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Last active September 4, 2017 18:59
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  • Save cklosowski/c98506b2abb3d19490aba9fa52fc5c10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cklosowski/c98506b2abb3d19490aba9fa52fc5c10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. rollbot:
* This is a rollbot for written in PHP
* It will use the parameters below to run bets. If a bet wins it resets to the $starting value.
* If a bet loses, it doubles your bet amount and continues to do so until you win, or hit the $max_bet.
* Once you win, it kicks back down to the $starting bet.
* This code comes As-Is. The author not responsible for your gambling habits on Losses are your responsibility.
* Donations Welcome:
$key = '<your api key>';
$secret = '<your api secret>';
$api = '';
$min_bal = 1000; // If your balance ever gets at or below this, betting will not start, or stop the current bet run
$starting = 25; // The amount to start betting at
$bet_amount = $starting; // The initial bet amount (this will change as the loop persists
$multiplyer = 2; // The multiplyer you want to bet against (2=49%, 3=32%, 4=24%, 5=19%, 6=15%, 7=13%, 8=11%, 9=10%)
$max_bets = 25; // Number of bets to make in this loop
// Get current balance
$response = json_decode( file_get_contents( $api . 'account/get?key=' . $key . '&secret=' . $secret ) );
$current_balance = $response->result->balance;
$total_balance = $current_balance;
$starting_balance = $current_balance;
$i = 1;
$wins = 0;
$losses = 0;
echo '--- Stating bets with ' . (string) $starting_balance . '---' . "\n";
while ( $i <= $max_bets ) {
if ( $current_balance <= $min_bal ) {
echo '--- Balance threshold crossed ---' . "\n";
$bet_response = json_decode( file_get_contents( $api . 'gamble/roll?amount=' . $bet_amount . '&payout=' . $multiplyer . '&key=' . $key . '&secret=' . $secret ) );
if ( $bet_response->won ) {
$won = $bet_amount * ( $multiplyer - 1 );
$bet_amount = $starting;
$current_balance = $current_balance + ( $won ) + $bet_amount;
echo $i . ' - Won: ' . $won . "\n";
} else {
$lost = $bet_amount;
$bet_amount = $bet_amount * 2;
// Never end on a loss, helps total RIP
if ( $i === $max_bets ) {
$current_balance = $current_balance - $lost;
echo $i . ' - Lost: ' . $lost . "\n";
echo 'Starting Balance: ' . $starting_balance . "\n";
$response = json_decode( file_get_contents( $api . 'account/get?key=' . $key . '&secret=' . $secret ) );
echo 'Ending Balance: ' . $response->result->balance . "\n";
echo 'Bet Performance: ' . (string) ( $response->result->balance - $starting_balance ) . "\n";
echo $wins . ' Wins & ' . $losses . ' Losses' . "\n";
echo 'Win Pct: ' . round( ( $wins/$i ) * 100 ) . '%' . "\n";
echo '--- Betting Closed ---' . "\n";
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cklosowski commented Sep 2, 2017

I run this on a cron on a web server with the following:
*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/username/scripts/ >> /var/log/

This way it runs every 1 minutes, and stores the results (appended after the previous results in a log file).

Just be sure to clear the log from time to time in order to stop it from getting toooooo large :)

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@NoobCoder807, you can't steal what I made public ;) isn't that the point of GitHub?! Enjoy!


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Sample of the log output:

--- Stating bets with 31249---
1 - Lost: 10
2 - Lost: 20
3 - Won: 80
4 - Lost: 10
5 - Lost: 20
6 - Lost: 40
7 - Lost: 80
8 - Lost: 160
9 - Lost: 320
10 - Won: 1280
11 - Lost: 10
12 - Lost: 20
13 - Lost: 40
14 - Won: 160
15 - Won: 20
16 - Won: 20
17 - Won: 20
18 - Lost: 10
19 - Lost: 20
20 - Lost: 40
21 - Lost: 80
22 - Lost: 160
23 - Lost: 320
24 - Lost: 640
25 - Lost: 740
Starting Balance: 31249
Ending Balance: 30089
Bet Performance: -1160
--- Betting Closed ---

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Latest updates, removes the max bet (it can cause issues with doubling and making up for losses) and also makes it so this never ends on a loss. If your last bet is a loss, it simply adds one more to the max bet, so that it can try and make up for the loss.

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