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Created December 16, 2011 20:52
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"process": {
"pid": 95270,
"uid": 501,
"gid": 20,
"cwd": "/Users/cjroebuck",
"execPath": "/usr/local/Cellar/node/0.6.5/bin/node",
"version": "v0.4.12",
"argv": [
"memoryUsage": {
"rss": 23597056,
"vsize": 3131953152,
"heapTotal": 12371392,
"heapUsed": 10354800
"os": {
"loadavg": [
"uptime": 101882
"trace": [
"column": 11,
"file": "fs.js",
"function": "Object.stat",
"line": 388,
"method": "stat",
"native": false
"column": 6,
"file": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/core/spawner.js",
"function": "Spawner.spawn",
"line": 146,
"method": "spawn",
"native": false
"column": 19,
"file": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/core/spawner.js",
"function": null,
"line": 51,
"method": null,
"native": false
"column": 5,
"file": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/repositories/repository.js",
"function": null,
"line": 218,
"method": null,
"native": false
"column": 7,
"file": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/repositories/repository.js",
"function": null,
"line": 139,
"method": null,
"native": false
"stack": [
"TypeError: Bad argument",
" at Object.stat (fs.js:388:11)",
" at Spawner.spawn (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/core/spawner.js:146:6)",
" at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/core/spawner.js:51:19",
" at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/repositories/repository.js:218:5",
" at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/repositories/repository.js:139:7"
"level": "error",
"message": "uncaughtException"
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