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Created May 2, 2016 16:03
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Fetch VCFs generated by TCGA PancanAtlas MC3 unified variant calling effort and curate
# GOAL: Fetch VCFs generated by TCGA PancanAtlas MC3 unified variant calling effort and curate
## DATA ##
# Data from DNANexus/UCSC came in as 3 batches. Batches 1 and 2 had GATK cocleaned bams available,
# while batch 3 needed realignment. Batch 1 had RNA (to run radia), batch 2 didn't. Kyle Elrott
# is the point person for these batches. Available on GChat.
# Batches were later merged by Singer Ma at DNANexus, into a single folder called full_v1.
# And some Pindel/BRCA-related patches and whitelisting was done, into a folder called full_v2.
# Data from Broad Institute, are VCFs from MuTect and Indelocator, which should be at the TCGA DCC
# in the usual per-tumor protected folders. Gordon Saksena at BI is the point person on this:
# Download and store manifest files in subfolder "bin":
# Create an env variable with the username that has access to the protected TCGA Jamboree:
export DCCID=SusieQ
# Fetch the targeted region BED file that Broad limited all their calls to:
wget --user $DCCID --ask-password --directory-prefix bin
# Download VCF tarballs from the TCGA Jamboree:
wget --user $DCCID --ask-password --recursive --no-parent --no-host-directories --cut-dirs 4 --accept "*.tar.gz" --directory-prefix vcfs
wget --user $DCCID --ask-password --directory-prefix vcfs/broad{broad_mc3_vcfs_b2,broad_mc3_vcfs_b2a,mc3_b2c}.tar.gz
# Untar all the DNANexus tarballs with LSF, and delete their MuTect VCFs, cuz we'll be overriding them with VCFs from Broad:
ls vcfs/full_v2/*.tar.gz | perl -ne 'chomp; print "bsub -oo /dev/null -R rusage[iounits=2] -We 0:59 tar -C vcfs -zxf $_\n"' | bash
find vcfs -name *mutect.tcga_filtered.reheadered.vcf | xargs rm -f
# Untar the Broad tarballs:
ls vcfs/broad/*.tar.gz | perl -ne 'chomp; print "bsub -oo /dev/null -R rusage[iounits=2] -We 0:59 tar -C vcfs -zxf $_\n"' | bash
# Download a mapping of TCGA barcodes to live UUIDs on CGHub:
curl -L | cut -f2,3,7-9,17-19,24-26 | grep -E "^barcode|^TCGA" | grep -wE "state$|Live$" > bin/tcga_barcodes_and_cghub_ids.tsv
# For each MuTect + Indelocator VCF from Broad, find the appropriate DNAnexus subfolder to move it into, and move it down there:
find vcfs/{mc3_b2,mc3_b2a,mc3_b2c} -type f -name *.vcf | perl -ne 'chomp; $if="bin/tcga_barcodes_and_cghub_ids.tsv"; ($p,$ti,$ni)=m/(TCGA-\w\w-\w{4})_(\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12})_(\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12})/; ($tb,$pi)=map{chomp; split("\t")}`grep -w $ti $if | cut -f1,8`; ($nb)=map{chomp; $_}`grep -w $ni $if | cut -f1`; $tb=~s/TCGA-\w\w-\w{4}-(\d\d).*/$1/; $nb=~s/TCGA-\w\w-\w{4}-(\d\d).*/$1/; ($dn)=glob("vcfs/*/$pi\_$tb\_$nb"); print "mv $_ $dn\n" if(-d $dn)' | bash
# ::TODO:: Duplicate UUIDs per barcode create a few duplicate MuTect/Indelocotor VCFs per TN-pair. Prolly best to just merge+deduplicate those calls to take advantage of the extra coverage.
# Rename each Radia VCF with the same unique prefix used by the Muse VCF adjacent to it:
find vcfs -name filtered.radia.tcga_filtered.reheadered.vcf | perl -ne 'chomp; ($d)=m/(.*)\//; ($p)=map{chomp; s/.*\/([^\/]+).muse.*/$1/; $_}glob("$d/*muse*.vcf"); print "mv $_ $d/$p.radia.tcga_filtered.reheadered.vcf\n"' | bash
# Pull out the paired sample IDs, and TCGA barcodes, from the headers of each VCF, so we can use it later with vcf2maf/vcf2vcf:
find vcfs -name *.vcf | perl -ne 'chomp; %tn=map{m/ID=([^,]+).*SampleTCGABarcode=([^,]+),/}`grep ^##SAMPLE $_`; @s=grep{!/NORMAL/}keys %tn; print join("\t",map{($_,$tn{$_})}(@s,"NORMAL"),$_)."\n"' > bin/tn_pairs.tsv
