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Last active September 5, 2024 01:35
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OCP - Opcache Control Panel (aka Zend Optimizer+ Control Panel for PHP)#ocp #php #opcache #opcode #cache #zend #optimizerplus #optimizer+
OCP - Opcache Control Panel (aka Zend Optimizer+ Control Panel for PHP)
Author: _ck_ (with contributions by GK, stasilok)
Version: 0.1.7
Free for any kind of use or modification, I am not responsible for anything, please share your improvements
* revision history
0.1.7 2015-09-01 regex fix for PHP7 phpinfo
0.1.6 2013-04-12 moved meta to footer so graphs can be higher and reduce clutter
0.1.5 2013-04-12 added graphs to visualize cache state, please report any browser/style bugs
0.1.4 2013-04-09 added "recheck" to update files when using large revalidate_freq (or validate_timestamps=Off)
0.1.3 2013-03-30 show host and php version, can bookmark with hashtag ie. #statistics - needs new layout asap
0.1.2 2013-03-25 show optimization levels, number formatting, support for start_time in 7.0.2
0.1.1 2013-03-18 today Zend completely renamed Optimizer+ to OPcache, adjusted OCP to keep working
0.1.0 2013-03-17 added group/sort indicators, replaced "accelerator_" functions with "opcache_"
0.0.6 2013-03-16 transition support as Zend renames product and functions for PHP 5.5 (stasilok)
0.0.5 2013-03-10 added refresh button (GK)
0.0.4 2013-02-18 added file grouping and sorting (click on headers) - code needs cleanup but gets the job done
0.0.2 2013-02-14 first public release
* known problems/limitations:
Unlike APC, the Zend OPcache API
- cannot determine when a file was put into the cache
- cannot change settings on the fly
- cannot protect opcache functions by restricting execution to only specific scripts/paths
* todo:
Extract variables for prefered ordering and better layout instead of just dumping into tables
File list filter
// ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(-1);
if ( count(get_included_files())>1 || php_sapi_name()=='cli' || empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ) { die; } // weak block against indirect access
if ( !empty($_GET['RESET']) ) {
if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'reset') ) { call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'reset'); }
header( 'Location: '.str_replace('?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],'',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) );
if ( !empty($_GET['RECHECK']) ) {
if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'invalidate') ) {
$recheck=trim($_GET['RECHECK']); $files=call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status');
if (!empty($files['scripts'])) {
foreach ($files['scripts'] as $file=>$value) {
if ( $recheck==='1' || strpos($file,$recheck)===0 ) call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'invalidate',$file);
header( 'Location: '.str_replace('?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'],'',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) );
} else { echo 'Sorry, this feature requires Zend Opcache newer than April 8th 2013'; }
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<title>OCP - Opcache Control Panel</title>
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#files td.v a {font-weight:bold; color:#9999cc; margin:0 10px 0 5px; text-decoration:none; font-size:120%;}
#files td.v a:hover {font-weight:bold; color:#ee0000;}
.graph {display:inline-block; width:145px; margin:1em 0 1em 1px; border:0; vertical-align:top;}
.graph table {width:100%; height:150px; border:0; padding:0; margin:5px 0 0 0; position:relative;}
.graph td {vertical-align:middle; border:0; padding:0 0 0 5px;}
.graph .bar {width:25px; text-align:right; padding:0 2px; color:#fff;}
.graph .total {width:34px; text-align:center; padding:0 5px 0 0;}
.graph .total div {border:1px dashed #888; border-right:0; height:99%; width:12px; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:17px; z-index:-1;}
.graph .total span {background:#fff; font-weight:bold;}
.graph .actual {text-align:right; font-weight:bold; padding:0 5px 0 0;}
.graph .red {background:#ee0000;}
.graph .green {background:#00cc00;}
.graph .brown {background:#8B4513;}
<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
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<div class="center">
<h1><a href="?">Opcache Control Panel</a></h1>
<div class="buttons">
<a href="?ALL=1">Details</a>
<a href="?FILES=1&GROUP=2&SORT=3">Files</a>
<a href="?RESET=1" onclick="return confirm('RESET cache ?')">Reset</a>
<?php if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'invalidate') ) { ?>
<a href="?RECHECK=1" onclick="return confirm('Recheck all files in the cache ?')">Recheck</a>
<?php } ?>
<a href="?" onclick="window.location.reload(true); return false">Refresh</a>
if ( !function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status') ) { echo '<h2>Opcache not detected?</h2>'; die; }
