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Created March 13, 2017 15:07
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let to_js_boolean b => if b { Js.true_ } else { Js.false_ };
let optionMap fn opt_value => switch opt_value {
| None => None
| Some value => Some (fn value)
module View = {
external view : ReactRe.reactClass = "View" [@@bs.module "react-native"];
let createElement
accessible::(accessible:option bool)=?
onClick::(onClick:option (ReactRe.event => unit))=? =>
"accessible": Js.Undefined.from_opt (optionMap to_js_boolean accessible),
"onClick": Js.Undefined.from_opt onClick
module Text = {
type ellipsizeModeT = [
| `head
| `middle
| `tail
| `clip
] [@bs.string];
external text : ReactRe.reactClass = "Text" [@@bs.module "react-native"];
let createElement
accessible::(accessible:option bool)=?
allowFontScaling::(allowFontScaling:option bool)=?
ellipsizeMode::(ellipsizeMode:option ellipsizeModeT)=?
numberOfLines::(numberOfLines:option int)=? =>
"accessible": Js.Undefined.from_opt (optionMap to_js_boolean accessible),
"allowFontScaling": Js.Undefined.from_opt (optionMap to_js_boolean allowFontScaling),
"ellipsizeMode": Js.Undefined.from_opt (optionMap (fun
| `head => "head"
| `middle => "middle"
| `tail => "tail"
| `clip => "clip") ellipsizeMode),
"numberOfLines": Js.Undefined.from_opt numberOfLines
module Button = {
external button : ReactRe.reactClass = "Button" [@@bs.module "react-native"];
let createElement
accessibilityLabel::(accessibilityLabel:option string)=?
color::(color:option string)=?
disabled::(disabled:option bool)=?
onPress::(onPress:option (ReactRe.event => unit))=?
title::(title:option string)=? =>
"accessibilityLabel": Js.Undefined.from_opt accessibilityLabel,
"color": Js.Undefined.from_opt color,
"disabled": Js.Undefined.from_opt (optionMap to_js_boolean disabled),
"onPress": Js.Undefined.from_opt onPress,
"title": Js.Undefined.from_opt title,
/* module ActionSheetIOS = {
type actionSheetOptions = Js.t {. options: array string, cancelButtonIndex: int, descructiveButtonIndex: int, title: string, message: string };
external showActionSheetWithOptions : actionSheetOptions -> (int -> unit) -> unit = "ActionSheetIOS.showActionSheetWithOptions" [@bs.val]
}; */
module Dimensions = {
type dim = Js.t {. width: float, height: float, scale: float, fontScale: float };
external get : [
| `window
| `windowPhysicalPixels
| `screen ] [@bs.string] => dim = "get" [@@bs.module "Dimensions"];
module Keyboard = {
type event = Js.t {.
endCoordinates: Js.t {.
width: float,
height: float,
screenX: float,
screenY: float
external addListener: eventName::([
| `keyboardWillShow
| `keyboardDidShow
| `keyboardWillHide
| `keyboardDidHide
| `keyboardWillChangeFrame
| `keyboardDidChangeFrame
] [@bs.string]) => (event => unit) => unit = "addListener" [@@bs.module "Keyboard"];
external removeListener: eventName::([
| `keyboardWillShow
| `keyboardDidShow
| `keyboardWillHide
| `keyboardDidHide
| `keyboardWillChangeFrame
| `keyboardDidChangeFrame
] [@bs.string]) => (event => unit) => unit = "removeListener" [@@bs.module "Keyboard"];
external removeAllListeners: eventName::([
| `keyboardWillShow
| `keyboardDidShow
| `keyboardWillHide
| `keyboardDidHide
| `keyboardWillChangeFrame
| `keyboardDidChangeFrame
] [@bs.string]) => unit = "removeAllListeners" [@@bs.module "Keyboard"];
external dismiss: unit => unit = "dismiss" [@@bs.module "Keyboard"];
module NativeRoot = {
include ReactRe.Component.Stateful.JsProps;
type state = { presses: int };
let getInitialState props => { presses: 0 };
type props = ();
type jsProps = Js.t {.};
let jsPropsToReasonProps = Some (fun _ => ());
let name = "NativeRoot";
let handleClick {props, state} event => {
Js.log "clicked!";
Some { presses: state.presses + 1 }
let render {props, state, updater} => {
let dim = Dimensions.get `window;
Keyboard.addListener `keyboardWillShow (fun event => ());
/* <Text>
(ReactRe.stringToElement "hello")
(ReactRe.stringToElement (string_of_float dim##width))
/* (ReactRe.stringToElement (string_of_float rawDim##width)) */
</Text> */
<Button onPress=(updater handleClick) title=("Oh my: " ^ (string_of_int state.presses)) />
<Text ellipsizeMode=`middle numberOfLines=1>
(ReactRe.stringToElement "alpha bravo charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel india juliet kilo")
/* let render {props, updater} =>
<div onClick=(updater handleClick)> (ReactRe.stringToElement "hello") </div>; */
include ReactRe.CreateComponent NativeRoot;
let createElement = wrapProps ();
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