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Last active April 7, 2019 17:27
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Example using PERMANOVA with single and multiple covariates (a.k.a., independent variables).
adonis(formula = GPfr_phylum_bray ~ SampleType, data = sampledf)
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df SumsOfSqs MeanSqs F.Model R2 Pr(>F)
SampleType 8 8.2618 1.03272 5.81 0.7322 0.001 ***
Residuals 17 3.0218 0.17775 0.2678
Total 25 11.2836 1.0000
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
adonis(formula = GPfr_phylum_bray ~ Description, data = sampledf)
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df SumsOfSqs MeanSqs F.Model R2 Pr(>F)
Description 24 11.1949 0.46646 5.2634 0.99215 0.027 *
Residuals 1 0.0886 0.08862 0.00785
Total 25 11.2836 1.00000
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
adonis(formula = GPfr_phylum_bray ~ SampleType + Description, data = sampledf)
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df SumsOfSqs MeanSqs F.Model R2 Pr(>F)
SampleType 8 8.2618 1.03272 11.6530 0.73220 0.022 *
Description 16 2.9331 0.18332 2.0686 0.25995 0.060 .
Residuals 1 0.0886 0.08862 0.00785
Total 25 11.2836 1.00000
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
# Adjusted from
GPr = transform_sample_counts(GlobalPatterns, function(x) x / sum(x) )
GPfr = filter_taxa(GPr, function(x) mean(x) > 1e-5, TRUE)
GPfr_phylum <- GPfr %>%
tax_glom(taxrank = "Phylum") %>% # agglomerate at phylum level
transform_sample_counts(function(x) {x/sum(x)} ) %>% # Transform to rel. abundance
psmelt() %>% # Melt to long format
filter(Abundance > 0.02) %>% # Filter out low abundance taxa
# Plot #####
p.phyla <- ggplot(GPfr_phylum, aes(x = Sample, y = Abundance, fill = Phylum)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
# Remove x axis title
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, keywidth = 1, keyheight = 1)) +
ylab("Relative Abundance (Phyla > 2%) \n") +
ggtitle("Phylum Composition of GlobalPatterns Communities by Sample")
# Calculate bray curtis distance matrix
GPfr_phylum_bray <- phyloseq::distance(GPfr, method = "bray")
# make a data frame from the sample_data
sampledf <- data.frame(sample_data(GPfr))
# Adonis test
adonis(GPfr_phylum_bray ~ SampleType, data = sampledf)
adonis(GPfr_phylum_bray ~ Description, data = sampledf)
adonis(GPfr_phylum_bray ~ SampleType + Description, data = sampledf)
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claczny commented Sep 8, 2017

Note, as described in, the data should be scaled to have similar sequencing depth. This is omitted in this example, but should be performed when using your own data.

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claczny commented Sep 8, 2017

Note that the order of the covariates (a.k.a., independent variables) MATTERS in this case, i.e., different results are obtained using SampleType + Description or Description + SampleType (results not shown). For more info, s.

[UPDATE] This is for ANOVA says:

In a nonorthogonal design with more than one term on the right hand side of the equation order will matter (i.e., A+B and B+A will produce different results)! We will need use the drop1( ) function to produce the familiar Type III results.

[UPDATE2] For the adonis function, and maybe related to aov, the testing is done sequentially, s. vegandevs/vegan#229. Hence, the effect of the ordering. Unsure what the "marginal" means, instead of "sequential".

[Update3] Note the comment in vegandevs/vegan#229:

I do not recommend using all possible orders. Either you do marginal tests and accept the statistics it can deliver, or you have an a priori meaningful order.

-> See the

a priori meaningful order

Not sure how to get this though.

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