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Last active July 26, 2021 02:25
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Timeline of Package development in VSCode | Workshop | JuliaCon 2021
Code: on
In the outline below, lines that end in (*) include features I wasn't aware of or hadn't tried until now. I think many of them are newer features.
4m35s: What's VSCode? Why use it?
9m10s: Setup VSCode
10m20s: Setup VSCode in the cloud (JuliaHub)
11m20s: VSCode Basics - install Julia extension
12m45s: Installing Julia locally
14m21s: VSCode Basic: Command Palette (F1/CTRL-SHIFT-P)
15m05s: VSCode settings
15m50s: VSCode Settings: julia environment path
16m50s: Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal
- NOTE: CTRL-~ show/hides the default terminal
18m00s: Left toolbar panel
18m30s: Useful settings and extensions
- GitLens for better git integration
- vscode-pdf
- Remote - SSH
- Vim or `VsCode NeoVim`
- Set `julia.execution.resultType` to `inline, errors in REPL` (RECOMMENDED!), `inline` or `both` (*)
21m00s: JuliaMono font (*)
- Set `editor.fontFamily` to JuliaMono ( You won't regret it!
- Add these 2 lines to settings.json:
- "editor.fontFamily": "JuliaMono",
- "editor.fontLigatures": true
21m43s: Search (CTRL-F)
22m10s: Git
22m40s: Debugger view (overview)
22m50s: Julia left panel: workspace, documentation, Plot navigator
24m10s: A glance at the JuliaHub interface
25m10s: Julia: Start REPL (Alt+J, Alt+O)
26m40s: Julia: Execute Code in REPL and Move (Alt+Enter on Windows/Linux, CTRL+Enter on Mac) (*)
- Executes the current line, shows result inline, moves cursor to next Julia expression
29m20s: Common trip-up: everything in the editor is relative to the current file, so beware of file/pwd mismatches! (*)
30m17s: Modules (*)
34m00s: Error stack trace
- Ctrl-Click on a line, to navigate to that file
- Hover on a red line to display stack trace, arrows to go up/down in stack (*)
37m40s: redefinition of struct within a module: re-evaluate the whole module (*)
39m30s: blue underline (errors) (*)
40m30s: Example: Editing JuliaCon.jl package (*)
43m24s: Navigate to function definition: hover on, or CTRL-click on function name
44m40s: Override now() method in JuliaCon module, override module selector (from main to JuliaCon) (*)
47m48s: Revise - allows live editing, a bit more powerful
50m53s: Is there a way to extend the REPL history? A: Settings→Terminal>Integrated:Scrollback (default 1000)
51m40s: Is there a convenient keybinding to switch from editor to terminal and back? A: My own answer (not Sebastian's): you can use CTRL-~ for that (although it hides the REPL when not in focus). ;-)
53m00s: Is there a setting to add a newline when executing the last line of the file? A: Not yet, but already open feature request for it
53m23s: Modules in the REPL will always evaluate to "Main" module
53m50s: Planning to share his example repo during the Break
54m05s: Color Theme he's using is "One Dark Pro" - check extensions
54m35s: Can move Terminal panel elsewhere, e.g. under the left panel
55m10s: There shouldn't be any difference in performance or memory footprint of vscode vs vscodium
55m58s: Julia 1.6.2 should work with vscode. If it doesn't: 1) make sure your version of the Julia extension is up-to-date (should happen automatically), 2) if still errors, ask on Julialang discourse or vscode+julia github
56m32s: Code autoformatters. Sebastian mostly disables current autoformatter, recommends instead JuliaFormatter.jl. Planning to integrate that within extension, hopefully soon. (*)
57m30s: Select only part of an expression, press Alt-Enter: only evaluate that sub-expression (*)
58m07s: Evaluate/run a whole file: click arrow in the upper-right, select "Julia: Execute file in REPL". Explains other options too. (*)
59m35s: People are asking for Alt-Enter equivalent for Mac. Answer: CTRL-Enter
1h01m50s: OhMyREPL! module should work fine ([]( (*)
1h02m00s: Q: Evaluate larger block of code? lines starting with ` ## ` defines "cells" that each get evaluated, shown separately. "Julia: Execute Code Cell in REPL": Shift-Enter (*)
~1h04m: answer minor questions
1h05m20s: start 5 mins break
1h10m15s: end break
Q&A: (I skipped a repeated question)
1h11m20s: Planning to eventually set default settings for first time users of the extension
1h12m00s: Julia display system: overload (*)
1h13m40s: display images, e.g.: ` IO, ::MIME"image/png", ::BarPNG)` (*)
1h15m20s: also support GIF, SVG, and HTML - very powerful (*)
1h16m00s: with ` ::MIME"juliavscode/html" `you can even setup your own complete HTML/Javascript UI with bidirectional communication, inside vscode (*)
1h17m00s: left/right arrows in plot pane can show previous/next plot (*)
1h17m30s: Julia workspace panel, plot navigator lists plots, can switch between them (*)
1h18m20s: Also support VegaLite, PyPlot, etc. VegaLite Demo. (*)
1h19m15s: Julia workspace panel on the left shows all defined variables, imported modules and their submodules, defined functions, etc. (*)
1h20m30s: Inspect DataFrame through Julia workspace panel - "Open in VSCode button" (*)
1h23m10s: can drag-and-drop any of the tabs in a different area of vscode
1h23m45s: interactivity in the plot pane with WebIO or JSServe. Example: WGLMakie. Took ~5 mins... for me, it only worked the 2nd time around, maybe due to timeout (*)
1h26m00s: Progress bars (*)
1h30m20s: Julia Documentation panel. Can trigger through "Julia: Show Documentation" (Alt+j Alt+D) (*)
1h31m30s: Julia Docs search bar. Works for any module in your Julia environment. Don't even need to import them. (*)
1h32m40s: WSL on Windows - recommended to use VSCode WSL extension (*)
1h33m23s: There's an indicator to show that vscode+julia is busy: "Julia: Evaluating...". Can click that message to see more details, cancel.
