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Created December 12, 2019 17:09
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import time
import genquery
import oldquery
from collections import OrderedDict
# Call as `irule run_test null ruleExecOut`
# should be genquery from the fork:
# should be the current genquery:
class Tracker(object):
"""Count msi calls (callback wrapper)"""
def __init__(self, callback):
self._callback = callback
self._stats = {}
def __setattr__(self, k, v):
if k.startswith('_'):
super(Tracker, self).__setattr__(k, v)
self._callback.k = v
def __getattr__(self, k):
if k.startswith('_'):
return super(Tracker, self).__getattr__(k)
elif k.startswith('msi'):
if k in self._stats:
self._stats[k] += 1
self._stats[k] = 1
return getattr(self._callback, k)
def stats(self):
return self._stats
def f(callback, q, abort):
x = time.time()
if abort:
# Get only one row.
for z in q.row_iterator('COLL_NAME', '', q.AS_LIST, callback):
# Consume all rows.
len(list(q.row_iterator('COLL_NAME', '', q.AS_LIST, callback)))
y = time.time()
return y - x
def measure(callback, q, n, abort):
"""Run a query n times via the q query module"""
callback = Tracker(callback)
ts = []
for i in range(n):
x = f(callback, q, abort)
ts += [x]
return OrderedDict([('avg', sum(ts)/len(ts)),
('max', max(ts)),
('min', min(ts)),
('msi_stats', callback.stats())])
def run_test(rule_args, callback, rei):
def run_1(abort):
# (throw away results of one test to warm-up)
measure(callback, oldquery, 1, abort)
old = measure(callback, oldquery, 10, abort)
new = measure(callback, genquery, 10, abort)
return OrderedDict([('old', old),
('new', new),
('avg_improvement_ratio', old['avg']/new['avg'])])
import json
callback.writeLine('stdout', json.dumps(
OrderedDict([('with_completed_query', run_1(False)),
('with_query_aborted_after_1_result', run_1(True))]), indent=4))
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