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Last active October 14, 2019 14:11
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Workaround for #1630
# (c)2018 Christian Kujau <>
# A (far too complicated) script to get the Ubuntu package of
# Signal on a non-Debian based Desktop.
# Packages for rpm-based linux distributions like Fedora #1630
# Kill it with fire
_die() {
echo "$@"
exit 1
case $1 in
TEMP=$(mktemp -d)
[ -d "$2" ] && TEMP="$2" || TEMP=$(mktemp -d)
_die "Usage: $(basename $0) [download|install] || [install] (DIR)"
cd "$TEMP" || _die "Could not change to directory $TEMP"
# Download & verify the InRelease file
if [ ! -f InRelease ]; then
curl -sLO "$BASEURL"/"$DIST"/InRelease || _die "Failed to download InRelease"
gpg --verify InRelease || _die "Signature verification failed"
SHA256=$(grep -A5 ^SHA256 InRelease | awk '/main\/binary-amd64\/Packages.bz2/ {print $1}')
# Download & verify the Packages.bz2 file
if [ ! -f Packages.bz2 ]; then
curl -sLO "$BASEURL"/"$DIST"/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2 \
|| _die "Failed to download Packages.bz2"
sha256sum Packages.bz2 | grep -q $SHA256 || _die "Checksum verification of Packages.bz2 failed"
echo "### Available versions:"
bzip2 -dc Packages.bz2 | grep ^Version | sort -n && echo
# Try to find out the newest version
VER=$(bzip2 -dc Packages.bz2 | awk '/^Version:/ {print $NF}' | sort -n | head -1)
# There must be a better way to do this...
bzip2 -dc Packages.bz2 | grep -m1 -A20 'Package: signal-desktop-beta' | \
awk '/^Filename/ || /^Version/ || /SHA256/ {print $2}' | xargs echo | while read v f s; do
# echo "### DEBUG: v: $v f: $f s: $s"
[ $v = $VER ] || continue
echo "### Downloading ${f}..."
if [ ! -f "$(basename "$f")" ]; then
curl -LO "$BASEURL"/"$f" || _die "Failed to download package"
sha256sum signal-desktop*amd64.deb | grep -q $s || _die "Checksum verification of package failed"
# Extract the data part of the Debian package
ar x signal-desktop*amd64.deb data.tar.xz || _die "Package extraction failed"
# Install
if [ "$INSTALL" = 1 ]; then
echo "### Installing in /opt/Signal Beta..."
sudo rm -r "/opt/Signal Beta.old"
sudo mv -v "/opt/Signal Beta" "/opt/Signal Beta.old"
sudo tar -C / -xJf data.tar.xz ./opt
tar -C / --transform="s|usr|$HOME/.local|" -xJf data.tar.xz ./usr/share/icons/
sudo chown -R root:root "/opt/Signal Beta"
sudo ln -svf "/opt/Signal Beta/signal-desktop-beta" /usr/local/bin/signal-desktop-beta
rm -r InRelease Packages.bz2 signal-desktop*amd64.deb data.tar.xz "$TEMP"
echo "Files can be found in "$TEMP""
exit 0
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