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Created January 2, 2014 23:02
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export PS1="________________________________________________________________________________\n| \w @ \h (\u) \n| => "
export PS2="| => "
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=ExFxBxDxCxegedabagacad
zipf () { zip -r "$1".zip "$1" ; }
# extract: Extract most know archives with one command
# ---------------------------------------------------------
extract () {
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xzf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
*.rar) unrar e $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.tar) tar xf $1 ;;
*.tbz2) tar xjf $1 ;;
*.tgz) tar xzf $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via extract()" ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
# ii: display useful host related informaton
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
ii() {
echo -e "\nYou are logged on ${RED}$HOST"
echo -e "\nAdditionnal information:$NC " ; uname -a
echo -e "\n${RED}Users logged on:$NC " ; w -h
echo -e "\n${RED}Current date :$NC " ; date
echo -e "\n${RED}Machine stats :$NC " ; uptime
echo -e "\n${RED}Current network location :$NC " ; scselect
echo -e "\n${RED}Public facing IP Address :$NC " ;myip
#echo -e "\n${RED}DNS Configuration:$NC " ; scutil --dns
# lr: Full Recursive Directory Listing
# ------------------------------------------
alias lr='ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e '\''s/:$//'\'' -e '\''s/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g'\'' -e '\''s/^/ /'\'' -e '\''s/-/|/'\'' | less'
alias myip='curl' # myip: Public facing IP Address
alias gaa="ping"
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bhuvidya commented Sep 4, 2017

wow, your "lr" alias is really cool!

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