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Last active January 16, 2018 09:24
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  • stroke-dashoffset 属性指定了dash模式到路径开始的距离
  • Element.getTotalLength() 以像素为单位,返回路径的长度(仅适用于path元素)
  • stroke-dasharray 属性stroke-dasharray可控制用来描边的点划线的图案范式作为一个外观属性,它也可以直接用作一个CSS样式表内部的属性
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/htmlcharset=utf-8'/>
<style type='text/css'>
width: 100%;
margin: 20px 0;
height: 300px;
.old {
stroke: lightgrey;
stroke-dasharray: 5,2;
stroke-dashoffset: 5;
<div id='line'></div>
<script src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
const w = 900
const h = 400
const svg ='#line')
.attr('width', w)
.attr('height', h)
.attr('id', 'visualization')
const x = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 10]).range([0, w])
const y = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 10]).range([10, h - 10])
const line = d3.line()
.x((d,i) => x(i))
.y(d => y(d))
let repeat = () => {
const data = d3.range(11).map(() => Math.random() * 10)
svg.selectAll('path').attr('class', 'old')
const path = svg.append('path')
.attr('d', line(data))
.attr('stroke', 'darkgrey')
.attr('stroke-width', 2)
.attr('fill', 'none')
// Element.getTotalLength() 以像素为单位,返回路径的长度(仅适用于path元素)
const totalLength = path.node().getTotalLength()
.attr('stroke-dasharray', totalLength + ' ' + totalLength)
.attr('stroke-dashoffset', totalLength)
.attr('stroke-dashoffset', 0)
.on('end', repeat)
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