail -n 50 keeps only the last 50 lines
# Refs
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