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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Based on the code at and modified to be populated by an adapter
public class FlowLayout extends ViewGroup {
public static final int DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_SPACING = 5;
public static final int DEFAULT_VERTICAL_SPACING = 5;
private final int horizontalSpacing;
private final int verticalSpacing;
private final AdapterObserver observer = new AdapterObserver();
private List<RowMeasurement> currentRows = Collections.emptyList();
private ListAdapter adapter;
private final List<OnClickListener> clickListeners = new LinkedList<OnClickListener>();
private final List<OnLongClickListener> longClickListeners = new LinkedList<OnLongClickListener>();
private final OnClickListener clickListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(final View view) {
synchronized (clickListeners) {
for (final OnClickListener listener : clickListeners) {
private final OnLongClickListener longClickListener = new OnLongClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick(final View view) {
synchronized (longClickListeners) {
for (final OnLongClickListener listener : longClickListeners) {
return true;
public FlowLayout(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
float density = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
horizontalSpacing = (int) (4 * density);
verticalSpacing = (int) (4 * density);
public void setOnItemClickListener(final OnClickListener listener) {
synchronized (clickListeners) {
public void setOnItemLongClickListener(final OnLongClickListener listener) {
synchronized (longClickListeners) {
protected void onMeasure(final int widthMeasureSpec, final int heightMeasureSpec) {
final int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
final int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
final int maxInternalWidth = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec) - getHorizontalPadding();
final int maxInternalHeight = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec) - getVerticalPadding();
final List<RowMeasurement> rows = new ArrayList<RowMeasurement>();
RowMeasurement currentRow = new RowMeasurement(maxInternalWidth, widthMode);
for (final View child : getLayoutChildren()) {
final android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams childLayoutParams = child.getLayoutParams();
final int childWidthSpec = createChildMeasureSpec(childLayoutParams.width, maxInternalWidth, widthMode);
final int childHeightSpec = createChildMeasureSpec(childLayoutParams.height, maxInternalHeight, heightMode);
child.measure(childWidthSpec, childHeightSpec);
final int childWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth();
final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();
if (currentRow.wouldExceedMax(childWidth)) {
currentRow = new RowMeasurement(maxInternalWidth, widthMode);
currentRow.addChildDimensions(childWidth, childHeight);
int longestRowWidth = 0;
int totalRowHeight = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < rows.size(); index++) {
final RowMeasurement row = rows.get(index);
totalRowHeight += row.getHeight();
if (index < rows.size() - 1) {
totalRowHeight += verticalSpacing;
longestRowWidth = Math.max(longestRowWidth, row.getWidth());
setMeasuredDimension(widthMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY ? MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec) : longestRowWidth
+ getHorizontalPadding(), heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY ? MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec)
: totalRowHeight + getVerticalPadding());
currentRows = Collections.unmodifiableList(rows);
private int createChildMeasureSpec(final int childLayoutParam, final int max, final int parentMode) {
int spec;
if (childLayoutParam == LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT) {
spec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(max, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
} else if (childLayoutParam == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) {
spec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(max, parentMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED ? MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED: MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);
} else {
spec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(childLayoutParam, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
return spec;
protected void onLayout(final boolean changed, final int leftPosition, final int topPosition,
final int rightPosition, final int bottomPosition) {
final int widthOffset = getMeasuredWidth() - getPaddingRight();
int x = getPaddingLeft();
int y = getPaddingTop();
final Iterator<RowMeasurement> rowIterator = currentRows.iterator();
RowMeasurement currentRow =;
for (final View child : getLayoutChildren()) {
final int childWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth();
final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();
if (x + childWidth > widthOffset) {
x = getPaddingLeft();
y += currentRow.height + verticalSpacing;
if (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
currentRow =;
child.layout(x, y, x + childWidth, y + childHeight);
x += childWidth + horizontalSpacing;
private List<View> getLayoutChildren() {
final List<View> children = new ArrayList<View>();
for (int index = 0; index < getChildCount(); index++) {
final View child = getChildAt(index);
if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
return children;
protected int getVerticalPadding() {
return getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
protected int getHorizontalPadding() {
return getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
private final class RowMeasurement {
private final int maxWidth;
private final int widthMode;
private int width;
private int height;
public RowMeasurement(final int maxWidth, final int widthMode) {
this.maxWidth = maxWidth;
this.widthMode = widthMode;
public int getHeight() {
return height;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
public boolean wouldExceedMax(final int childWidth) {
return widthMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED ? false : getNewWidth(childWidth) > maxWidth;
public void addChildDimensions(final int childWidth, final int childHeight) {
width = getNewWidth(childWidth);
height = Math.max(height, childHeight);
private int getNewWidth(final int childWidth) {
return width == 0 ? childWidth : width + horizontalSpacing + childWidth;
public ListAdapter getAdapter() {
return adapter;
public void setAdapter(final ListAdapter adapter) {
if (this.adapter != null) {
this.adapter = adapter;
public void refresh() {
for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++) {
final View view = adapter.getView(i, null, this);
public class AdapterObserver extends DataSetObserver {
public void onChanged() {
public void onInvalidated() {
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