<!DOCTYPE html> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<script src="//d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> |
<script> |
/////////////////////// |
// Parse the Data |
d3.csv("data.csv", function(inData) { |
// NOTE: temp hack workaround, theres too much data now :( |
data = inData.filter(function(d) { |
if(parseFloat(d['year']) > 2005) { |
return d; |
} |
}); |
// add a css safe class for use in hover interactions and coloring |
data.forEach(function(d) { |
d['class'] = d['club'].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-').replace(/\./g,''); |
}) |
/////////////////////// |
// Chart Size Setup |
var margin = { top: 35, right: 0, bottom: 30, left: 70 }; |
var width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right; |
var height = 500 - margin.top - margin.bottom; |
var chart = d3.select(".chart") |
.attr("width", 960) |
.attr("height", 500) |
.append("g") |
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")"); |
/////////////////////// |
// Scales |
var x = d3.scaleBand() |
.domain(data.map(function(d) { return d['year']; })) |
.rangeRound([25, width - 15]); |
var y = d3.scaleLinear() |
.domain([d3.min(data, function(d) { return d['points'] }) / 1.1, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d['points']; }) * 1.05]) |
.range([height, 0]); |
var size = d3.scaleLinear() |
.domain(d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d['goals_for']; })) |
.range([3, 10]); |
/////////////////////// |
// Axis |
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom(x); |
var yAxis = d3.axisLeft(y); |
chart.append("g") |
.attr("class", "x axis") |
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")") |
.call(xAxis); |
chart.append("g") |
.attr("class", "y axis") |
.call(yAxis); |
/////////////////////// |
// Title |
chart.append("text") |
.text('MLS: Points per Season (hover over a dot to focus, click to keep focus)') |
.attr("text-anchor", "middle") |
.attr("class", "graph-title") |
.attr("y", -10) |
.attr("x", width / 2.0); |
chart.append("text") |
.text('Points Per Season') |
.attr("text-anchor", "middle") |
.attr("class", "graph-title") |
.attr("y", -35) |
.attr("x", width / -4.0) |
.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)"); |
/////////////////////// |
// Points |
data.forEach(function(d) { |
d.radius = size(d['goals_for']); |
d.x = x(d['year']) + x.bandwidth() / 2.0; |
d.y = y(d['points']); |
}); |
// do each year separately so the forces don't effect other years and cause the |
// chart to "bulge" out |
x.domain().forEach(function(year) { |
var currData = data.filter(function(d) { |
if(d['year'] == year) { |
return d; |
} |
}); |
var node = chart.append("g") |
.attr("class", "year-" + year) |
.selectAll("circle") |
.data(currData) |
.enter().append("circle") |
.attr("class", "point") |
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; }) |
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; }) |
.attr('fill', 'blue') |
// replace spaces with - and remove '.' (from d.c. united) |
.attr("class", function(d) { return d['club'].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-').replace(/\./g,'') }) |
.attr("r", function(d) { return size(d['goals_for']) }) |
.attr('opacity', '0.3'); |
// Apply default forces to simulation |
var simulation = d3.forceSimulation() |
.force("charge", d3.forceManyBody().strength(function(d) { |
// base it on the radius of the node |
var multiplier = -0.04; |
return Math.pow((d.radius), 1.5) * multiplier; |
})); |
// Add the nodes to the simulation, and specify how to draw |
simulation.nodes(currData) |
.on("tick", function() { |
// The d3 force simulation updates the x & y coordinates |
