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Last active July 3, 2024 14:32
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A simple GPU version of the box least squares (BLS) algorithm with numba
from numba import cuda
import math
import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
from cupyx import optimizing
def calculate_part1(t, ivar, period, duration, t0, ivar_in, ivar_out):
# Thread index
tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
by = cuda.blockIdx.y
bdx = cuda.blockDim.x
bdy = cuda.blockDim.y
i = bx * bdx + tx # index for period
j = by * bdy + ty # index for y
if i < period.size:
period_i = period[i]
duration_i = duration[i]
half_period_i = 0.5 * period_i
t0_i = t0[i]
# Calculate ivar_in and ivar_out using atomic operations
if j < t.size:
phase = (t[j] - t0_i + half_period_i) % period_i
if abs(phase - half_period_i) < 0.5 * duration_i:
cuda.atomic.add(ivar_in, i, ivar[j])
cuda.atomic.add(ivar_out, i, ivar[j])
def calculate_part2(t, y, ivar, period, duration, t0, y_in, y_out):
# Thread index
tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
by = cuda.blockIdx.y
bdx = cuda.blockDim.x
bdy = cuda.blockDim.y
i = bx * bdx + tx # index for period
j = by * bdy + ty # index for y
if i < period.size:
period_i = period[i]
duration_i = duration[i]
half_period_i = 0.5 * period_i
t0_i = t0[i]
# Calculate y_in and y_out
if j < t.size:
phase = (t[j] - t0_i + half_period_i) % period_i
if abs(phase - half_period_i) < 0.5 * duration_i:
cuda.atomic.add(y_in, i, (ivar[j] * y[j]))
cuda.atomic.add(y_out, i, (ivar[j] * y[j]))
def calculate_part3(y_out, y_in, depth, depth_err, ivar_in, ivar_out, snr):
i = cuda.grid(1)
if i < snr.size:
depth[i] = y_out[i] / ivar_out[i] - y_in[i] / ivar_in[i]
depth_err[i] = math.sqrt(1.0 / ivar_in[i] + 1.0 / ivar_out[i])
snr[i] = depth[i] / depth_err[i]
def cubls(t, y, ivar, period, duration, oversample, dtype=np.float32):
t = cuda.to_device(t.astype(dtype))
y = cuda.to_device(y.astype(dtype))
ivar = cuda.to_device(ivar.astype(dtype))
P, D = np.meshgrid(period, duration, indexing='ij')
Pf = P.flatten()
Df = D.flatten()
phases = [np.arange(0, p + d, d) for p, d in zip(Pf, Df / oversample)]
sizes = [phase.size for phase in phases]
with optimizing.optimize():
phases = cp.concatenate(phases)
P_c = cp.asarray(Pf)
D_c = cp.asarray(Df)
period_repeated = cp.repeat(P_c, sizes)
duration_repeated = cp.repeat(D_c, sizes)
threads_per_block = (32, 16)
blocks_per_grid_x = math.ceil(period_repeated.size / threads_per_block[0])
blocks_per_grid_y = math.ceil(y.size / threads_per_block[1])
blocks_per_grid = (blocks_per_grid_x, blocks_per_grid_y)
calculate_part1[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](t, ivar, period_repeated, duration_repeated, phases, ivar_in, ivar_out)
calculate_part2[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](t, y, ivar, period_repeated, duration_repeated, phases, y_in, y_out)
calculate_part3.forall(snr.size)(y_out, y_in, depth, depth_err, ivar_in, ivar_out, snr)
return period_repeated, duration_repeated, phases, snr
if __name__ == "__main__":
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
t = rng.uniform(0, 20, 5000)
t -= np.min(t)
y = np.ones_like(t) - 0.1*((t%3)<0.2) + 0.01*rng.standard_normal(len(t))
ivar = np.ones_like(t) * 0.01
period = np.linspace(1, 10, 1000, dtype=np.float32)
duration = np.arange(0.01, 0.5, 0.02, dtype=np.float32)
oversample = 10
period_repeated, duration_repeated, phases = cubls(t, y, ivar, period, duration, oversample)
best_period = period_repeated.copy_to_host()[np.nanargmax(snr.copy_to_host())]
best_duration = duration_repeated.copy_to_host()[np.nanargmax(snr.copy_to_host())]
best_t0 = phases.copy_to_host()[np.nanargmax(snr.copy_to_host())]
print("Best period:", best_period, "Best duration:", best_duration, "Best t0:", best_t0, 'Best SNR:', np.nanmax(snr.copy_to_host()))
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