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Created June 30, 2020 18:40
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  • Save cjgratacos/c84663159d7ae8ce1c6e4a6f9fe16b85 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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For sandbox the tax code with ID 19 is a hybrid tax.

Test #1

  • Account Type: Sandbox
  • Request Type: Invoice Sparse Update
  • Before request data:
 "Invoice": {
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  "AllowOnlinePayment": false,
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     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
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     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
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      "TaxPercent": 1,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 0
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   "value": "18",
   "name": "Paulsen Medical Supplies"
  "CustomerMemo": {
   "value": "Thank you for your business and have a great day!"
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   "Long": "-122.1391443"
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   "Address": ""
  "Balance": 964.25,
  "TaxExemptionRef": {}
 "time": "2020-06-30T09:49:19.510-07:00"
  • Sparse update:
"sparse": true,
"Id": "49",
"SyncToken": "7",
"TxnTaxDetail": {
"TxnTaxCodeRef": {
"value": "19"
  • Response data:
 "Invoice": {
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  "AllowOnlinePayment": false,
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  "AllowOnlineACHPayment": false,
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      "value": "86",
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   "TaxLine": [
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     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
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      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 0.5,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 0
     "Amount": 0,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
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      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 1,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 0
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     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
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   "value": "18",
   "name": "Paulsen Medical Supplies"
  "CustomerMemo": {
   "value": "Thank you for your business and have a great day!"
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   "Address": ""
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 "time": "2020-06-30T09:50:48.316-07:00"
  • Request intuit_tid:
{"intuit_tid": "1-5efb6d68-0c5180dcc10a7510cf69b3ac"}

Test #2

  • Account Type: Sandbox
  • Realm ID:
  • Request Type: Invoice Full Update
  • Before request data:
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 "time": "2020-06-30T09:58:31.623-07:00"
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"AllowOnlinePayment": false,
"AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment": false,
"AllowOnlineACHPayment": false,
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"Id": "310",
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"DescriptionLineDetail": {}
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"Line2": "235 Honeymoon Ave",
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"Id": "529",
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"Line2": "San Pablo, CA  87999"
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"TaxExemptionRef": {}
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     "ItemRef": {
      "value": "510",
      "name": "This is a test 0022"
     "UnitPrice": 50,
     "Qty": 1,
     "ItemAccountRef": {
      "value": "85",
      "name": "Billable Expense Income"
     "TaxCodeRef": {
      "value": "TAX"
     "TaxClassificationRef": {
      "value": "EUC-09020802-V1-00120000"
    "Id": "11",
    "LineNum": 4,
    "Description": "Subtotal: $50.00",
    "DetailType": "DescriptionOnly",
    "DescriptionLineDetail": {}
    "Amount": 70,
    "DetailType": "SubTotalLineDetail",
    "SubTotalLineDetail": {}
  "TxnTaxDetail": {
   "TxnTaxCodeRef": {
    "value": "11"
   "TotalTax": 6.65,
   "TaxLine": [
     "Amount": 1.58,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
       "value": "25"
      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 2.25,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 70
     "Amount": 4.37,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
       "value": "4"
      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 6.25,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 70
     "Amount": 0.7,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
       "value": "5"
      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 1,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 70
  "CustomerRef": {
   "value": "69",
   "name": "Arianna Grande"
  "BillAddr": {
   "Id": "527",
   "Line1": "Arianna Grande",
   "Line2": "235 Honeymoon Ave",
   "Line3": "Los Angeles, CA 28227"
  "ShipAddr": {
   "Id": "528",
   "Line1": "Arianna Grande",
   "Line2": "235 Honeymoon Ave",
   "Line3": "Los Angeles, CA 28227"
  "FreeFormAddress": true,
  "ShipFromAddr": {
   "Id": "601",
   "Line1": "123 Sierra Way",
   "Line2": "San Pablo, CA 87999"
  "SalesTermRef": {
   "value": "4"
  "DueDate": "2020-08-23",
  "TotalAmt": 76.65,
  "ApplyTaxAfterDiscount": false,
  "PrintStatus": "NeedToPrint",
  "EmailStatus": "NotSet",
  "Balance": 26.65,
  "TaxExemptionRef": {}
 "time": "2020-06-30T10:02:39.326-07:00"
  • Request intuit_tid:
{"intuit_tid": "1-5efb702f-9c6bfbcc867a0f38d18288d8"}



On Production the tax code with ID 13 is a hybrid tax.

