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Last active August 20, 2023 02:47
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  • Save cjea/b39315d90916107296dcbc92d2b514c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cjea/b39315d90916107296dcbc92d2b514c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Keybase proof I hereby claim:

  • I am cjea on github.
  • I am cjea ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDMwrH-GJMcSOpXpW9dNy4GJK9TutzadXPw4Fp3BySaUwo To claim this, I am signing this object:
{ "body": { "key": { "eldest_kid": "0120ccc2b1fe18931c48ea57a56f5d372e0624af53badcda7573f0e05a7707249a530a", "host": "", "kid": "0120ccc2b1fe18931c48ea57a56f5d372e0624af53badcda7573f0e05a7707249a530a", "uid": "0fd41923922a705eee52ffb43e5f5c19", "username": "cjea" }, "merkle_root": { "ctime": 1692498793, "hash": "2fba764c7cb15b0516facdd14ee5c4172e6e629a019fd7e0d31f6182326aea0fde2127b294a32b8bdaa65db351e67da9b410bbad16705d0999779f04d41f51be", "hash_meta": "16118744c70e90753a2b7228c427c282f11a86a6514627476d4618767e2939cb", "seqno": 24829053 }, "service": { "entropy": "JMCoqVmOCNZzvUgtL93p9Jjl", "name": "github", "username": "cjea" }, "type": "web_service_binding", "version": 2 }, "client": { "name": " go client", "version": "6.2.2" }, "ctime": 1692498847, "expire_in": 504576000, "prev": "68fc9a84de0f652002e205d273cb6e8e1441597c1bbcd7cedf8f18f9b95118a5", "seqno": 4, "tag": "signature" } 

with the key ASDMwrH-GJMcSOpXpW9dNy4GJK9TutzadXPw4Fp3BySaUwo, yielding the signature:


And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.

My publicly-auditable identity:

From the command line:

Consider the keybase command line program.

look me up keybase id cjea 
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