## TEST ##
# Here we'll test a random bunch of VCFs for problems/caveats before we apply it to everything.
# Make copies of VCFs from 100 random TN-pairs into a subfolder named vcfs_tmp:
mkdir -p vcfs_tmp
find vcfs -mindepth 2 -type d | shuf | head -n100 | perl -ne 'chomp; print "cp $_/*.vcf vcfs_tmp\n"' | bash
# Rename them to something a bit more intuitive:
ls vcfs_tmp/*.vcf | perl -ne 'chomp; $f=$_; s/([^\/]+).(SomaticSniper|mutect|varscan.snp|varscan.indel|pindel|muse|radia|oxoG.snp|indel.capture).*$/$1\_$2.vcf/; s/SomaticSniper/somatic.sniper/; s/oxoG.snp/mutect/; s/indel.capture/indelocator/; print "mv $f $_\n"' | bash
# Pull out the TN-paired TCGA barcodes for each VCF:
find vcfs_tmp -name *.vcf | perl -ne 'chomp; %tn=map{m/ID=([^,]+).*SampleTCGABarcode=([^,]+),/}`grep ^##SAMPLE $_`; @s=grep{!/NORMAL/}keys %tn; print join("\t",map{($_,$tn{$_})}(@s,"NORMAL"),$_)."\n"' > tmp_tn_pairs.tsv
# Make the following fixes to the VCFs or else they break the htslib VCF parser:
# - Remove whitespace between comma-delimited values in vcfProcessLog header lines
# - Set Number=G for the PL tag in Pindel FORMAT header lines
find vcfs_tmp -name *.vcf | xargs perl -i -pe 's/>,\s+/>,/g if(m/^##vcfProcessLog/); s/^(##FORMAT=<ID=PL,Number)=3/$1=G/'
# For Muse calls, set FILTER=PASS for Tiers 1 through 4, per instructions from the author:
find vcfs_tmp -name *muse.vcf | xargs perl -i -pe 's/\tTier[1234]\t/\tPASS\t/ unless(m/^#/)'
# A ton of Radia calls have a 100% VAF, with ExAC tagging most of them as germline. These calls have SS=1 (i.e. germline) but FILTER=PASS
# On closer look, it's limited to a handful of TN-pairs that did not have matched RNA-seq. Here are some examples...
TCGA-17-Z025-01A-01W-0746-08 TCGA-17-Z025-11A-01W-0746-08 vcfs/LUAD/abb86d09-d4ff-41f4-ba22-185dc48347c9_01_11/filtered.radia.tcga_filtered.reheadered.vcf
TCGA-AB-2816-03B-01W-0728-08 TCGA-AB-2816-11B-01W-0728-08 vcfs/LAML/61db06eb-299a-48b3-8c71-4bea78169b4c_03_11/filtered.radia.tcga_filtered.reheadered.vcf
TCGA-AB-2871-03A-01W-0732-08 TCGA-AB-2871-11A-01W-0732-08 vcfs/LAML/b4bc4666-13ba-4864-be9b-89ff8a0a1bd8_03_11/filtered.radia.tcga_filtered.reheadered.vcf
# For Radia VCFs, remove lines with INFO/SS=1:
find vcfs_tmp -name *radia.vcf | xargs perl -i -a -F'\t' -pe '$_="" if(!m/^#/ and $F[7]=~m/SS=1/)'
# Also noted that some Radia VCFs don't have INFO/SS defined in the header, with breaks htslib. Easiest to just delete that tag from each row:
find vcfs_tmp -name *radia.vcf | xargs perl -i -a -F'\t' -pe '$F[7]=~s/SS=\d;?// if(!m/^#/); $_=join("\t",@F)'
# Fix chrom names in the MuTect VCFs to match names in the GRCh37 fasta:
find vcfs_tmp -name *mutect.vcf | xargs perl -i -pe 'unless(m/^#/){ s/^<(\S+)>/$1/; s/^M\t/MT\t/ }'
# Bgzip and tabix index the VCFs:
ls vcfs_tmp/*.vcf | perl -ne 'chomp; print "bgzip $_; tabix -p vcf $_.gz\n"' | bash
# Remove all non-PASSed calls, wipe clean the INFO columns, and normalize indels:
ls vcfs_tmp/*.vcf.gz | perl -ne 'chomp; s/.gz$//; print "bcftools view --apply-filters PASS $_.gz | bcftools annotate --remove INFO | bcftools norm --check-ref w --fasta-ref /opt/common/CentOS_6-dev/vep/v84/homo_sapiens/84_GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz --multiallelics +any --output $_\n"' | bash
# Remove the old VCFs, and bgzip/tabix the new ones:
ls vcfs_tmp/*.vcf | perl -ne 'chomp; print "rm -f $_.gz $_.gz.tbi; bgzip $_; tabix -p vcf $_.gz\n"' | bash
