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Last active January 29, 2020 09:54
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class Fail(Exception): pass
# run as e.g.: test("/tempZone/home/rods/xyz");
def test(a, c, r):
import genquery
# First arg: name of an empty or non-existent collection where we can
# create subcollections for testing.
# Test queries will be on COLL_PARENT_NAME = test_coll
test_coll = a[0]
# Given a collection number, get the expected COLL_NAME value.
coll_name = lambda n: '{}/coll{:04d}'.format(test_coll, n)
# "interesting" row counts that are likely to trigger bugs.
# used for the amount of DB entries, LIMIT, and OFFSET.
interesting = [0,1,2,100,254,255,256,257,258,510,511,512,513,514]
# Sanity check (which assumes total_rows correctly returns non-zero).
if genquery.Query(c, 'DATA_ID', "COLL_NAME = '{}'".format(test_coll)).total_rows()\
or genquery.Query(c, 'DATA_ID', "COLL_NAME like '{}/%'".format(test_coll)).total_rows():
raise Fail('collection <{}> not empty'.format(test_coll))
# Remove test_coll recursively.
def cleanup():
try: res = c.msiRmColl(test_coll, 'forceFlag=', 0)
except: pass
# Run tests with all possible combinations of coll_count, limit and offset,
# taken from the `interesting` list.
# The amount of new colls to create in each step in `interesting`.
increments = (lambda xs: [0] + [xs[i]-xs[i-1] for i in range(1, len(xs))])(interesting)
# each amount of existing collections...
for coll_count, new_colls in zip(interesting, increments):
for i in range(new_colls):
c.msiCollCreate('{}/coll{:04d}'.format(test_coll, coll_count-new_colls + i), 1, 0)
# each limit...
for limit in [None] + interesting: # Test with no LIMIT as well.
# each offset...
for offset in interesting:
# Test #1: Do we get the right indicated total row count,
# regardless of offset/limit?
q = genquery.Query(c, 'COLL_ID', "COLL_PARENT_NAME = '{}'".format(test_coll),
offset=offset, limit=limit)
total_rows = q.total_rows()
if total_rows != coll_count:
raise Fail('expected <{}> total_rows, got <{}>'.format(coll_count, total_rows))
# Test #2: Do we get the right (and right amount of) results?
q = genquery.Query(c, 'COLL_NAME', "COLL_PARENT_NAME = '{}'".format(test_coll),
offset=offset, limit=limit)
i = 0 # amount of fetched rows
expected_results = max(0, coll_count - offset)
if limit is not None:
expected_results = min(limit, expected_results)
for x in q:
if x != coll_name(i + offset):
raise Fail('bad result, expected <{}>, got <{}>'.format(coll_name(i + offset), x))
i += 1
if i > expected_results:
break # should not happen.
if i != expected_results:
raise Fail('expected <{}> results, got <{}>'.format(expected_results, i))
print('{:5}/{:4} {:13}/{:4} {:6} {:5}'
.format(coll_count, total_rows, expected_results, i, offset, limit))
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