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Created October 2, 2017 17:14
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i3 cybre theme.
font pango:fantasque sans mono 11
# class border backgr. text indctr. child
client.focused #00ff00 #002200 #00ff00 #00ff00 #00FF00
client.focused_inactive #008800 #001100 #008800 #001100 #001100
client.unfocused #008800 #001100 #008800 #001100 #001100
client.urgent #ff0000 #220000 #ff0000 #ff0000 #ff0000
bindsym $mod+x exec dmenu_run -nb \#001100 -nf \#00dd00 -sb \#003300 -sf \#00ff00 -fn "Monofur"
bar {
colors {
background #001100
statusline #00ff00
separator #0022aa
focused_workspace #00ff00 #002200 #00ff00
active_workspace #00ff00 #002200 #00ff00
inactive_workspace #008800 #001100 #008800
urgent_workspace #ff0000 #220000 #ff0000
status_command py3status -c ~/.i3/i3status.conf
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