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Created February 18, 2019 18:42
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<h1 id="home">Catharina Kaltenbach. Web Designer.</h1>
<p class="lead">Your website doesn't need to cost much!</p>
<p class="lead"> I truly believe that creating a beautiful, interactive Website change how people perceive your business! For love or money, I create Website with passion!</p>
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<h2>What makes me different from other Web Designer</h2>
<p> I love doing Websites for small businesses and help them to boost their business without shelling out extra buck. No hidden fees, just straightforward annual fee</p>
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<h2>My Goals</h2>
<p>I create Websites to earn a little bist money, for fun and to broaden my horizons </p>
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<img src="img/myphoto.jpg" class="rounded-circle" alt="random picture" width="180" height="180">
<h2>About Me</h2>
<a href="#About">About Me</a>
<p>I am an artist by heart, I travel a lot, i take pictures a lot, i love reading history books, i care a lot about animals and most of all, I like to build beautiful Websites</p>
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<h1 id="About">About Me</h1>
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<p>I am new at Web Development!</p>
</section><!-- end intro column -->
<section class="skills column">
<h3>My Skills</h3>
<ul id="skill-list">
<li>Networking (CCNA)</li>
<li>Database (SQL,MySQL)</li>
<li>IT Support</li>
</section><!-- end skills column -->
<section class="main-text">
<h3>My Story</h3>
<p>My name is Catharina Kaltenbach. I have more than 10 years experience in IT Support, some Database administration and Networking. I work currently at Hughes Network Systems as a NOC operator. I have always been fascinated in web development but have not chance to learn. This year, I really decided to get into Web Development. It took me 6 months to really find the perfect Online school that would fit to my schedule and budget. Hunting for online classes is quite overwhelming as each one is different on what they offer. In addition, I have a few acquaintances who introduce me with web development so it helps me. </p>
</section><!-- this is a short story about me and how I decided to take Web Development course -->
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<h1 id class="contact">My Contact</h1>
<p class="name">Catharina Kaltenbach</p>
<p>Engelsruhe 24, 65929 Frankfurt Am Main, Germany</p>
<p>Tel. No: <i class="fas fa-phone"></i> +49 6997701</p>
<p>E-mail <i class="fas fa-envelope"></i> me at</p>
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<h5>I will be looking forward for your call!</h5>
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<h4 id class="FAQ">FAQ</h4>
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Why did you decide to become a web developer?
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I decided to become a Web Developer because I am curious about it. Aside from curiosity I like to build something that I can directly work on it and see the result right away. I have IT background in System Integration but after working with several companies, I decided to do something that I can build so people can see it. Web Development can be a repetitive task but, at least, you can learn by your mistakes.
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What is your design process?
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My design process is simple at the moment as I am only starting with Web Development. My main goal is to create a website for my client (especially small businesses) to target their audience.
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Who are your clients?
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Small businesses, Individuals, Artists etc.
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What is your average project turnaround?
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My average turnaround would be one to three week (25 hours a week) which also depends on the project that I am working on. If I know that the project would take more than three weeks, I always let my client know.
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<h4 id class="work">WORK</h4>
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