if ( !empty($_GET['FILES']) ) { echo '<h2>files cached</h2>'; files_display(); echo '</div></body></html>'; exit; }
if ( !(isset($_REQUEST['GRAPHS']) && !$_REQUEST['GRAPHS']) && CACHEPREFIX=='opcache_') { graphs_display(); if ( !empty($_REQUEST['GRAPHS']) ) { exit; } }
ob_start(); phpinfo(8); $phpinfo = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // some info is only available via phpinfo? sadly buffering capture has to be used
if ( !preg_match( '/module\_Zend.(Optimizer\+|OPcache).+?(\<table[^>]*\>.+?\<\/table\>).+?(\<table[^>]*\>.+?\<\/table\>)/is', $phpinfo, $opcache) ) { } // todo
if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'get_configuration') ) { echo '<h2>general</h2>'; $configuration=call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'get_configuration'); }
$host=function_exists('gethostname')?@gethostname():@php_uname('n'); if (empty($host)) { $host=empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])?$_SERVER['HOST_NAME']:$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; }
$version['PHP Version']='PHP '.(defined('PHP_VERSION')?PHP_VERSION:'???').' '.(defined('PHP_SAPI')?PHP_SAPI:'').' '.(defined('PHP_OS')?' '.PHP_OS:'');
$version['Opcache Version']=empty($configuration['version']['version'])?'???':$configuration['version'][CACHEPREFIX.'product_name'].' '.$configuration['version']['version'];
if ( !empty($opcache[2]) ) { echo preg_replace('/\<tr\>\<td class\="e"\>[^>]+\<\/td\>\<td class\="v"\>[0-9\,\. ]+\<\/td\>\<\/tr\>/','',$opcache[2]); }
if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status') && $status=call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status') ) {
if ( !empty($status[CACHEPREFIX.'statistics']['start_time']) ) {
if ( !empty($status[CACHEPREFIX.'statistics']['last_restart_time']) ) {
if (!empty($uptime)) {print_table($uptime);}
if ( !empty($status['cache_full']) ) { $status['memory_usage']['cache_full']=$status['cache_full']; }
echo '<h2 id="memory">memory</h2>';
echo '<h2 id="statistics">statistics</h2>';
if ( empty($_GET['ALL']) ) { meta_display(); exit; }
if ( !empty($configuration['blacklist']) ) { echo '<h2 id="blacklist">blacklist</h2>'; print_table($configuration['blacklist']); }
if ( !empty($opcache[3]) ) { echo '<h2 id="runtime">runtime</h2>'; echo $opcache[3]; }
$name='zend opcache'; $functions=get_extension_funcs($name);
if (!$functions) { $name='zend optimizer+'; $functions=get_extension_funcs($name); }
if ($functions) { echo '<h2 id="functions">functions</h2>'; print_table($functions); } else { $name=''; }
if (isset($configuration['directives'][$level])) {
echo '<h2 id="optimization">optimization levels</h2>';
$levelset=strrev(base_convert($configuration['directives'][$level], 10, 2));
1=>'<a href="">Constants subexpressions elimination</a> (CSE) true, false, null, etc.<br />Optimize series of ADD_STRING / ADD_CHAR<br />Convert CAST(IS_BOOL,x) into BOOL(x)<br />Convert <a href="">INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME</a> + <a href="">DO_FCALL_BY_NAME</a> into <a href="">DO_FCALL</a>',
2=>'Convert constant operands to expected types<br />Convert conditional <a href="">JMP</a> with constant operands<br />Optimize static <a href="">BRK</a> and <a href="<a href="">CONT</a>',
3=>'Convert $a = $a + expr into $a += expr<br />Convert $a++ into ++$a<br />Optimize series of <a href="">JMP</a>',
4=>'PRINT and ECHO optimization (<a href="">defunct</a>)',
5=>'Block Optimization - most expensive pass<br />Performs many different optimization patterns based on <a href="">control flow graph</a> (CFG)',
9=>'Optimize <a href="">register allocation</a> (allows re-usage of temporary variables)',
10=>'Remove NOPs'
echo '<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="3"><tbody><tr class="h"><th>Pass</th><th>Description</th></tr>';
foreach ($levels as $pass=>$description) {
$disabled=substr($levelset,$pass-1,1)!=='1' || $pass==4 ? ' white':'';
echo '<tr><td class="v center middle'.$disabled.'">'.$pass.'</td><td class="v'.$disabled.'">'.$description.'</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
if ( isset($_GET['DUMP']) ) {
if ($name) { echo '<h2 id="ini">ini</h2>'; print_table(ini_get_all($name,true)); }
foreach ($configuration as $key=>$value) { echo '<h2>',$key,'</h2>'; print_table($configuration[$key]); }
echo '</div></body></html>';
function time_since($time,$original,$extended=0,$text='ago') {
$time = $time - $original;
$day = $extended? floor($time/86400) : round($time/86400,0);
$amount=0; $unit='';
if ( $time < 86400) {
if ( $time < 60) { $amount=$time; $unit='second'; }
elseif ( $time < 3600) { $amount=floor($time/60); $unit='minute'; }
else { $amount=floor($time/3600); $unit='hour'; }
elseif ( $day < 14) { $amount=$day; $unit='day'; }
elseif ( $day < 56) { $amount=floor($day/7); $unit='week'; }
elseif ( $day < 672) { $amount=floor($day/30); $unit='month'; }
else { $amount=intval(2*($day/365))/2; $unit='year'; }
if ( $amount!=1) {$unit.='s';}