# Add FILTERs, minor allele counts, and population freqs from the ExAC VCF:
ls vcfs_tmp/*.vcf.gz | perl -ne 'chomp; s/.gz$//; print "bsub -oo /dev/null -We 0:59 bcftools annotate --annotations /ifs/res/pwg/data/exac/ExAC.r0.3.sites.minus_somatic.vcf.gz --columns FILTER,INFO/AC,INFO/AN,INFO/AF --output $_ $_.gz\n"' | bash
# Remove the old VCFs:
ls vcfs_tmp/*.vcf.gz | perl -ne 'chomp; print "rm -f $_ $_.tbi\n"' | bash
# Run vcf2maf on the remaining calls:
cat tmp_tn_pairs.tsv | perl -ne 'chomp; ($vt,$t,$vn,$n,$f)=split("\t"); $f=~s/.vcf$//; print "bsub -n2 -oo $f.vep.log -We 0:59 /opt/common/CentOS_6-dev/perl/perl-5.22.0/bin/perl /opt/common/CentOS_6-dev/vcf2maf/develop/ --input-vcf $f.vcf --output-maf $f.vep.maf --tumor-id $t --normal-id $n --vcf-tumor-id $vt --vcf-normal-id $vn --vep-path /opt/common/CentOS_6-dev/vep/v84 --vep-data /opt/common/CentOS_6-dev/vep/v84 --ref-fasta /opt/common/CentOS_6-dev/vep/v84/homo_sapiens/84_GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz\n"' | bash
## PLOT ##
# Make a table that we can load into R for some pwetty plots:
grep ^Hugo vcfs_tmp/*.maf | perl -a -F'\t' -ne '$F[0]=~s/.*_([^_]+).vep.maf:(\S*)/Caller\t$2/; print join("\t",@F[0,4,5,8,9,15,36,39..44,50,56,63,85,99,108])' | head -1 > plot_me.tsv
grep -vE "^#|^Hugo" vcfs_tmp/*.maf | perl -a -F'\t' -ne '$F[0]=~s/.*_([^_]+).vep.maf:(\S*)/$1\t$2/; print join("\t",@F[0,4,5,8,9,15,36,39..44,50,56,63,85,99,108])' >> plot_me.tsv
# Remove calls in Flanks, Introns, Untranslated Regions, and Intergenic Regions:
perl -i -a -F'\t' -pe '$_="" if($F[4]=~m/(Flank|Intron|UTR|IGR)/)' plot_me.tsv
# Remove Pindel calls with t_alt_count < 3:
perl -i -a -F'\t' -pe '$_="" if($F[0] eq "pindel" and $F[10] < 3 )' plot_me.tsv
# Remove VarScan/Sniper calls with t_alt_count < 3 or n_alt_count > 2 or t_depth < 14 or n_depth < 8:
perl -i -a -F'\t' -pe '$_="" if($F[0] =~ /varscan|sniper/ and ( $F[10] < 3 or $F[13] > 2 or $F[8] < 14 or $F[11] < 8 ))' plot_me.tsv
# Generalize the FILTER reasons:
perl -i -a -F'\t' -pe 'chomp($F[-1]); $F[19]="ArtifactPerExac" if($F[19]!~m/^(FILTER|PASS|common_variant)$/); $F[19]=~s/^common_variant$/GermlinePerExac/; ; $_=join("\t",@F)."\n"' plot_me.tsv
# Fill empty cells with NAs:
perl -i -a -F'\t' -pe 'chomp($F[-1]); @F=map{s/^(\s*|\.)$/NA/; $_} @F; $_=join("\t",@F)."\n"' plot_me.tsv
# In R, do the following to make a VAF histogram per caller:
library( ggplot2 );
library( cowplot );
library( data.table );
maf = fread( "plot_me.tsv", showProgress = F );
maf$t_vaf = maf$t_alt_count / maf$t_depth;
plot.mut = ggplot( maf[Caller=="mutect",], aes( t_vaf, fill = FILTER )) + geom_histogram( binwidth = 0.01 ) + labs( title="MuTect", x="Variant Allele Fraction" ) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1800)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1));
plot.mus = ggplot( maf[Caller=="muse",], aes( t_vaf, fill = FILTER )) + geom_histogram( binwidth = 0.01 ) + labs( title="Muse", x="Variant Allele Fraction" ) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1800)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1));
plot.rad = ggplot( maf[Caller=="radia",], aes( t_vaf, fill = FILTER )) + geom_histogram( binwidth = 0.01 ) + labs( title="Radia", x="Variant Allele Fraction" ) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1800)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1));
