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Last active January 12, 2022 11:42
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priority first search on a graphviz dot file
# See this article for more explanations:
# pip3 install pqdict pydot networkx
# python3 -a dijk -0 E
# python3 -a prim -0 G
import argparse, sys, pydot, re
import networkx as nx
from pqdict import pqdict
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=u'BFS/DFS/PFS all in one',
parser.add_argument('-0', '--start', type=str, default='',
help='starting vertex')
algos = ['bfs', 'dfs', 'prim', 'dijk']
parser.add_argument('-a', '--algo', type=str, default='',
help=f'type of algorithm, one of {algos}')
parser.add_argument('graph_file', help='graphviz .dot file')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.algo in algos:
print(f'must specify -a ... and it must be one of {algos}')
G = pydot.graph_from_dot_file(args.graph_file)[0]
G = nx.nx_pydot.from_pydot(G)
#for v in G.nodes:
# G.nodes[v]['#priority'] = float("inf")
# print(v, G.nodes[v], G.adj[v])
fringe = pqdict(key=lambda vdata: vdata['#priority'])
if not args.start:
args.start = sorted(G.nodes)[0]
G.nodes[args.start]['#priority'] = 0
fringe.additem(args.start, G.nodes[args.start])
vid = 0
while fringe:
(vname, vdata) = fringe.popitem()
vdata['#status'] = 'visited'
print('{}({}) | '.format(vname, vdata['#priority']), end=' ')
curr_name = vname
curr_data = vdata
while '#parent' in G.nodes[curr_name]:
curr_name = curr_data['#parent']
curr_data = G.nodes[curr_name]
print(curr_name, end=' ')
for wname in sorted(G.adj[vname].keys()):
wdata = G.nodes[wname]
edge = G.adj[vname][wname][0]
edge['#weight'] = int(re.sub(r'[^\d\.]', '', edge['label']))
# print('{} ({})'.format(wname, edge['#weight']), end=' ')
if not '#status' in wdata: vid += 1
if args.algo == 'bfs':
new_prio = vid
elif args.algo == 'dfs':
new_prio = -vid
elif args.algo == 'prim':
new_prio = edge['#weight']
elif args.algo == 'dijk':
new_prio = vdata['#priority'] + edge['#weight']
if not '#status' in wdata:
wdata['#status'] = 'fringe'
wdata['#parent'] = vname
wdata['#priority'] = new_prio
fringe.additem(wname, wdata)
elif wdata['#status'] == 'fringe' and args.algo in ['prim', 'dijk']:
if new_prio < wdata['#priority']:
wdata['#parent'] = vname
wdata['#priority'] = new_prio
fringe.updateitem(wname, wdata)
if args.algo == 'prim':
total = 0
for vname in G.nodes:
vdata = G.nodes[vname]
if '#parent' in vdata:
total += G[vname][vdata['#parent']][0]['#weight']
print('MST total cost: {}'.format(total))
graph G {
rankdir = LR;
A -- B [ label="9" ];
A -- C [ label="4" ];
A -- D [ label="3" ];
A -- E [ label="8" ];
B -- C [ label="5" ];
B -- D [ label="4" ];
B -- E [ label="2" ];
C -- D [ label="7" ];
D -- E [ label="6" ];
# Vertex "1" in geeksforgeeks is vertex "A" here, "2" is "B", "3" is "C",
# ... "8" is "H", and vertex "0" there is named "I" here,
graph G {
rankdir = LR;
A -- B [ label="8" ];
A -- G [ label="11" ];
A -- I [ label="4" ];
B -- C [ label="7" ];
B -- E [ label="4" ];
B -- H [ label="2" ];
C -- D [ label="9" ];
C -- E [ label="14" ];
D -- E [ label="10" ];
E -- F [ label="2" ];
F -- G [ label="1" ];
F -- H [ label="6" ];
G -- H [ label="7" ];
G -- I [ label="8" ];
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