if ($extended && $time>60) { $text=' and '.time_since($time,$time<86400?($time<3600?$amount*60:$amount*3600):$day*86400,0,'').$text; }
return $amount.' '.$unit.' '.$text;
function print_table($array,$headers=false) {
if ( empty($array) || !is_array($array) ) {return;}
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">';
if (!empty($headers)) {
if (!is_array($headers)) {$headers=array_keys(reset($array));}
echo '<tr class="h">';
foreach ($headers as $value) { echo '<th>',$value,'</th>'; }
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($array as $key=>$value) {
echo '<tr>';
if ( !is_numeric($key) ) {
$key=ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',$key));
echo '<td class="e">',$key,'</td>';
if ( is_numeric($value) ) {
if ( $value>1048576) { $value=round($value/1048576,1).'M'; }
elseif ( is_float($value) ) { $value=round($value,1); }
if ( is_array($value) ) {
foreach ($value as $column) {
echo '<td class="v">',$column,'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
else { echo '<td class="v">',$value,'</td></tr>'; }
echo '</table>';
function files_display() {
if ( empty($status['scripts']) ) {return;}
if ( isset($_GET['DUMP']) ) { print_table($status['scripts']); exit;}
$time=time(); $sort=0;
$group=empty($_GET['GROUP'])?0:intval($_GET['GROUP']); if ( $group<0 || $group>9) { $group=1;}
$groupset=array_fill(0,9,''); $groupset[$group]=' class="b" ';
echo '<div class="meta">
<a ',$groupset[0],'href="',$nogroup,'">ungroup</a> |
<a ',$groupset[1],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=1">1</a> |
<a ',$groupset[2],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=2">2</a> |
<a ',$groupset[3],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=3">3</a> |
<a ',$groupset[4],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=4">4</a> |
<a ',$groupset[5],'href="',$nogroup,'&GROUP=5">5</a>
if ( !$group ) { $files =& $status['scripts']; }
else {
foreach ($status['scripts'] as $data) {
if ( preg_match('@^[/]([^/]+[/]){'.$group.'}@',$data['full_path'],$path) ) {
if ( empty($files[$path[0]])) { $files[$path[0]]=array('full_path'=>'','files'=>0,'hits'=>0,'memory_consumption'=>0,'last_used_timestamp'=>'','timestamp'=>''); }
if ( $data['last_used_timestamp']>$files[$path[0]]['last_used_timestamp']) {$files[$path[0]]['last_used_timestamp']=$data['last_used_timestamp'];}
if ( $data['timestamp']>$files[$path[0]]['timestamp']) {$files[$path[0]]['timestamp']=$data['timestamp'];}
if ( !empty($_GET['SORT']) ) {
$titles=array('','path',$group?'files':'','size','hits','last used','created');
$sortflip=range(0,7); $sortflip[$sort]=-$direction*$sort;
if ( $keys[$key]==SORT_STRING) {$direction=-$direction; }
$arrow=array_fill(0,7,''); $arrow[$sort]=$direction>0?' &#x25BC;':' &#x25B2;';
$column=array(); foreach ($files as $data) { $column[]=$data[$key]; }
array_multisort($column, $keys[$key], $direction, $files);
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="960" id="files">
<tr class="h">';
foreach ($titles as $column=>$title) {
if ($title) echo '<th><a href="',$nosort,'&SORT=',$sortflip[$column],'">',$title,$arrow[$column],'</a></th>';
echo ' </tr>';
foreach ($files as $data) {
echo '<tr>
<td class="v" nowrap><a title="recheck" href="?RECHECK=',rawurlencode($data['full_path']),'">x</a>',$data['full_path'],'</td>',
($group?'<td class="vr">'.number_format($data['files']).'</td>':''),
'<td class="vr">',number_format(round($data['memory_consumption']/1024)),'K</td>',
'<td class="vr">',number_format($data['hits']),'</td>',
'<td class="vr">',time_since($time,$data['last_used_timestamp']),'</td>',
'<td class="vr">',empty($data['timestamp'])?'':time_since($time,$data['timestamp']),'</td>
echo '</table>';
function graphs_display() {
$primes=array(223, 463, 983, 1979, 3907, 7963, 16229, 32531, 65407, 130987);
foreach ($primes as $prime) { if ($prime>=$graphs['keys']['total']) { $graphs['keys']['total']=$prime; break;} }
foreach ( $graphs as $caption=>$graph) {
echo '<div class="graph"><div class="h">',$caption,'</div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
foreach ($graph as $label=>$value) {
if ($label=='total') { $key=0; $total=$value; $totaldisplay='<td rowspan="3" class="total"><span>'.($total>999999?round($total/1024/1024).'M':($total>9999?round($total/1024).'K':$total)).'</span><div></div></td>'; continue;}
$percent=$total?floor($value*100/$total):''; $percent=!$percent||$percent>99?'':$percent.'%';
echo '<tr>',$totaldisplay,'<td class="actual">', ($value>999999?round($value/1024/1024).'M':($value>9999?round($value/1024).'K':$value)),'</td><td class="bar ',$colors[$key],'" height="',$percent,'">',$percent,'</td><td>',$label,'</td></tr>';
$key++; $totaldisplay='';
echo '</table></div>',"\n";
function meta_display() {
<div class="meta">
<a href="">directives guide</a> |
<a href="">functions guide</a> |
<a href=""></a> |
<a href="">pecl</a> |
<a href="">Zend source</a> |
<a href="">OCP latest</a>
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Can using both Opcache and Xcache? Does have any issue?

