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Last active April 3, 2021 00:02
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Fulcro RAD Authorization Idea
(ns io.laef.model.account
[com.fulcrologic.rad.form-options :as fo]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes :as attr :refer [defattr]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes-options :as ao]
[io.laef.authorization :as auth]
[io.laef.components.database-queries :as queries]))
(defattr id :account/id :uuid
{ao/identity? true
ao/schema :production
;; Anyone can "walk the edge" to an account, but only the account owner
;; can delete their account.
;; Admins are capable of creating new accounts.
::auth/auth (fn [env ident user-ident]
(cond-> #{:read}
(= ident user-ident) (conj :delete)
(queries/admin? env user-ident) (conj :create)))})
(defattr email :account/email :string
{ao/identities #{:account/id}
ao/required? true
ao/schema :production
{:db/unique :db.unique/value}
;; Only account owner can read and modify their email address
::auth/auth (fn [_env ident user-ident]
(when (= ident user-ident)
#{:read :update}))})
(defattr active? :account/active? :boolean
{ao/identities #{:account/id}
ao/schema :production
fo/default-value true
;; This attribute is publicly readable, but *nobody* can edit it
(defattr password :password/hashed-value :string
{ao/required? true
ao/identities #{:account/id}
ao/schema :production
;; Account owner can update their own password, but *nobody* can read it
::auth/auth (fn [env ident user-ident]
(when (= ident user-ident)
(defattr widget-id :widget/id :uuid
{ao/identity? true
ao/schema :production})
(defattr widget-name :widget/name :string
{ao/identities #{:widget/id}
ao/required? true
ao/schema :production})
(defattr widgets :account/widgets :ref
{ao/identities #{:account/id}
ao/schema :production
ao/cardinality :many
ao/target :widget/id
;; Only the account owner can "walk the edge" to their owned widgets
::auth/auth (fn [env ident user-ident]
(when (= ident user-ident)
(def attributes [id email active? password
widgets widget-id widget-name
(ns io.laef.authorization
"Pathom plugin and Fulcro RAD save/delete middleware implementing attribute-level authorization"
(:require [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes :as attr]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.form :as form]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.tempid :as tempid]))
(defn pathom-plugin
(fn [parser]
(fn [env tx]
(if (and (map? env) (seq tx))
(let [curr-user (get-user-from-env env)]
(parser (assoc env :current-user curr-user) tx))
(fn [reader]
(fn [env]
(let [{:keys [ast current-user]
::attr/keys [key->attribute]
::p/keys [entity]} env
{:keys [dispatch-key
key]} ast
{::keys [auth]
::attr/keys [identity?
identities]} (key->attribute dispatch-key)
ident (if identity?
(if (vector? key)
[dispatch-key (get @entity dispatch-key)])
(first (keep #(find @entity %) identities)))]
(if (or (nil? auth) ;; Publicly readable by default
(contains? (set (auth env ident current-user)) :read))
(reader env)
(defn- can-mutate-entity?
[env [ident data]]
(let [{:keys [current-user]
::attr/keys [key->attribute]} env
create? (tempid/tempid? (second ident))
attrs (map key->attribute (keys data))
can? (fn [{::keys [auth]}]
(if-not auth
false ;; No mutation by default
(auth env ident current-user)
(if create? :create :update))))]
(every? can? attrs)))
(defn save-middleware
(fn [_]
(throw (ex-info "Auth middleware must be first in middleware chain" {}))))
(fn [{::form/keys [params]
:as pathom-env}]
(let [can-mutate? (partial can-mutate-entity? pathom-env)
can? (every? can-mutate? (::form/delta params))]
(if can?
(handler pathom-env)
(throw (ex-info "Unauthorized save!" {})))))))
(defn- can-delete-entity?
[env ident]
(let [{:keys [current-user]
::attr/keys [key->attribute]} env
{::keys [auth]} (key->attribute (first ident))]
(if-not auth
false ;; No deletion by default
(auth env ident current-user)
(defn delete-middleware
(fn [_]
(throw (ex-info "Auth middleware must be first in middleware chain" {}))))
(fn [{::form/keys [params] :as pathom-env}]
(let [can-delete? (partial can-delete-entity? pathom-env)
can? (every? can-delete? params)]
(if can?
(handler pathom-env)
(throw (ex-info "Unauthorized delete!" {})))))))
;; ...
(def save-middleware
(blob/wrap-persist-images model/all-attributes)
;; Auth must come last in threaded order (first in execution order)
(def delete-middleware
(-> (datomic/wrap-datomic-delete)
;; Auth must come last in threaded order (first in execution order)
;; ...
(pathom/new-parser config
;; Accepts a (fn [env]) as an argument and should return the authenticated user's ident
;; TODO: actually look at the ring reqest, hard-coded for demonstration
(constantly [:account/id (ids/new-uuid 1)]))
;; Other RAD plugins...
;; Other resolvers...
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