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Created October 18, 2013 22:58
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Save cjlyth/7049472 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gawk script to flatten and read a javascript object, built for a small use case that involved reading a node.js package.json
#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
RS="(\"*[[:alnum:]*]\"[ \t]*:[ \t]*)?\"*[ \t]*(,|{)+[ \t]*|\n[ \t]+\"|(\"[[:alnum:]*]\"[ \t]*:[ \t]*)?{|\"+[\n]+";
FS="\"[ \t]*:[ \t]*|\"?[ \t]*:[ \t]*\"";
column_format ="| %-39s";
cols = 0; rows = 0;
header_format="%89s\n%-36sSimple JSON Parser%36s\n%89s\n";
printf header_format, h_line, "|", "|",h_line
NF > 1 {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
printf column_format, $i
cols = (NF > cols) ? NF : cols;
rows = rows + 1;
printf " |\n"
footer_message=(cols " columns in " rows " rows ");
sOne=substr(footer_message,1, halfLength);
sTwo=substr(footer_message,halfLength+1, halfLength*2);
printf footer_format, h_line, sOne, sTwo ,h_line
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