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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Example ServeManager API Client. Full docs at
# A Ruby HTTP Client Library
require 'httparty'
# "Getting Started" ServeManager API Client
# Our API is accessible from any language, of course. Hopefully a concrete
# working code example helps you get the basics built in the language of your
# choice.
# We're a ruby shop, so here's an extremely basic ruby client that demonstrates
# Successful authentication
# Successful GET request
# Successful POST request (required Content-Type header and JSON encoded data)
class ServeManager
include HTTParty
base_uri '' # https *required*
basic_auth ENV.fetch('SM_API_KEY'), nil # Correct Auth: API key as username, empty password.
def self.account
def self.create_company(data)
params = {
body: data.to_json, # JSON encoded data
headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'} # Correct Content-Type header
post('/api/companies', params)
account_response = ServeManager.account
puts "account GET response.code should be 200: #{account_response.code}"
valid_company_data = {
data: {
type: 'company', # type key is *required* on all POSTed data
name: 'Test Company'
company_post_response = ServeManager.create_company(valid_company_data)
puts "company POST response.code should be 201: #{company_post_response.code}"
## Once you have a GET and a POST working, you're off to the races.
## Wire up the rest of the endpoints you need access to.
## If you're still having trouble, some of the common pain points are
## demonstrated below.
# Example of a misconfigured client and the resulting response codes and errors
# Don't do these things!
# Incorrect Authentication Headers on any request
# Missing or incorrect Content-Type Headers on POST
# Request body MUST be JSON Encoded
# Missing data[type] value on POST
# Missing required fields on POST
class DontDoThis
include HTTParty
base_uri ''
VALID_AUTH = {username: ENV['SM_API_KEY'], password: nil} # Correct way to auth
INVALID_AUTH = {username: 'wrong-key', password: 'dont-set-a-password'} # Incorrect way to Auth
VALID_CONTENT_TYPE = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'} # Content-Type Header *required* for POST
INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE = {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} # json type *required* for POST
def self.wrong_key
get('/api/account', {basic_auth: INVALID_AUTH})
def self.company_create_wrong_content_type(data)
params = {
body: data, # Data NOT JSON encoded
headers: INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE, # Wrong content type
basic_auth: VALID_AUTH
post('/api/companies', params)
def self.company_create_without_data_type_key(data)
data[:data].delete(:type) # type is *required* and value *must* be singular name of resource being created(.
params = {
body: data.to_json,
basic_auth: VALID_AUTH
post('/api/companies', params)
def self.company_with_validation_errors(data)
params = {
body: data.to_json,
basic_auth: VALID_AUTH
post('/api/companies', params)
unauthed_req = DontDoThis.wrong_key
puts "unauthenticated request should be 401: #{unauthed_req.code}"
company_unacceptable_post_response = DontDoThis.company_create_wrong_content_type(valid_company_data)
puts "company POST with unacceptable Content-Type should be 406: #{company_unacceptable_post_response.code}"
company_create_without_data_type_key = DontDoThis.company_create_without_data_type_key(valid_company_data)
puts "company POST with incorrect data[type] value should be 409: #{company_create_without_data_type_key.code}"
invalid_company_data = {
data: {
type: 'company', # correct type
name: nil # Name is *required* to create a company
company_with_validation_errors = DontDoThis.company_with_validation_errors(invalid_company_data)
puts "company POST without required fields code should be 422: #{company_with_validation_errors.code}"
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cjolly commented Apr 17, 2015

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