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Vitali Tatarintev ck3g

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I highly suspect that the RSpec core team all use black backgrounds in their terminals because sometimes the colors aren’t so nice on my white terminal

I certainly use a black background. I'm not sure about the other RSpec core folks. Regardless, if there are some color changes we can make that would make output look good on a larger variety of backgrounds, we'll certainly consider that (do you have some suggested changes?). In the meantime, the colors are configurable, so you can change the colors to fit your preferences on your machine. First, create a file at

ricardo-rossi /
Last active December 1, 2023 04:55
Installing ElasticSearch on Ubuntu 14.04
### ./ 1.7 will install Elasticsearch 1.7
### ./ will fail because no version was specified (exit code 1)
### CLI options Contributed by @janpieper
### Check for latest version of ElasticSearch
niquola /
Last active May 20, 2018 04:52
Must Read from Ravil Bayramgalin ( + my small adds :)


Concepts-Techniques-Models-Computer-Programming CMT это известная книжка CMT, за которой слава закрепилась не хуже чем у SICP

это из этой книжки классификация различных парадигм Если присмотришься, то увидишь, что Oz поддерживает большинство вариаций (с этой целью его и конструировали, чтобы можно было наглядно продемонстрировать различные подходы в одном языке)

somebody32 / gist:5232120
Last active October 4, 2022 08:19
Список литературы для ознакомления с concurrent programming и реализацией этих принципов и подходов на ruby. Огромное спасибо @brainopia за составление.


Начать стоит отсюда. Не пугайтесь то, что это книга по незнакомой OS, эти термины практически везде одинаковые и здесь они изложены в понятной для начинающих форме.

Прочесть нужно треть главы до подраздела "Starting a process", если С не пугает, читайте полностью. После прочтения вы будете понимать, что такое process, thread, mutex, priorites, semaphores, scheduler, contex-switch, kernel states.


sirbrillig / select2_helper.rb
Created March 6, 2013 04:47
Capybara select2 fill_in helper (for eg: autocomplete).
def fill_in_select2(selector, options={})
page.find(:css, "#s2id_#{selector} a").click
page.find(:css, ".select2-search input.select2-input").set options[:with]
page.find(:css, ".select2-result-label").click # Choose the first result
henrik /
Last active May 23, 2022 12:31
Sandi Metz' four rules from Ruby Rogues episode 87. Listen or read the transcript:
  1. Your class can be no longer than 100 lines of code.
  2. Your methods can be no longer than five lines of code.
  3. You can pass no more than four parameters and you can’t just make it one big hash.
  4. When a call comes into your Rails controller, you can only instantiate one object to do whatever it is that needs to be done. And your view can only know about one instance variable.

You can break these rules if you can talk your pair into agreeing with you.

brenes / _README
Created August 27, 2012 12:02
How to solve Globalize3 issue with old migrations when adding translated fields
There's an issue on globalize when adding or removing fields from the translations that causes the original migrations don't work properly (
In my example I have a post model whih I create with some translated fields: name, slug and body. Some days later, I realise I need an excerpt field with a summarized version of the post and it has to be translated, so I create a migration to add this field.
Unfortunately, when you create the translation table it takes not only the fields you set in the params (:name => :string, :slug => :string, :body => :text) but also the params specified to the translates method in the model (:excerpt included) and creates a column for each one of those.
Solution here is to overwrite the translated attribute names of the class in the migration, so when you execute a migration you know which translated attributes will be declared and not need to worry about attributes that are not declared when you create the migration.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
#In rails 3.0.1+ it is no longer possible to do this anymore;
# rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, :with => :render_not_found
#The ActionController::RoutingError thrown is not caught by rescue_from.
#The alternative is to to set a catch-all route to catch all unmatched routes and send them to a method which renders an error
#As in
Status Code Status Message Symbol
1xx Informational
100 Continue :continue
101 Switching Protocols :switching_protocols
102 Processing :processing
2xx Success
200 OK :ok
201 Created :created
202 Accepted :accepted
pch / watermark.rb
Created January 18, 2011 13:43
Paperclip Watermark processor
class User
has_attached_file :photo,
:processors => [:watermark],
:styles => {
:medium => {
:geometry => "300x300>",
:watermark_path => "#{Rails.root}/public/images/watermark.png"
:thumb => "100x100>",