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Created October 10, 2019 06:51
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An example script to cotter, calibrate and image an MWA observation.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script requires at least one argument:
# - the 10-digit-long obsid to be calibrated
# - (optional) the associated ASVO job number for downloading (needed only if the data doesn't already exist)
# This script is assumed to be running in a "timestamp directory", with the visibilties available or
# to be downloaded in the directory above.
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
# Try to guess the obsid on the PWD.
OBSID=$(echo "$PWD" | awk '{n=split($0,a,"/"); print a[n]}')
echo "I reckon we're calibrating $OBSID"
elif [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
set -eux
# If a calibration solution and image are already here, then we don't need to do anything further.
[ -r "$CALIBRATION_SOLUTION_RENAMED" ] && [ -r wsclean-image.fits ] && echo " for obsid $OBSID completed successfully." && exit 0
# Download the latest metadata associated.
wget "$OBSID" -O "$OBSID".metafits.latest
# Download visibilities or a measurement set only if necessary.
if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "$" -print -quit)"; then
echo "Measurement set already available; no need for download."
elif [ -r "$OBSID" ]; then
echo "Measurement set already downloaded; unzipping."
unzip -o "$OBSID"
elif test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*gpubox*.fits" -print -quit)"; then
echo "Visibilities already available; no need for download."
elif [ -r "$OBSID" ]; then
echo "Visibilities already downloaded; unzipping."
unzip -o "$OBSID"
elif [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then
echo "Downloading from ASVO."
time mwa_client -w "$2"
unzip -o "$OBSID"*.zip
echo "No measurement set available, and no ASVO download job number supplied! Exiting."
exit 1
# [ -r "$OBSID" ] && rm "$OBSID"
# [ -r "$OBSID" ] && rm "$OBSID"
touch .heracles_download_complete
# Variables for files.
# Move the metafits we downloaded earlier; this ensures we're using the latest metafits.
mv "$OBSID".metafits.latest "$METAFITS"
# Generate a "calibrate"-compatible source list with Jack's code.
[ -r "$SRCLIST" ] || time /home/chj/Software/other/srclists/ \
--srclist=/home/chj/Software/other/srclists/srclist_pumav3_EoR0aegean_EoR1pietro+ForA.txt \
--metafits="$METAFITS" \
--order="distance" \
--no_patch \
--cutoff=30 \
# Run the AO programs.
# Run cotter if we don't have a measurement set.
[ -r "$MEASUREMENT_SET" ] || time cotter \
-m "$OBSID".metafits \
-timeres $TIME_AVERAGE \
-freqres $FREQ_AVERAGE \
-edgewidth $EDGEWIDTH \
-allowmissing \
# -use-dysco \
# Delete the visibilities.
# find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*gpubox*.fits" -exec rm {} \;
# Delete the non-renamed calibration solution if the renamed one doesn't exist.
# This state is expected if calibrate did not complete properly, so the
# non-renamed calibration-solution file can't be used reliably.
[ -r "$CALIBRATION_SOLUTION_RENAMED" ] || time calibrate \
-applybeam \
-mwa-path /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mwa_pb/data \
-m "$SRCLIST" \
-minuv 128 -maxuv 1300 \
# Following a successful run of calibrate, move the calibration solution to
# the designated renamed form.
time applysolutions \
time wsclean \
-name wsclean \
-size 2048 2048 \
-scale 30asec \
-niter 1000000 \
-auto-threshold 3 \
# rm -rf "$MEASUREMENT_SET" .heracles_download_complete
# [ -r "$OBSID" ] && rm "$OBSID"
# [ -r "$OBSID"_metafits_ppds.fits ] && rm "$OBSID"_metafits_ppds.fits
echo " for obsid $OBSID completed successfully."
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