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Caesar Kabalan ckabalan

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ckabalan /
Last active August 23, 2024 05:31
PowerPoint Architecture Diagram Tips

PowerPoint Architecture Diagram Tips

Why PowerPoint for Diagrams?

  • Everyone has Microsoft PowerPoint or something PowerPoint compatible. Visio is dated and doesn't work on MacOS. There are too many different LucidCharts/DrawIO/ competitors and no clear winner, so you have a 1/3 chance of someone having your chosen tool. YOu have a 95% chance of someone having PowerPoint.
  • PowerPoint gives you amazing flexibility in the design of your diagram using familiar configuration options people have used in Word and PowerPoint for literally 30 years.

Tips for Drafting a Diagram

  • Create a blank slide, and change your slide size to be huge. Design Tab > Slide Size > Page Setup. I use a Width of 30in and Height of 20in.
#define ADDRESS_U10_A 0x14
#define ADDRESS_U10_A_CONTROL 0x15
#define ADDRESS_U10_B 0x16
#define ADDRESS_U10_B_CONTROL 0x17
#define ADDRESS_U11_A 0x18
#define ADDRESS_U11_A_CONTROL 0x19
#define ADDRESS_U11_B 0x1A
#define ADDRESS_U11_B_CONTROL 0x1B
ckabalan / gist:84197739d839ff6c6cb42520331f717a
Last active September 14, 2019 18:52
CloudFormation Package Issue
> git clone
Cloning into 'serverless'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 75, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (75/75), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (54/54), done.
remote: Total 75 (delta 29), reused 62 (delta 16), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (75/75), done.
> cd serverless
> git checkout 4033970
[ ... SNIP ... ]
ckabalan / gist:ece142637c6394a1acfa1cb7d7ae0c3d
Created August 2, 2019 21:05
ZSH Activate/Deactive Virtual Environment
venv () {
if ((${+VIRTUAL_ENV})); then
echo "Deactivating Virtual Environment: $VIRTUAL_ENV"
if [[ -e $ACTIVATE_PATH ]]; then
echo "Activating Virtual Environment: $VENV_PATH"
ckabalan / gist:fc728f183cf3e5039b623a25df6664d2
Last active June 3, 2019 22:39
AWS Run Across Accounts / Regions
aws_all_div () {
'profile_name_1 region_1'
'profile_name_2 region_1'
'profile_name_3 region_1'
'profile_name_1 region_2'
'profile_name_2 region_2'
'profile_name_3 region_2'
'profile_name_1 region_3'
ckabalan / PerfectPuTTYSettings.reg
Created February 11, 2019 23:08
Perfect PuTTY Settings
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
ckabalan / .zshrc
Created April 1, 2018 06:07
# Use SourceCodePro from
# Put icons here since they appear to get overwritten at some point...
ckabalan /
Last active March 27, 2018 18:01
Misc Bash Snippets
# ~/.bashrc Aliases
alias ll="LC_COLLATE=C.UTF-8 ls -alhF --group-directories-first"
alias loadkey='eval $(ssh-agent) && ssh-add'
# Tmux Tweaks
# Work with NeoVim (~/.bashrc)
export EDITOR='TERM=xterm-256color nvim'
export GIT_EDITOR='TERM=xterm-256color nvim'
export VISUAL='TERM=xterm-256color nvim'
alias tmux="tmux -2"
ckabalan / .gitconfig
Created August 14, 2017 18:02
The Best Git Config
default = simple
tool = vimdiff
diff = false
tool = vimdiff
gr = log --graph --full-history --all --color --pretty=tformat:"%x1b[31m%h%x09%x1b[32m%d%x1b[0m%x20%s%x20%x1b[33m(%an)%x1b[0m"
ckabalan /
Last active August 9, 2024 13:14
The Best Bash Prompt
# Bash History Replacement Script
# Author: Caesar Kabalan
# Last Modified: June 6th, 2017
# Description:
# Modifies the default Bash Shell prompt to be in the format of:
# Where:
# CWD - Current working directory (green if last command returned 0, red otherwise)
# COUNT - Session command count