1h34m03s: Can interrupt Julia REPL through Cancel button or CTRL-C in REPL (even if the evaluation was triggered from an Editor window) (*)
1h35m20s: Debugger uses JuliaInterpreter.jl. Graphical debugger available in Juno, then vscode. Will explain the basics, then give tips for the debugger to run fast enough to be useful.
1h36m40s: in vscode, Sebastian always use @enter and @run to use the debugger. Automatically defined in the Julia REPL session. (*)
1h37m07s: @enter "steps" into the code, @run runs the code in the interpreter, which supports breakpoints. First show `@enter println(gcd(22, 10))`
~1h39m - ran into some issues - need to do an extra step for this to work. You need to press the - (minus) button in the "Julia: Compiled code" pane. (*)
Continue @enter example...
1h42m10s: @run example. Set/enable/disable breakpoints, @run...
1h43m21s: @run will by default break-on-exception. Can inspect local variables at any level of the stack. (*)
1h46m55s: can modify local variables inside debugger. Also Debug Console allows evaluating arbitrary code. (*)
1h49m00s: Restart Frame button, on the call stack. Very experimental feature. Didn't work. (*)
1h50m20s: Conditional breakpoints: right-click breakpoint, edit breakpoint, enter expression (*)
1h52m00s: Advanced tricks: right-click on any line, "run to cursor", "step into targets" (*)
1h52m20s: Debugger can be slow, due to constant overhead for each function call. Work-around: interpret only small fraction of the code, compile the rest (*)
1h59m00s: "Apply default compiled modules/functions". Still experimental, manually-entered list of modules/functions. Next release should work better. (*)
2h04m10s: Can also use Infiltrator.jl
2h05m27s: "Debug File in a new process" (*)
2h07m10s: Best way to minimize precompilations: should not normally be a big overhead. Also Julia 1.7 has better caching for precompiled files.
2h08m13s: vscode debugger compared to Cthulhu.jl. Cthulhu.jl is focused on debugging compilation... ?
2h09m - reading questions silently for a while
2h10m00s: GitLens extension "Git blame" view
2h10m40s: Traditional way is using Profile, @profile. ProfileView by default provides a GTK UI, not integrated in vscode, but still an interactive flamegraph. vscode-julialang also defines a @profview, which shows a table and can show a flamegraph. Ctrl-click to navigate to the code. (*)
2h20m50s: explain the flame graph, more details on ProfileView
2h22m20s: can use PkgTemplates to create a package "skeleton" - folders, files, etc.
2h28m00s: PkgTemplate by default sets the "git remote get-url origin" to your github
2h28m50s: Go to, create a new repository
2h29m24s: Main thing you need to do after is "git push -u origin main"
2h30m40s: Let's implement a root finding algorithm...
2h32m40s: Test-driven development - Can write tests before implementing the function
2h33m20s: Show development without Revise.jl
2h41m00s: Use ForwardDiff.derivative to automatically differentiate the function
2h43m00s: Run `] test` to run all tests
2h43m20s: Show vscode git features
2h44m15s: Register your package through JuliaHub Registrator
2h45m00s: a few brief questions, e.g. Revise-based workflow
2h46m30s: switch to Shell mode in Julia REPL: type `;` (semicolon)
2h47m00s: `Markdown: Open Preview`
2h47m31s: Remote Editing (SSH, Docker, WSL)
2h51m26s: NEW FEATURE: Julia: Connect External REPL. Useful with multiple monitors - 1 monitor for Julia, 1 for vscode (*)
2h53m05s: Persistent Julia session: use tmux. Can automate through "Julia persistent session" vscode setting. (*)
2h55m00s: Use "Stop REPL". (Misnomer - actually disconnects from the REPL, without stopping it!) (*)
2h55m50s: Improved plot pane (pan/zoom and copy-paste/save), Jupyter-less notebook integration, JET integration (static checking of code)
2h57m00s: If you have constants in your module, you don't need to export them (*)
2h57m10s: Documenter.jl
2h57m20s: Plots usually still work when you ssh to a machine. Might be some cases where an interactive javascript elements might not get forwarded through ssh.
2h58m10s: Write code, load it, run test is his usual workflow.
2h58m23s: You can have multiple modules in your package. The top-level module must have the same name as your package.
2h58m40s: bunch of quick questions, I didn't quite understand them
3h00m50s: Language server protocol.
3h02m00s: If you double-click a struct name, hit F2, can rename it in a language-aware way, using a concrete syntax tree (*)
3h04m00s: Symbol server for a package, loads docstrings, etc.
3h05m00s: Search for "Microsoft Language Server protocol specification" for details
3h05m50s: Threads on Discourse about people successfully using the Julia Language Server using Vim, Sublime, other editors
3h06m00s: Very little documentation on the Julia Language Server, unfortunately
3h06m50s: Debug Server protocol - how debugging works with Julia
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