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Created March 29, 2016 19:01
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$fn = 100;
batt = [23, 72, 35];
standoff_spacing = 34;
standoff_diameter = 5.4;
standoff_radius = standoff_diameter / 2;
gate_thickness = 2.0;
gate_height = batt[2] / 2;
pole_radius = gate_thickness + standoff_radius;
module pole() {
difference() {
cylinder(r=pole_radius, h=gate_height);
translate([0, 0, -1]) {
cylinder(r=standoff_radius, h=gate_height + 2.0);
difference() {
translate([standoff_spacing / 2, 0, 0]) {
difference() {
translate([0, 0, -1]) {
cylinder(r=standoff_spacing / 2 + standoff_radius, h=gate_height + 2.0);
translate([-1000, 0, -2]) {
cube([2000, 60, 60]);
translate([standoff_spacing, 0, 0]) {
translate([standoff_spacing / 2, 0, 0]) {
difference() {
cylinder(r=standoff_spacing / 2 + pole_radius, h=gate_height);
translate([0, 0, -1]) {
cylinder(r=standoff_spacing / 2 + pole_radius - gate_thickness, h=gate_height + 2.0);
translate([-1000, 0, -2]) {
cube([2000, 60, 60]);
translate([(standoff_spacing - batt[0]) / 2, -5.0, 0]) {
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