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Created May 31, 2019 03:37
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tool to run a png through a batch of lossless png compressors
# Simple script to run a png through a pipeline of lossless png compressors
# to find the smallest output from all of them.
# The goal is the smallest losslessly-compressed file, so excessive switches
# are used, e.g. `advpng --shrink-insane`. This is computationally expensive.
# To run this on a file:
# $ pngmin.zsh filename.png
# To run this on a subtree:
# $ find ./ -name "*\.png" -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P `nproc` ./pngmin.zsh
# NB: The order of the cmds _might_ be important.
# See the "PNG (lossless) optimization programs" section of
# for details.
template=`basename --suffix='.png' "$source"`-XXXXXXXXXX
candidate=`mktemp --suffix='.png' ${template}`
# echo "${source}"
# echo "${candidate}"
declare -a cmds=(
"zopflipng -y \"$source\" \"$candidate\" 1>/dev/null"
"optipng -clobber -preserve -quiet -o7 \"$candidate\""
"advpng -q --shrink-insane --recompress \"$candidate\""
"pngcrush -brute -reduce -ow -q \"$candidate\""
for (( step = 1; step <= steps; step++ ))
# echo "${step}/${steps} ${cmds[step]}"
eval "${cmds[$step]}"
oldSize=$( stat -c %s "${source}" )
newSize=$( stat -c %s "${candidate}" )
if [[ ${newSize} -lt ${oldSize} ]]
chmod --reference="${source}" "${candidate}"
chown --reference="${source}" "${candidate}"
mv --force "${candidate}" "${source}"
echo "${oldSize} -> ${newSize} ${source}"
rm "${candidate}"
# cleanup
rm -f "${candidate}"
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