Test #1

  • Account Type: Production (Personal Test Account)
  • Request Type: Invoice Sparse Update
  • Before request data:
 "Invoice": {
  "AllowIPNPayment": false,
  "AllowOnlinePayment": false,
  "AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment": false,
  "AllowOnlineACHPayment": false,
  "domain": "QBO",
  "sparse": false,
  "Id": "315",
  "SyncToken": "1",
  "MetaData": {
   "CreateTime": "2020-06-24T12:46:04-07:00",
   "LastUpdatedTime": "2020-06-30T10:34:13-07:00"
  "CustomField": [],
  "DocNumber": "I-69-9",
  "TxnDate": "2020-06-24",
  "CurrencyRef": {
   "value": "USD",
   "name": "United States Dollar"
  "LinkedTxn": [],
  "Line": [
    "Id": "1",
    "LineNum": 1,
    "Amount": 100,
    "DetailType": "SalesItemLineDetail",
    "SalesItemLineDetail": {
     "ItemRef": {
      "value": "379",
      "name": "CLI 3"
     "UnitPrice": 100,
     "Qty": 1,
     "ItemAccountRef": {
      "value": "184",
      "name": "4/3.2 account"
     "TaxCodeRef": {
      "value": "TAX"
     "TaxClassificationRef": {
      "value": "EUC-09020802-V1-00120000"
    "Id": "2",
    "LineNum": 2,
    "Description": "Subtotal: $100.00",
    "DetailType": "DescriptionOnly",
    "DescriptionLineDetail": {}
    "Amount": 100,
    "DetailType": "SubTotalLineDetail",
    "SubTotalLineDetail": {}
  "TxnTaxDetail": {
   "TxnTaxCodeRef": {
    "value": "3"
   "TotalTax": 7.25,
   "TaxLine": [
     "Amount": 4.75,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
       "value": "3"
      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 4.75,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 100
     "Amount": 2,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
       "value": "4"
      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 2,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 100
     "Amount": 0.5,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
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      "TaxPercent": 0.5,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 100
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   "Line1": "Best Buy, Inc.",
   "Line2": "505 S 58th St",
   "Line3": "Tacoma, WA 98408"
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   "Id": "1127",
   "Line1": "Best Buy, Inc.",
   "Line2": "505 S 58th St",
   "Line3": "Tacoma, WA 98408"
  "FreeFormAddress": true,
  "ShipFromAddr": {
   "Id": "1128",
   "Line1": "8000 Corporate Center Dr",
   "Line2": "Charlotte, NC  28226 US"
  "SalesTermRef": {
   "value": "3"
  "DueDate": "2020-07-24",
  "TotalAmt": 107.25,
  "ApplyTaxAfterDiscount": false,
  "PrintStatus": "NeedToPrint",
  "EmailStatus": "NotSet",
  "Balance": 107.25,
  "TaxExemptionRef": {}
 "time": "2020-06-30T10:34:12.985-07:00"
  • Sparse update:
"sparse": true,
"Id": "315",
"SyncToken": "1",
"TxnTaxDetail": {
"TxnTaxCodeRef": {
"value": "13"
  • Response data:
 "Invoice": {
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  "AllowOnlinePayment": false,
  "AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment": false,
  "AllowOnlineACHPayment": false,
  "domain": "QBO",
  "sparse": false,
  "Id": "315",
  "SyncToken": "2",
  "MetaData": {
   "CreateTime": "2020-06-24T12:46:04-07:00",
   "LastUpdatedTime": "2020-06-30T10:35:25-07:00"
  "CustomField": [],
  "DocNumber": "I-69-9",
  "TxnDate": "2020-06-24",
  "CurrencyRef": {
   "value": "USD",
   "name": "United States Dollar"
  "LinkedTxn": [],
  "Line": [
    "Id": "1",
    "LineNum": 1,
    "Amount": 100,
    "DetailType": "SalesItemLineDetail",
    "SalesItemLineDetail": {
     "ItemRef": {
      "value": "379",
      "name": "CLI 3"
     "UnitPrice": 100,
     "Qty": 1,
     "ItemAccountRef": {
      "value": "184",
      "name": "4/3.2 account"
     "TaxCodeRef": {
      "value": "TAX"
     "TaxClassificationRef": {
      "value": "EUC-09020802-V1-00120000"
    "Id": "2",
    "LineNum": 2,
    "Description": "Subtotal: $100.00",
    "DetailType": "DescriptionOnly",
    "DescriptionLineDetail": {}
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    "SubTotalLineDetail": {}
  "TxnTaxDetail": {
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   "TotalTax": 7.25,
   "TaxLine": [
     "Amount": 4.75,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
       "value": "3"
      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 4.75,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 100
     "Amount": 2,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
       "value": "4"
      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 2,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 100
     "Amount": 0.5,
     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
     "TaxLineDetail": {
      "TaxRateRef": {
       "value": "5"
      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 0.5,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 100
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   "value": "48",
   "name": "Best Buy, Inc."
  "BillAddr": {
   "Id": "1126",
   "Line1": "Best Buy, Inc.",
   "Line2": "505 S 58th St",
   "Line3": "Tacoma, WA 98408"
  "ShipAddr": {
   "Id": "1127",
   "Line1": "Best Buy, Inc.",
   "Line2": "505 S 58th St",
   "Line3": "Tacoma, WA 98408"
  "FreeFormAddress": true,
  "ShipFromAddr": {
   "Id": "1128",
   "Line1": "8000 Corporate Center Dr",
   "Line2": "Charlotte, NC  28226 US"
  "SalesTermRef": {
   "value": "3"
  "DueDate": "2020-07-24",
  "TotalAmt": 107.25,
  "ApplyTaxAfterDiscount": false,
  "PrintStatus": "NeedToPrint",
  "EmailStatus": "NotSet",
  "Balance": 107.25,
  "TaxExemptionRef": {}
 "time": "2020-06-30T10:35:25.022-07:00"
  • Request intuit_tid:
{"intuit_tid": "1-5efb77dc-5ae707bc655cc488735bceb8"}

