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Forked from bendlas/predicate.clj
Created March 7, 2013 15:50
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(ns workbench.enlive.predicate
[ :as z]
:refer [compile-step]]
:refer [zip-select]]))
;; ## Builtin predicates
;; A lot of predefined predicates and predicate combiners, for your
;; convenience.
(def root #(-> % z/up nil?))
(def void #(when (z/branch? %)
(every? void (z/children %))))
;; ### CSS like nth-*
;; Every nth-* style predicate, gets two constants a b and matches
;; every a*n+b branches.
;; When compared with the original enlive implementation, there are
;; additional *-node-* here, which not only count branch nodes, but
;; also leaf nodes.
;; These are mnemonics for the right or left siblings of a loc
(def ^:private <<< #(iterate-while z/left %))
(def ^:private >>> #(iterate-while z/right %))
;; Utils
(defn- congruent? [a b n]
(if (zero? a)
(= n b)
(let [n-b (- n b)]
(and (zero? (rem n-b a))
(<= 0 (quot n-b a))))))
(defn- nth-of [dir attr a b]
(fn [loc]
(when-let [val (attr loc)]
(congruent? a b (count (filter #(= val (attr %))
(dir loc)))))))
;; These helper macros generate toplevel functions that take a and b
;; and return a predicate. When the macro is used without specifying a
;; _location_ attribute, the generated fn additionally takes a _node_
;; attribute.
(defmacro ^:private defnth
([v dir]
(let [fname (symbol (str "nth-" (name v)))]
`(defn ~fname
([node-attr# b#] (~fname node-attr# 0 b#))
([node-attr# a# b#] (nth-of ~dir
(pred node-attr#)
a# b#)))))
([v dir attr]
(let [fname (symbol (str "nth-" (name v)))]
`(defn ~fname
([b#] (~fname 0 b#))
([a# b#] (nth-of ~dir ~attr a# b#))))))
;; The defnbr is an oddball. We need it to define functions that take
;; a user attribute, but still only want to operate on branches.
(defmacro ^:private defnbr
([v dir]
(let [fname (symbol (str "nth-" (name v)))]
`(defn ~fname
([node-attr# b#] (~fname node-attr# 0 b#))
([node-attr# a# b#] (nth-of ~dir
(branch-pred node-attr#)
a# b#))))))
;; Now we can conveniently define all the permutations of
;; [only|nth|last]-[node|branch]-of-[attr|tag] and some more.
(defnth child <<< z/branch?)
(defnth child-node <<< any-node)
(defnth last-child >>> z/branch?)
(defnth last-child-node >>> any-node)
(defnbr of-attr <<<)
(defnth node-of-attr <<<)
(defnbr last-of-attr >>>)
(defnth last-node-of-attr >>>)
(defnth of-tag <<< (branch-zip-pred loc-tag))
(defnth last-of-tag >>> (branch-zip-pred loc-tag))
;; ### Predefined positions
(def first-child (nth-child 1))
(def last-child (nth-last-child 1))
(def first-of-tag (nth-of-tag 1))
(def last-of-tag (nth-last-of-tag 1))
(def only-child (intersection [first-child last-child]))
(def only-of-tag (intersection [first-of-tag last-of-tag]))
(def odd (nth-child 2 1))
(def even (nth-child 2 0))
;; Node variants
(def first-child-node (nth-child-node 1))
(def last-child-node (nth-last-child-node 1))
(def only-node (intersection [first-child-node last-child-node]))
(def odd-node (nth-child-node 2 1))
(def even-node (nth-child-node 2 0))
;; These only work if nodes are selectable
(defnth node-of-tag <<< loc-tag)
(defnth last-node-of-tag >>> loc-tag)
(def first-node-of-tag (nth-node-of-tag 1))
(def last-node-of-tag (nth-last-node-of-tag 1))
(def only-node-of-tag (intersection [first-node-of-tag last-node-of-tag]))
;; ## Other CSS style predicates
;; locs-predicate applies f to loc to get a sequence of successor locs
;; and sees selector matches any of those
(defn- locs-predicate [f selector]
#(-> (f %)
(zip-select selector)
seq boolean)))
(defn has
"Selector predicate, matches elements which contain at least one element that
matches the specified selector. See jQuery's :has"
(locs-predicate children-locs selector))
(defn but-node
"Selector predicate, matches nodes which are rejected by the specified selector-step. See CSS :not"
(complement (compile-step selector-step)))
(defn but
"Selector predicate, matches branches which are rejected by the specified selector-step. See CSS :not"
(intersection [any (but-node selector-step)]))
(defn left
"Selector predicate, matches nodes whose immediate left sibling element is
matched by the specified selector-step."
(locs-predicate #(take 1 (left-branches %)) [:> selector-step]))
(defn lefts
"Selector predicate, matches nodes whose one left sibling element is matched by
the specified selector-step."
(locs-predicate left-branches [:> selector-step]))
(defn right
"Selector predicate, matches nodes whose immediate right sibling element is
matched by the specified selector-step."
(locs-predicate #(take 1 (right-branches %)) [:> selector-step]))
(defn rights
"Selector predicate, matches nodes whose one left sibling element is matched by
the specified selector-step."
(locs-predicate right-branches [:> selector-step]))
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