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Created October 14, 2014 15:39
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The gist below will copy all html files from one directory to another keeping the directory structure in place
function Create-WebSite
Push-Location ..\
$webSiteContainer = "WebSite"
Remove-Item .\$webSiteContainer -Recurse -Force
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Name $webSiteContainer | Out-Null
$items = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter "*.html"
foreach ($item in $items)
$itemRelativePath = $item | Resolve-Path -Relative
$itemRelativePath = $itemRelativePath.Remove(0,2)
$containingFolder = Join-Path $webSiteContainer $itemRelativePath.Replace($item.Name , "")
if(!(Test-Path $containingFolder))
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Name $containingFolder | Out-Null
Move-Item -Path $item.FullName -Destination $containingFolder -Force
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