// of each node every tick/frame, based on the various active forces. |
// It is up to us to translate these coordinates to the screen. |
node.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; }) |
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; }); |
}); |
}); |
/////////////////////// |
// Tooltips |
var tooltip = d3.select("body").append("div") |
.attr("class", "tooltip"); |
chart.selectAll("circle") |
.on("mouseover", function(d) { |
chart.selectAll('.' + d['class']) |
.classed('active', true); |
var tooltip_str = "Club: " + d['club'] + |
"<br/>" + "Year: " + d['year'] + |
"<br/>" + "Points: " + d['points'] + |
"<br/>" + "W/L/T: " + d['wins'] + " / " + d['losses'] + " / " + d['ties'] + |
"<br/>" + "Goals F/A: " + d['goals_for'] + " / " + d['goals_against']; |
if(d['alias'] != '') { |
tooltip_str += "<br/>(aka: " + d['alias'] + ")"; |
} |
tooltip.html(tooltip_str) |
.style("visibility", "visible"); |
}) |
.on("mousemove", function(d) { |
tooltip.style("top", event.pageY - (tooltip.node().clientHeight + 5) + "px") |
.style("left", event.pageX - (tooltip.node().clientWidth / 2.0) + "px"); |
}) |
.on("mouseout", function(d) { |
chart.selectAll('.'+d['class']) |
.classed('active', false); |
tooltip.style("visibility", "hidden"); |
}) |
.on('click', function(d) { |
chart.selectAll('.' + d['class']) |
.classed('click-active', function(d) { |
// toggle state |
return !d3.select(this).classed('click-active'); |
}); |
}) |
}); |
</script> |
<style> |
.click-active { |
opacity: 1.0; |
z-index: 1000; |
r: 8; |
} |
.active { |
opacity: 1.0; |
z-index: 1000; |
r: 8; |
} |
.axis text { |
font: 10px sans-serif; |
} |
.axis path, |
.axis line { |
fill: none; |
stroke: #000; |
shape-rendering: crispEdges; |
} |
.x.axis path { |
display: none; |
} |
.tooltip { |
position: absolute; |
padding: 10px; |
font: 12px sans-serif; |
background: #222; |
color: #fff; |
border: 0px; |
border-radius: 8px; |
pointer-events: none; |
opacity: 0.9; |
visibility: hidden; |
} |
/* soccer team colors */ |
/* http://teamcolors.arc90.com/ */ |
.chicago-fire { |
fill: #AF2626; |
stroke: #0A174A; |
} |
.colorado-rapids { |
fill: #91022D; |
stroke: #85B7EA; |
} |
.columbus-crew-sc { |
fill: #FFDB00; |
stroke: #000000; |
} |
.dc-united { |
fill: #DD0000; |
stroke: #000000; |
} |
.fc-dallas { |
fill: #CF0032; |
stroke: #07175C; |
} |
.houston-dynamo { |
fill: #F36600; |
stroke: #85b7EA; |
} |
.la-galaxy { |
fill: #00245D; |
stroke: #FFD200; |
} |
.montreal-impact { |
fill: #122089; |
stroke: #7A878F; |
} |
.new-england-revolution { |
fill: #0A2141; |
stroke: #D80016; |
} |
.new-york-city-fc { |
fill: #6CADDF; |
stroke: #00285E; |
} |
.new-york-red-bulls { |
fill: #FFFFFF; |
stroke: #D50031; |
} |
.orlando-city-sc { |
fill: #633492; |
stroke: #FDE192; |
} |
.philadelphia-union { |
fill: #B18500; |
stroke: #348AE1; |
} |
.portland-timbers { |
fill: #004812; |
stroke: #EBE72B; |
} |
.real-salt-lake { |
fill: #F2D11A; |
stroke: #A50531; |
} |
.san-jose-earthquakes { |
fill: #0051BA; |
stroke: #000000; |
} |
.seattle-sounders-fc { |
fill: #4F8A10; |
stroke: #11568C; |
} |
.sporting-kansas-city { |
fill: #91B0D5; |
stroke: #002B5C; |
} |
.toronto-fc { |
fill: #D80016; |
stroke: #313F49; |
} |
.vancouver-whitecaps-fc { |
fill: #12264C; |
stroke: #85B7EA; |
} |
/* defunct teams :( */ |
.tampa-bay-mutiny { /* Using tampa bay rays colors */ |
fill: #092C5C; |
stroke: #8FBCE6; |
} |
.miami-fusion { /* Using miami marlins colors */ |
fill: #0077C8; |
stroke: #FFD100; |
} |
.cd-chivas-usa { |
fill: #FFF; |
stroke: #0A2141; /* blue of new england and ny red bulls */ |
} |
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</body> |