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Created November 29, 2012 15:42
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Logstash on Centos 6.3 (with GUI)

Logstash on Centos 6.3

Web GUI and Logstash agent on single server

Download logstash:


Create config file:

vim logstash.conf

Add this to logstash.conf (taken from logstash site):

input {
   stdin {
      type => "stdin-type"

   file {
	   type => "linux-syslog"

	   # Wildcards work, here :)
	   path => [ "/var/log/*.log", "/var/log/messages", "/var/log/syslog" ]
output {
   stdout { } 
   elasticsearch { embedded => true }

Make sure Java is installed:

yum install java

Start the logstash agent. Note I am not starting the GUI at the same time:

java -jar logstash-1.1.5-monolithic.jar agent -f logstash.conf 

Start the logstash GUI (in another terminal):

java -jar logstash-1.1.5-monolithic.jar web --backend elasticsearch://

Wait a while.

Run netstat:

netstat -napt | grep -i LISTEN

You need to see the following ports:

tcp        0      0 :::9292                     :::*                        LISTEN      9469/java           
tcp        0      0 :::9200                     :::*                        LISTEN      9081/java           
tcp        0      0 :::9201                     :::*                        LISTEN      9420/java           
tcp        0      0 :::9300                     :::*                        LISTEN      9081/java           
tcp        0      0 :::9301                     :::*                        LISTEN      9081/java           
tcp        0      0 :::9302                     :::*                        LISTEN      9420/java    

See logstash site for what these ports are for. Note, the GUI does take a while to load so it's worth running the command above a few times to see if port 9292 appears in the output.

Navigate to http://(ip running agent):9292 and hopefully you will see the logstash GUI! If you don't see anything then enter some text on the agent (and wait a while), press enter and press the refresh button in the GUI.

Currently I have to have iptables off for this to work :(. When I have figured out the correct iptables rules I will update this gist.

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