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Created September 23, 2016 01:22
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def trees(neighborhoods):
   neighborhoods_trees = {}
   for neighborhood in neighborhoods:
       temp = april[april.Neighborhood == neighborhood]
       if len(temp) > 500:
           test = temp['Taxi_Order'] + temp['Uber_Order']
           #Deleting unnecessary columns
           del temp['Taxi_Order']
           del temp['Uber_Order']
           del temp['Min']
           del temp['Max']
           del temp['Neighborhood']
           del temp['Date']
           del temp['Uber_Share']
           del temp['Unnamed: 0']
           randomForest = ensemble.RandomForestClassifier()
 , test) # fit
           neighborhoods_trees[neighborhood] = (float(randomForest.predict(get_current_conditions())))
   return neighborhoods_trees
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