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Last active March 28, 2019 18:59
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Require Import List.
Require Import Omega.
Import ListNotations.
Definition strong_head {A : Type} : forall ls : list A, ls <> [] -> A.
refine (fun (ls : list A) =>
match ls with
| [] => fun _ => _
| a :: _ => fun _ => a
(* [] *)
Definition this_works : forall (ns : list nat) (idx : nat), (ns <> []) -> nat.
refine (fun ns idx ns_not_empty =>
(strong_head ns _) - (strong_head ns _)).
+ apply ns_not_empty.
+ apply ns_not_empty.
Definition bug : forall (ns : list nat) (idx : nat), (ns <> []) -> nat.
refine (fun ns idx ns_not_empty =>
let x := strong_head ns _ in
let y := x - (strong_head ns _) in
+ apply ns_not_empty. Abort.
(* Unshelve *)
Definition bug_fix : forall (ns : list nat) (idx : nat), (ns <> []) -> nat.
refine (fun ns idx ns_not_empty =>
let x := strong_head ns _ in
let y := x - (strong_head ns _) in
+ Unshelve. apply ns_not_empty. apply ns_not_empty.
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