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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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After you have imported this module, you can call it via Get-IpChecklist but without parameter this module would
not work.
Get-IpChecklist -CheckType username -CheckValue johndoe;
Get-IpChecklist -CheckType username -CheckValue johndoe -ConvertTime true;
Get-IpChecklist -CheckType username -CheckValue johndoe -ConsoleMode silent;
Get-IpChecklist -CheckType username -CheckValue johndoe -ConvertTime true -ConsoleMode silent;
GetIpChecklist -CheckType <string> -CheckValue <string> [-ConvertTime <true>] [-ConsoleMode <silent>];
[mandatory] -CheckType = you can choose between ip, email or username
[mandatory] -CheckValue = the ip, email or username you want to check
[optional] -ConvertTime = set true if you want to convert the last_update value to a readable string
[optional] -ConsoleMode = if set silent, ther will be no output to the console windows if true or false
The module thorws either True or False if -CheckValue is found or not. Using variable $IpCheckResult you can process the
answer. You can also use the $IpChecklistOutput_<TYPE> to get specific informations. For example $IpChecklistOutput_LastUpdate.
Import in a script : Import-Module \path\to\Get-IpChecklist.ps1;
Import to all sessions: Open C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\profile.ps1 or create it as administrator. Add
Import-Module \path\to\Get-IpChecklist.ps1; and save profile.ps1 and you are ready to go.
Function Global:Get-IpChecklist
[Parameter(Position=0 , Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Position=1 , Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Position=2 , Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Position=3 , Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
If ($CheckType -eq "ip")
$ApiValueString1 = "?"+$CheckType+"="+$CheckValue+"&usernames=1&emails=1";
$ApiValueString1 = "?"+$CheckType+"="+$CheckValue;
$IpChecklistJson = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri$ApiValueString1 | ConvertFrom-Json;
If ($CheckType -eq "ip")
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Errors = $IpChecklistJson.errors;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Id = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_LastUpdate = $IpChecklistJson.last_update;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Reports = $IpChecklistJson.reports;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Ip = $IpChecklistJson.ip;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Provider = $IpChecklistJson.provider;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Organisation = $IpChecklistJson.organisation;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Region = $IpChecklistJson.region;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_CountryCode = $IpChecklistJson.countrycode;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_AllEmails = $IpChecklistJson.emails.all;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_EmailsCount = $IpChecklistJson.emails.count;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_AllUsers = $IpChecklistJson.usernames.all;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_UsersCount = $IpChecklistJson.usernames.count;
$IpChecklistSearchTypeString = $IpChecklistOutput_Ip;
ElseIf ($CheckType -eq "username")
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Errors = $IpChecklistJson.username.errors;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Id = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_LastUpdate = $IpChecklistJson.username.last_update;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Reports = $IpChecklistJson.username.reports;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Ip = $IpChecklistJson.username.ip;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Username = $IpChecklistJson.username.username;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Provider = $IpChecklistJson.username.provider;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Organisation = $IpChecklistJson.username.organisation;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Region = $IpChecklistJson.username.region;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_CountryCode = $IpChecklistJson.username.countrycode;
$IpChecklistSearchTypeString = $IpChecklistOutput_Username;
ElseIf ($CheckType -eq "email")
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Errors = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Id = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_LastUpdate = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Reports = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Ip = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Email = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Provider = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Organisation = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_Region = $;
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_CountryCode = $;
$IpChecklistSearchTypeString = $IpChecklistOutput_Email;
If ($ConvertTime -eq "true")
$IpChecklistUnixEpochStart = New-Object -Type DateTime -ArgumentList 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0;
$IpChecklistUnixEpochNow = $IpChecklistUnixEpochStart.AddSeconds($IpChecklistJson.last_update);
$Global:IpChecklistOutput_LastUpdate = $IpChecklistUnixEpochNow;
$IpChecklistResult = $IpChecklistSearchTypeString -match $CheckValue;
If ($ConsoleMode -eq "silent") { } Else { Write-Host $IpChecklistResult; }
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