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Created July 29, 2016 01:29
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ZZT tiger tick function
; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ S U B R O U T I N E ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
; Attributes: bp-based frame
TickTiger proc far ; DATA XREF: InitTileTypes+2E1o
ParamPtr = dword ptr -6
ShootType = byte ptr -2
HasShot = byte ptr -1
ParamIdx = word ptr 6
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ax, 6
call CheckStack
sub sp, 6
mov ax, [bp+ParamIdx]
mov dx, size ParamRecord
mul dx
mov di, ax
add di, offset BoardParams
mov word ptr [bp+ParamPtr], di
mov word ptr [bp+ParamPtr+2], ds
mov [bp+ShootType], TTBullet
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
cmp byte ptr es:[di+ParamRecord.Param2], FiringRateStarMask ; Check for shooting star flag
jb short TigShootTypeSet
mov [bp+ShootType], TTStar
; Decide if we're going to shoot this tick
TigShootTypeSet: ; CODE XREF: TickTiger+2Ej
mov ax, 0Ah
push ax
call Random ; Get a random number in [0, 10)...
mov cx, 3
mul cx ; ...and multiply by 3
mov bx, ax
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
mov al, byte ptr es:[di+ParamRecord.Param2] ; masked firing rate
; Clear the star mask by integer division!
xor ah, ah
mov cx, FiringRateStarMask
idiv cx
xchg ax, dx ; ax is now the unmasked firing rate
cmp ax, bx
jnb short TigerCheckXAxis
jmp EndTickTiger
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Check if the player is within 2 tiles on the X axis
TigerCheckXAxis: ; CODE XREF: TickTiger+56j
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
mov al, es:[di+ParamRecord.X]
xor ah, ah
push ax
mov al, BoardParams.X
xor ah, ah
push ax
call Distance ; Calculate the distance between two ints
cmp ax, 2
jg short TigerDontShootY
; The player is close on the X axis, so shoot on the Y axis
mov al, [bp+ShootType]
push ax
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
mov al, es:[di+ParamRecord.X]
xor ah, ah
push ax
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
mov al, es:[di+ParamRecord.Y]
xor ah, ah
push ax
xor ax, ax
push ax
; Get the Y direction to shoot
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
mov al, es:[di+ParamRecord.Y]
xor ah, ah
mov dx, ax
mov al, BoardParams.Y
xor ah, ah
sub ax, dx
push ax
call StepForDelta ; Return step (-1, 0, or 1) for (negative, 0, or positive) delta
push ax
mov ax, 1
push ax
call Shoot ; Shoot a ShootType from (FromX,FromY) at (StepX,StepY)
; Owner 0=player, 1=enemy
mov [bp+HasShot], al
jmp short TigerCheckYAxis
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TigerDontShootY: ; CODE XREF: TickTiger+72j
mov [bp+HasShot], 0
TigerCheckYAxis: ; CODE XREF: TickTiger+B3j
cmp [bp+HasShot], 0
jnz short EndTickTiger
; Check if the player is within 2 tiles on the Y axis
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
mov al, es:[di+ParamRecord.Y]
xor ah, ah
push ax
mov al, BoardParams.Y
xor ah, ah
push ax
call Distance ; Calculate the distance between two ints
cmp ax, 2
jg short EndTickTiger
; The player is close on the Y axis, so shoot on the X axis
mov al, [bp+ShootType]
push ax
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
mov al, es:[di+ParamRecord.X]
xor ah, ah
push ax
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
mov al, es:[di+ParamRecord.Y]
xor ah, ah
push ax
; Get the X direction to shoot
les di, [bp+ParamPtr]
mov al, es:[di+ParamRecord.X]
xor ah, ah
mov dx, ax
mov al, BoardParams.X
xor ah, ah
sub ax, dx
push ax
call StepForDelta ; Return step (-1, 0, or 1) for (negative, 0, or positive) delta
push ax
xor ax, ax
push ax
mov ax, 1
push ax
call Shoot ; Shoot a ShootType from (FromX,FromY) at (StepX,StepY)
; Owner 0=player, 1=enemy
mov [bp+HasShot], al
EndTickTiger: ; CODE XREF: TickTiger+58j
; TickTiger+BDj ...
push [bp+ParamIdx]
push cs
call near ptr TickLion ; Use the same movement behavior as a lion
mov sp, bp
pop bp
retf 2
TickTiger endp
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