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Last active March 25, 2018 15:27
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
module Bug where
`rts.c` has a minimal RTS I'm using to test the object file linking. It houses the `main` function.
The main function calls `main_expr`, which is provided by this LLVM module.
import Data.Int
import Foreign.Ptr
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import LLVM.Module (Module, withModuleFromAST, moduleLLVMAssembly)
import LLVM.AST
import LLVM.AST.Global
import LLVM.Context
import LLVM.AST.Type
-- import LLVM.Pretty (ppllvm)
import LLVM.Target as LLVMJIT
import LLVM.Internal.ObjectFile
defMain :: Definition
defMain = GlobalDefinition functionDefaults
{ name = Name "main_expr"
, parameters = ([] , False)
, returnType = i64
, basicBlocks = [body]
body = BasicBlock (Name "entry") [] (Do $ Ret Nothing [])
testmod :: LLVM.AST.Module
testmod = defaultModule
{ moduleName = "testmod"
, moduleDefinitions = [defMain]
toLLVM :: LLVM.AST.Module -> IO ()
toLLVM mod = withContext $ \ctx -> do
llvm <- withModuleFromAST ctx mod moduleLLVMAssembly
BS.putStrLn llvm
foreign import ccall "dynamic"
mkMain :: FunPtr (IO Int32) -> IO Int32
withTestModule :: LLVM.AST.Module -> (LLVM.Module.Module -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestModule mod f = withContext $ \context -> withModuleFromAST context mod f
resolver :: IRCompileLayer l -> MangledSymbol -> IO JITSymbol
resolver compileLayer symbol
= findSymbol compileLayer symbol True
nullResolver :: MangledSymbol -> IO JITSymbol
nullResolver _ = return (JITSymbol 0 (JITSymbolFlags False False))
eagerJIT :: LLVM.AST.Module -> IO Int32
eagerJIT amod =
withTestModule amod $ \mod ->
withHostTargetMachine $ \tm ->
withObjectLinkingLayer $ \objectLayer ->
withIRCompileLayer objectLayer tm $ \compileLayer -> do
buf <- createObjectFile "/home/cskksc/chai/llvm-hs/blade/rts.o"
-- This line causes the memory corruption. Just creating the object file works perfectly fine
_ <- addObjectFile objectLayer buf (SymbolResolver (resolver compileLayer) nullResolver)
asm <- moduleLLVMAssembly mod
BS.putStrLn asm
-- return 42
(SymbolResolver (resolver compileLayer) nullResolver) $
\_ -> do
mainSymbol <- mangleSymbol compileLayer "main_expr"
JITSymbol mainFn _ <- findSymbol compileLayer mainSymbol True
result <- mkMain (castPtrToFunPtr (wordPtrToPtr mainFn))
return result
main :: IO ()
main = do
res <- eagerJIT testmod
Prelude.putStrLn $ show res
return ()
void print_int(long long i) {
printf("%lld\n", i);
void main_expr();
void main () {
/* main_expr(); */
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