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Created April 3, 2019 12:13
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An example plugin showing basic usage of task_lib for background tasks.
Pupil - eye tracking platform
Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Pupil Labs
Distributed under the terms of the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL v3.0).
See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for license details.
This demo shows you how to use tasklib in your plugin.
The following things are NOT shown in this demo:
- Usage of task events like on_finished, on_canceled, ...
See tasklib.interface for all available events and for documentation about them.
- How to cancel tasks before they are done.
- How to report the progress of a background process to the foreground.
How to use (copied from tasklib.manager):
1) Make your plugin an Observable.
2) Create a PluginTaskManager() in your plugin.
3) Give the manager e.g. to controllers and other parts of your plugin that need
to start tasks.
4) Call create_background_task() to add tasks, or add you own task that inherits
from TaskInterface via add_task().
import logging
import time
import plugin
import tasklib
from observable import Observable
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Every function, generator or lambda can be run in the background.
# They don't need to have any specific format, parameters etc.
def dummy_generator():
for i in range(10):
yield i
# Your plugin needs to inherit from Observable, otherwise the PluginTaskManager can
# not work. Don't worry, if you forget this, you will get a corresponding exception!
# Note that Observable appears BEFORE plugin.Plugin in the list. Some plugins change
# behavior based on their base class, which is the rightmost class in the list.
# Hence, having observable last might break plugins.
class DummyPlugin(Observable, plugin.Plugin):
def __init__(self, g_pool):
# the manager allows you to create tasks and automatically fetches background
# results for you. It also terminates all tasks if your plugin gets closed.
self.task_manager = tasklib.manager.PluginTaskManager(plugin=self)
def on_click(self, pos, button, action):
task1 = self.task_manager.create_background_task(
name="my dummy task",
args=(10, 2),
# If the background task raises an exception it would just die without
# outputting the exception. Because we would like to know about any
# exceptions, we add a predefined observer that raises the exception also in
# the foreground.
# If you actually expect an exception than you can also define your own handler.
task1.add_observer("on_exception", tasklib.raise_exception)
# on_completed is called when your task finished successfully. Your handler
# needs to accept exactly one argument (which will be the returned value of
# the task).
task1.add_observer("on_completed", self._on_dummy_task_done)
# tasks can be started manually, but there is no need to. Any unstarted tasks
# will be started when the PluginTaskManager does its next update (which it
# does every couple of milliseconds)
# task1.start()
task2 = self.task_manager.create_background_task(
name="my dummy task",
task2.add_observer("on_exception", tasklib.raise_exception)
# on_yield is called every time a generator yields. There is also
# on_completed for generators, but that's called with None as return value
# because there is none in this case.
task2.add_observer("on_yield", self._on_dummy_generator_yields)
def _dummy_task(self, a, b):
return a + b
def _on_dummy_task_done(self, result):"Dummy task done with result {}".format(result))
def _on_dummy_generator_yields(self, yield_value):"Dummy generator yields value {}".format(yield_value))
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