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Created June 13, 2019 14:10
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This is a Kotlin implementation of a 15 Puzzle solver using A*. As an example, I've listed all possible positions for a 2x2 puzzle.
enum class Direction {
* A "move" is a starting position and a direction in which to move.
data class Move(val row: Int, val column: Int, val direction: Direction) {
* The complement of a move, is it's "undo" move.
fun complement(): Move {
return when(direction) {
Direction.NORTH -> Move(row-1, column, Direction.SOUTH)
Direction.SOUTH -> Move(row+1, column, Direction.NORTH)
Direction.EAST -> Move(row, column+1, Direction.WEST)
Direction.WEST -> Move(row, column-1, Direction.EAST)
typealias Board = MutableList<MutableList<Int?>>
* Puzzle class with a constructor that takes a [Board].
class Puzzle(initial: Board) {
var puzzle = initial
val size = initial.count()
var history: Move? = null
var numMoves = 0
* Return the location of the empty space in the puzzle.
fun findEmpty(board: Board): Pair<Int, Int>? {
for (i in 0 until size) {
for (j in 0 until size) {
if (board[i][j] == null) {
return Pair(i,j)
return null
* Return a list of possible moves.
fun possibleMoves(board: Board): List<Move> {
var result = mutableListOf<Move>()
val empty = findEmpty(board) ?: return result
val row = empty.component1()
val column = empty.component2()
when (row) {
0 -> result.add(Move(row+1, column, Direction.NORTH))
size-1 -> result.add(Move(row-1, column, Direction.SOUTH))
else -> {
result.add(Move(row-1, column, Direction.SOUTH))
result.add(Move(row+1, column, Direction.NORTH))
when (column) {
0 -> result.add(Move(row, column+1, Direction.WEST))
size-1 -> result.add(Move(row, column-1, Direction.EAST))
else -> {
result.add(Move(row, column-1, Direction.EAST))
result.add(Move(row, column+1, Direction.WEST))
if (history != null) {
val lastMove = history!!.complement()
result = result.filter { it != lastMove }.toMutableList()
return result
* Higher level logic for moving a tile.
fun moveTile(move: Move) {
if (!isLegal(move, puzzle)) return
puzzle = moveTileLogic(move, puzzle)
history = move
numMoves += 1
* Lower level logic for moving a tile into the null location.
fun moveTileLogic(move: Move, board: Board): Board{
val row = move.row
val column = move.column
val direction = move.direction
val tile = board[row][column]
when (direction) {
Direction.NORTH -> board[row-1][column] = tile
Direction.SOUTH -> board[row+1][column] = tile
Direction.EAST -> board[row][column+1] = tile
Direction.WEST -> board[row][column-1] = tile
board[row][column] = null
return board
* Return true if a move is legal, otherwise false.
fun isLegal(move: Move, board: Board): Boolean {
val row = move.row
val column = move.column
val direction = move.direction
if ((row == 0) && (direction == Direction.NORTH)) return false
if ((row == size-1) && (direction == Direction.SOUTH)) return false
if ((column == 0) && (direction == Direction.WEST)) return false
if ((column == size-1) && (direction == Direction.EAST)) return false
when (direction) {
Direction.NORTH -> if (board[row-1][column] != null) return false
Direction.SOUTH -> if (board[row+1][column] != null) return false
Direction.EAST -> if (board[row][column+1] != null) return false
Direction.WEST -> if (board[row][column-1] != null) return false
return true
* Cost function for A* search. Adds 1 for each tile that is out or order.
fun numberOutOfOrder(board: Board): Int {
var result = 0
var square = 0
for (i in 0 until size) {
for (j in 0 until size) {
square = i*size + j
if (board[i][j] != square) {
result += 1
if (board[0][0] == null) {
result -= 1
return result
* This is the cost function [numMoves] plus the heuristic function
* [numberOutOfOrder]. This sum is the ranking used for A* search.
fun rankMove(move: Move, board: Board): Int {
var tmp = MutableList(3) { MutableList<Int?>(3) { null } }
for (i in 0 until size) {
for (j in 0 until size) {
tmp[i][j] = board[i][j]
tmp = moveTileLogic(move, tmp)
return numberOutOfOrder(tmp) + numMoves
* Heuristic function that estimates how far we are from the goal state.
fun makeMinimalMove() {
val possible = possibleMoves(puzzle)
val rank = { rankMove(it, puzzle) }
var minIndex = 0
var minRanking = rank[0]
for (i in 0 until possible.count()) {
println(" Rank: ${rank[i]} ${possible[i]}")
for ((index, ranking) in rank.withIndex()) {
if (ranking < minRanking) {
minIndex = index
fun main() {
println("A* Search")
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(null, 1), mutableListOf(2, 3)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(null, 1), mutableListOf(3, 2)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(null, 2), mutableListOf(1, 3)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(null, 2), mutableListOf(3, 1)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(null, 3), mutableListOf(1, 2)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(null, 3), mutableListOf(2, 1)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(1, null), mutableListOf(2, 3)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(1, null), mutableListOf(3, 2)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(2, null), mutableListOf(1, 3)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(2, null), mutableListOf(3, 1)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(3, null), mutableListOf(1, 2)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(3, null), mutableListOf(2, 1)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(1, 2), mutableListOf(null, 3)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(1, 3), mutableListOf(null, 2)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(2, 1), mutableListOf(null, 3)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(2, 3), mutableListOf(null, 1)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(3, 1), mutableListOf(null, 2)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(3, 2), mutableListOf(null, 1)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(1, 2), mutableListOf(3, null)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(1, 3), mutableListOf(2, null)) as Board // √
val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(2, 1), mutableListOf(3, null)) as Board // √
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(2, 3), mutableListOf(1, null)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(3, 1), mutableListOf(2, null)) as Board // no solution
// val p = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(3, 2), mutableListOf(1, null)) as Board // √
val puzzle = Puzzle(p)
var count = 0
while (puzzle.numberOutOfOrder(puzzle.puzzle) > 0) {
count += 1
println("\n>>> $count")
if (count > ITERATION_LIMIT) break
count += 1
println("\n>>> $count")
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