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Created April 20, 2018 17:34
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how can I create mocks around generic types, where I only know the types at runtime, and I also get full async/await functionality? This seems to be very hard, and maybe impossible...
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.Core;
using Shouldly;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
new Program().Run().Wait();
async Task Run()
// Option 1
// var doSomethingMock = new SetupMockWithGeneric()
// .SetItUp<ThingResult>(Substitute.For<IDoSomething>());
// Option 2
// var doSomethingMock = new SetupMockWithoutGenericUsingExpressions()
// .SetItUp(Substitute.For<IDoSomething>(), typeof(ThingResult));
// Option 3
var doSomethingMock = new SetupMockWithoutGenericUsingRoslyn()
.SetItUp(Substitute.For<IDoSomething>(), typeof(ThingResult));
// Option 1 -- this assertion works
// Option 2 -- this assertion doens't work! Exception is unhandled, it bubbles up
// Option 3 -- if I could around the external assembly issue, I think this assertion would work
// Assertion
await doSomethingMock.DoSomething(new Thing())
Console.WriteLine("All good");
public interface IThing<TOutput> {}
public sealed class ThingResultWrapper<TResult>{}
// if i make this public, then the rosyln approach looks like it'll work... but that would mean the consumer of
// the library needs to expose everything as public
class Thing : IThing<ThingResult> {}
class ThingResult {}
// Option 1
// This is the easy way to setup my mock, but it means i have to set types at compile time. Boo hiss.
class SetupMockWithGeneric
public IDoSomething SetItUp<TResult>(IDoSomething doSomethingMock)
.Returns(async ci => await BrokenClass.BrokenMethod<TResult>());
return doSomethingMock;
// Option 2
// This is a crap load of code, but it means types can be set at runtime! yey!
// The problem is that async/await is not supported in Expressions... which means that
// a) those optimisations are not realised
// b) Extensions methods like NSubstitutes ShouldThrowAsync<> do not work
class SetupMockWithoutGenericUsingExpressions
public IDoSomething SetItUp(IDoSomething doSomethingMock, Type type)
var doSomethingParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IDoSomething));
var thingOfTypeType = typeof(IThing<>).MakeGenericType(type);
var argAnyTExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Arg), nameof(Arg.Any), new[] {thingOfTypeType});
var doSomethingMethod = typeof(IDoSomething).GetMethods().First().MakeGenericMethod(type);
var doSomethingExpression = Expression.Call(doSomethingParameter, doSomethingMethod,
//.Returns(ci => BrokenClass.BrokenMethod(ci.Arg<T>()).Result);
var callInfoParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(CallInfo));
var commandArgumentFromCallInfoExpression = Expression.Call(callInfoParameter, nameof(Arg), new[] {type});
var brokenMethodMethod = typeof(BrokenClass).GetMethods().First().MakeGenericMethod(type);
var brokenMethodExpression = Expression.Call(brokenMethodMethod);//, commandArgumentFromCallInfoExpression);
var brokenMethodExpressionResult = Expression.Property(brokenMethodExpression, nameof(Task<object>.Result));
var returnThisLambda = Expression.Lambda(brokenMethodExpressionResult, callInfoParameter);
var thingResultWrapperOfTypeType = typeof(ThingResultWrapper<>).MakeGenericType(type);
var returnsMethodGeneric =
.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.First(x => x.Name == nameof(SubstituteExtensions.Returns)
&& IsParameterType(x.GetParameters()[0], typeof(Task<>))
&& IsParameterType(x.GetParameters()[1], typeof(Func<,>)))
var returnThisLambdaType =
.MakeGenericType(typeof(CallInfo), thingResultWrapperOfTypeType);
var returnsExpression =
// compile it
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Action<IDoSomething>>(returnsExpression, doSomethingParameter);
var lambda = lambdaExpression.Compile();
return doSomethingMock;
private static bool IsParameterType (ParameterInfo parameter, Type type)
if (parameter.ParameterType.IsGenericType)
if (!type.IsGenericType) return false;
return parameter.ParameterType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == type;
return parameter.ParameterType == type;
// Option 3
// This could be ideal -- don't need to know types at startup (hurrah!) and because we're using the full compiler
// we get async/await goodness that should work with ShouldThrowAsync<> (hurrah!)
// However, as roslyn compiles to another assembly, it is not able to see ThingResult (which is internal)
class SetupMockWithoutGenericUsingRoslyn
public IDoSomething SetItUp(IDoSomething doSomethingMock, Type type)
var code = SetItUpClassCode.Replace("<TResult>", $"<{type.Name}>");
var syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code);
var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(
new [] { syntaxTree },
new [] {
MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(object).Assembly.Location), "System.Runtime.dll")),
MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(object).Assembly.Location), "System.Threading.Tasks.dll")),
MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(object).Assembly.Location), "System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll")),
new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var result = compilation.Emit(ms);
if (result.Success)
Console.WriteLine("yey it compiled and will probably work");
// i'll bother implementing this bit later
foreach (var resultDiagnostic in result.Diagnostics)
return doSomethingMock;
private string SetItUpClassCode = @"
using NSubstitute;
using ConsoleApp;
class SetupMockWithGeneric
public IDoSomething SetItUp<IThing>(IDoSomething doSomethingMock)
.Returns(async ci => await BrokenClass.BrokenMethod<TResult>());
return doSomethingMock;
public class BrokenClass
public static Task<ThingResultWrapper<T>> BrokenMethod<T>()
throw new ItsBrokenException();
public interface IDoSomething
Task<ThingResultWrapper<TResult>> DoSomething<TResult>(IThing<TResult> input);
public class ItsBrokenException: Exception {}
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