Test #2

  • Account Type: Production (Personal Test Account)
  • Request Type: Invoice Full Update
  • Before request data:
 "Invoice": {
  "AllowIPNPayment": false,
  "AllowOnlinePayment": false,
  "AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment": false,
  "AllowOnlineACHPayment": false,
  "domain": "QBO",
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  "Id": "315",
  "SyncToken": "2",
  "MetaData": {
   "CreateTime": "2020-06-24T12:46:04-07:00",
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  "CustomField": [],
  "DocNumber": "I-69-9",
  "TxnDate": "2020-06-24",
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   "value": "USD",
   "name": "United States Dollar"
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  "Line": [
    "Id": "1",
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 "time": "2020-06-30T10:36:48.089-07:00"
  • Full update:
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      "Id": "1126",
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      "Line3": "Tacoma, WA 98408"
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    "PrintStatus": "NeedToPrint",
    "EmailStatus": "NotSet",
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    "TaxExemptionRef": {}
  • Response data:
 "Invoice": {
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  "AllowOnlinePayment": false,
  "AllowOnlineCreditCardPayment": false,
  "AllowOnlineACHPayment": false,
  "domain": "QBO",
  "sparse": false,
  "Id": "315",
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   "LastUpdatedTime": "2020-06-30T10:38:52-07:00"
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     "DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
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      "TaxRateRef": {
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      "PercentBased": true,
      "TaxPercent": 0,
      "NetAmountTaxable": 0
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   "value": "48",
   "name": "Best Buy, Inc."
  "BillAddr": {
   "Id": "1126",
   "Line1": "Best Buy, Inc.",
   "Line2": "505 S 58th St",
   "Line3": "Tacoma, WA 98408"
  "ShipAddr": {
   "Id": "1127",
   "Line1": "Best Buy, Inc.",
   "Line2": "505 S 58th St",
   "Line3": "Tacoma, WA 98408"
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   "Id": "1176",
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   "Line2": "Charlotte, NC 28226 US"
  "SalesTermRef": {
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  "PrintStatus": "NeedToPrint",
  "EmailStatus": "NotSet",
  "Balance": 100,
  "TaxExemptionRef": {}
 "time": "2020-06-30T10:38:52.134-07:00"
  • Request intuit_tid:
{"intuit_tid": "1-5efb78ab-782bbc58cc909a4d59b682dc"}
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