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Created February 16, 2015 03:39
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monadic parser combinators
(ns parser.core
[clojure.algo.monads :refer [defmonad with-monad state-t m-reduce]]))
(defmonad either-m
[m-result (fn [[side value]] {:side side, :value value})
m-bind (fn [mv mf] (mf [(:side mv) (:value mv)]))])
(defn left [v]
(with-monad either-m (m-result [:left v])))
(defn right [v]
(with-monad either-m (m-result [:right v])))
(defn p-error [in]
[in (left (str "Syntax Error: " (first in)))])
(defn p-error? [e]
(= :left (:side e)))
(defn p-success [in val]
[in (right val)])
(defmonad parser-m
[m-result (fn [in]
(fn [state] [in state]))
m-bind (fn [mv f]
(fn [s]
(if-not (p-error? s)
(let [[v ss] (mv s)
new-mv (f v)]
(new-mv ss))
(defn p-apply [in state mf]
(with-monad parser-m
(let [f (m-bind (m-result in) mf)]
(f state))))
(defn elem [ch]
(fn [in]
(fn [state]
(if (= ch (first in))
(p-success (rest in) ch)
(p-error in)))))
(defn many [p]
(fn [in]
(fn [state]
(let [[in res] (p-apply in state p)]
(if (p-error? res)
(p-success in '())
(let [[in nres] (p-apply in state (many p))]
(p-success in (conj (:value nres)
(:value res)))))))))
(defn all [str]
(let [mfs (map elem str)]
(fn [in]
(with-monad parser-m
(reduce m-bind (m-result in) mfs)))))
(defn alt [p1 p2]
(fn [in]
(fn [state]
(let [[in1 res1] (p-apply in state p1)]
(if (p-error? res1)
(p-apply in state p2)
[in1 res1])))))
(defn opt [p1]
(fn [in]
(fn [state]
(let [[in1 res1] (p-apply in state p1)]
(if (p-error? res1)
(p-success in (:value state))
(p-success in1 (:value res1)))))))
(defn build [& mfs]
(fn [in]
(with-monad parser-m
(reduce m-bind (m-result in) mfs))))
(defn parse [parser in]
(let [f (with-monad parser-m
(m-bind (m-result in) parser))
[in state] (f (p-success in :start))]
(if (= [] in)
(p-error in))))
(let [a (elem \A)
b (elem \B)
get (all "GET")
put (all "PUT")
http-verb (alt get put)
ma (many a)
mb (many b)
mamb (build ma mb)
mab? (build ma (opt b))]
(println (parse a "A"))
(println (parse b "B"))
(println (parse b "A"))
(println (parse http-verb "GET"))
(println (parse http-verb "PUT"))
(println (parse mamb "AAABBB"))
(println (parse mab? "AAAB"))
(println (parse mab? "AAA")))
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