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purpl commented Jul 31, 2015

This is offers a phenomenal insight, great tool, love it

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View my revision to be able to group files up to 8 directories/sub-directories
And to be able to use groups when hosted by Windows.

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Zorlin commented Nov 20, 2015

Thank you very much! This helped me discover some huge bottlenecks.

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Philzen commented Feb 8, 2016

There is an issue that leads to infinite redirects when including the script in an environment where all requests are routed through an index.php via mod_redirect. Problem root is that in such cases $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] contains the full query string that is assembled via the rewrite in the main .htaccess file - while $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] will always hold the "pretty" URL.

My workaround for now is as follows:

Replace line 42 with:

header( 'Location: ' . str_replace(substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'RESET=') - 1, 1) . 'RESET=' . $_GET['RESET'], '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) );

Replace line 54 with:

header( 'Location: '.str_replace(substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'RECHECK=') - 1, 1) . 'RECHECK=' . $_GET['RECHECK'], '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) );

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also better to add

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');

before ?><!DOCTYPE html>

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getting thousands of those Errors when calling ocp.php:

[Wed Nov 23 15:39:03.615290 2016] [:error] [pid 7777] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: timestamp in /var/myPath/ocp.php on line 296, referer:
[Wed Nov 23 15:39:22.810754 2016] [:error] [pid 9901] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: timestamp in /var/myPath/ocp.php on line 296, referer:

Env: PHP 7.0.13

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Just tried out this page and it still works great
screen shot 2017-05-24 at 10 14 27 am

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ck-on commented Apr 1, 2019

April 2019: tested still working under PHP 7.2.17 (to my surprise)

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php-majesty commented Aug 8, 2019


Add patch please:

diff --git a/ocp.php b/ocp.php
index 3c023d3..5cdcd93 100644
--- a/ocp.php
+++ b/ocp.php
@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status') && $status=call_user_func(CACHEPR
 	echo '<h2 id="statistics">statistics</h2>';
+	echo '<h2 id="strings">interned strings usage</h2>';
+	print_table($status['interned_strings_usage']);
 if ( empty($_GET['ALL']) ) { meta_display(); exit; }

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SparcV8 commented Nov 24, 2019

Many thanks by your code ck-on, this is great, congratulations!.

My ridiculous improve: I only changed your line 131 in your current version (0.1.7) by:

    $status = call_user_func(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status');
    echo '<h2>'.$status['opcache_statistics']['num_cached_scripts'].' files cached</h2>';
    echo '</div></body></html>';

with this I simply get the total of files cached in the tab [Files].

Regards ck-on.

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Add patch please:

diff --git a/ocp.php b/ocp.php
index 3c023d3..5cdcd93 100644
--- a/ocp.php
+++ b/ocp.php
@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ if ( function_exists(CACHEPREFIX.'get_status') && $status=call_user_func(CACHEPR
 	echo '<h2 id="statistics">statistics</h2>';
+	echo '<h2 id="strings">interned strings usage</h2>';
+	print_table($status['interned_strings_usage']);
 if ( empty($_GET['ALL']) ) { meta_display(); exit; }

Very useful patch by @php-majesty. Tested and run like a charm :)

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