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Created October 2, 2011 02:03
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Save cjroebuck/1256944 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test showing zombie's not firing the event handler which is attached via Backbone.Event
♢ Open Button Test
Zombie: GET
Zombie: GET => 200
Zombie: GET
Zombie: GET => 200
Zombie: Firing timeout 1, delay: 1
Zombie: Firing timeout 2, delay: 1
Zombie: Firing timeout 3, delay: 1
Zombie: Firing timeout 4, delay: 1
Zombie: GET
Zombie: GET => 200
Zombie: Firing timeout 6, delay: 1
Clicking the Open Button on Doc Cloud Given the app is running, When I visit the site at,
✓ Then I should get a 200
✓ Then I should not see the overlay class
Zombie: Firing interval 5, interval: 13
Clicking the Open Button on Doc Cloud Given the app is running, When I visit the site at, When I click the open_viewers button,
✗ Then I should see the overlay class
» expected expression to evaluate to true, but was undefined // vows.js:93
Zombie: Firing interval 5, interval: 13
Clicking the Open Button on Doc Cloud Given the app is running, When I visit the site at, When I click the open_viewers button, When I use jQuerys click() method via browser.evaluate,
✓ Then I should see the overlay class
should = require 'should'
vowsbdd = require 'vows-bdd'
zombie = require 'zombie'
assert = require 'assert'
brow = new zombie.Browser debug:true, runScripts:true
vowsbdd.Feature('Open Button Test')
.scenario('Clicking the Open Button on Doc Cloud')
.given 'the app is running', ->
.when 'I visit the site at', ->
brow.visit '', @callback
.then 'I should get a 200', (err, browser, status) ->
if err
throw err.message
browser.statusCode.should.equal (200)
.and 'I should not see the overlay class', (err, browser, status) ->
el = browser.querySelector '.overlay'
.when 'I click the open_viewers button', (browser, status) ->
el = browser.querySelector('#open_viewers')
# expect the browsert to alert() the message: 'Please select a document to open.' when the open button is clicked
browser.prompted 'Please select a document to open.', () ->
console.log 'This never gets called...' 'click', el, @callback
.then 'I should see the overlay class', (err, browser, status) ->
el = browser.querySelector '.overlay'
should.ok el # This class should now be visible following the click but isn't
.when 'I use jQuerys click() method via browser.evaluate', (browser, status) ->
browser.wait @callback
.then 'I should see the overlay class', (err, browser,status) ->
el = browser.querySelector '.overlay'
should.ok el # This class is now available
//Showing the relevant parts of the doc cloud backbone app, you can see the click event handler when the #open_viewers elem is clicked
dc.ui.Toolbar = Backbone.View.extend({
id : 'toolbar',
events : {
'click #open_viewers' : '_clickOpenViewers',
'click #size_toggle' : '_toggleSize'
_clickOpenViewers : function() {
openViewers : function(checkEdit, suffix, afterLoad) {
if (!Documents.selectedCount) return dc.ui.Dialog.alert('Please select a document to open.');
var continuation = function(docs) {
_.each(docs, function(doc){
var win = doc.openAppropriateVersion(suffix);
if (afterLoad) {
win.DV || (win.DV = {});
win.DV.afterLoad = afterLoad;
checkEdit ? this.edit(continuation) : continuation(Documents.selected());
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