plot.ssn = ggplot( maf[Caller=="somatic.sniper",], aes( t_vaf, fill = FILTER )) + geom_histogram( binwidth = 0.01 ) + labs( title="SomaticSniper", x="Variant Allele Fraction" ) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1800)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1));
plot.vss = ggplot( maf[Caller=="varscan.snp",], aes( t_vaf, fill = FILTER )) + geom_histogram( binwidth = 0.01 ) + labs( title="VarScan SNVs", x="Variant Allele Fraction" ) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1800)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1));
plot.vsi = ggplot( maf[Caller=="varscan.indel",], aes( t_vaf, fill = FILTER )) + geom_histogram( binwidth = 0.01 ) + labs( title="VarScan Indels", x="Variant Allele Fraction" ) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1000)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1));
plot.ind = ggplot( maf[Caller=="indelocator",], aes( t_vaf, fill = FILTER )) + geom_histogram( binwidth = 0.01 ) + labs( title="Indelocator", x="Variant Allele Fraction" ) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1000)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1)); = ggplot( maf[Caller=="pindel",], aes( t_vaf, fill = FILTER )) + geom_histogram( binwidth = 0.01 ) + labs( title="Pindel", x="Variant Allele Fraction" ) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1000)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1));
plot.all = plot_grid( plot.mut, plot.mus, plot.rad, plot.ssn, plot.vss, plot.vsi, plot.ind,, ncol = 2, nrow = 4);
save_plot("tcga_mc3_vafs.pdf", plot.all, ncol = 2, nrow = 4, base_aspect_ratio = 1.5 );
# Count the number of tossed calls per caller if we apply various filters:
for( caller in unique(maf$Caller)) {
filtered = nrow( maf[Caller==caller & (t_alt_count<3 | t_depth<14 | n_depth<8 | n_alt_count>2),] );
total = nrow( maf[Caller==caller,] );
cat( caller, " ", filtered, "/", total, " (", formatC( filtered/total*100, digits=1, format="f" ), "%)", "\n", sep="" );
## FIXES ##
# Based on findings from the tests/plots above, make some fixes to all the VCFs:
# ::NOTE:: Wrote vcf2vcf to parse these nutty VCF formats and standardize GT:AD:DP in each. It will
# also reduce multiallelic sites to just the 1 ALT allele specified in the GT field. It also fixes
# common problems with TCGA VCFS, so they play nice with VT and bcftools.
# Use vcf2vcf and --add-filters appropriate for each caller:
Add these tags to both VarScan and SomaticSniper VCFs. These are already implemented in "vcf2vcf --add-filter":
LowTotalDepth - Less than 14 total reads in tumor, or less than 8 reads in normal
LowTumorSupport - Less than 3 allele supporting read(s) in tumor
HighNormalSupport - More than 2 allele supporting read(s) in the normal
For VarScan VCFs, create these additional tags that work well in combination with LowTotalDepth above:
VarScanLowConf - Fisher's exact test p-value > 0.01
VarScanLowVAF - Tumor VAF <8%
# ::TODO::
# Decompose multiallelic sites into separate lines -
# Normalize variants into their left-aligned minimalist forms -
# Decompose MNPs and complex substitutions into separate events, while retaining the original calls in INFO for later consolidation -
# For each TN-pair, merge VCFs from different callers, while retaining callers in Genotype columns -
# Deduplicate variants with the same POS/REF/ALT -
# For each MNP/complex substitution that was split up in step 2, find all overlapping events and remove all but the largest one - Needs some custom code
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