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Last active April 18, 2021 04:56
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Arch/Linux problems and solutions that I've dug up.
0. Problem: solution.
1. Can't boot, efibootmgr doesn't see root drive:
2. Fresh install, can't ping: I updated resolv.conf with the contents of the laptop's resolv.conf (idk if that did anything), then I ran "dhcpcd eno1" (ethernet device) after which I could ping.
3. Can't load $DISPLAY or Light Display Manager: install driver, install lightdm-gtk-greeter, install xorg, install xterm, uh that might have been all?
4. Firefox only uses half the window in i3: enable privacy.resistFingerprinting.
5. No audio with pulsemixer: lol pulsemixer was muted, press M.
6. Can't scroll by clicking middle mouse in Firefox: general.AutoScroll = true.
7. Font aliases changed: I made a .config/fontconfig/fonts.conf but it did nothing on its own. I then installed ttf-dejavu and all is fine.
8. makepkg cannot find the strip binary: install base-devel.
9. Special characters are boxes: install CJK fonts (.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf).
10. Special characters are boxes in xterm: Hold Ctrl+RightClick and select "TrueType Fonts".
11. iptables not persistent:
12. Can't scroll by clicking middle mouse in Discord: don't use xinput/libinput (wacky scrolling) . . . still troubleshooting.
13. Packages in group installed explicitly: use [-D] —asdeps (opposite of —asexplicit).
14. Can't change brightness: `xrandr —output [ ] —brightness [1==full]`; use `xrandr` to determine the output.
15. Sticky WASD in Minecraft: remove old versions of LWJGL from .minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl.
16. Fail to boot after system upgrade: if `cat /proc/version` and `uname -r` are different, chroot into drive from live USB and reinstall the kernel with `pacman -S linux`.
17. Undesired default applications for opening .filetype:
18. Can't upgrade pacman as it is a dependency for yay:
19. VMware Workstation "Could not connect 'Ethernet0' to virtual network...": `systemctl start vmware-networks.service`.
20. Where is the swappiness value located?: /proc/sys/vm/swappiness.
21. Set default file manager to Thunar: `xdg-mime default <applications dir>/thunar.desktop inode/directory`
22. Discord/Slack hang on notification: install a notification daemon, e.g. dunst.
23. VMware Player throws "Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory. Please make sure that the kernel module `vmmon' is loaded.": `sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all --appname="VMware Player" --icon="vmware-player"`.
24. LXAppearance changes highlight colors but not background colors: set 'gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=1' in .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini.
25. VMware Player "Could not connect 'Ethernet0' to virtual network...": `sudo modprobe vmnet` and `sudo vmware-networks --start`.
26. VMware Player overwrites `xmodmap`: keep a terminal window open from the beginning, and use `setxkbmap [...]` to revert when done. (Note: left Alt is still broken)
27. Polkit fails to authenticate user "root" in terminal prompt: add `exec --no-startup-id [polkit agent binary] &` to .i3/config.
28. Custom Global Shortcut not working in KDE:
29. Steam games (forced Proton) won't launch with Intel integrated graphics: add `VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.i686.json:/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/intel_icd.x86_64.json` to /etc/environment and reboot/relogin.
30. "nodejs: [file path] exists in filesystem":
31. Microphone doesn't show up in Input Devices:
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