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Script to animate the path of a random walk across a graph - A walker starts at a node and takes random steps through the graph, tending to get "stuck" in dense subgraphs
library(tidyverse) # For everything
library(gganimate) # For animating graphs
library(ggraph) # For plotting graphs
library(magick) # For exporting gif
library(tidygraph) # For manipulating graphs
library(colorspace) # For sequential_hcl
library(igraph) # For random walk and as_ids
random_traverse_fxn <- function(i, graph, steps = 6){
# Return table of edges traversed from a random walk starting at node i of a graph
rand_walk <- random_walk(gr, i, steps = steps, stuck = "return", mode = "all") # actual random walk
trav_nodes <- as_ids(rand_walk) # Get nodes that were traversed
trav_nodes_tbl <- enframe(name = NULL, trav_nodes) %>% rename(from = value) # Put nodes in table
trav_edges <- trav_nodes_tbl %>% # Make edges from node list
mutate(to = lead(from)) %>% # Initial node + next node = traverse edge
filter(! # Last lead row has NA, remove it
trav_edges$step <- seq(1, steps - 1) # Order that each edge was traversed
trav_edges$walk_start <- i # Node that the path started on
# Make a graph
# play_islands makes a graph with dense cliques for the walker to get stuck in
gr <- play_islands(5, 10, 0.8, 3) %>%
mutate(name = rownames(.N())) # create node names
# Number of steps for the walker to take
steps = 51
# I'm starting just one walker, but option to start multiple walkers with a vector in first argument
# ex. map_df(c(1,1,1,1,1), random_traverse_fxn, gr, 5) starts 5 walkers at node 1 that each take 5 steps
# map_df(c(1,5,11,16,18,25), random_traverse_fxn, gr, 3) starts 6 walkers at different nodes that each take 3 steps.
# This line starts one walker that takes 51 steps through the graph
walked_path <- map_df(1, random_traverse_fxn, gr, steps) %>% mutate(walked_edge = TRUE)
# Turn edges from random_traverse_fxn into graph
gr_walked_path <- as_tbl_graph(walked_path)
# Get only the edges to add onto the original graph, don't want nodes
walked_path_edges <- gr_walked_path %>% activate('edges') %>% as_tibble()
# Add walked edges to the original graph
gr_w_walked_path <- bind_edges(gr, walked_path_edges) # Doesn't change nodes
# Preformatting for plot
# I want the full network to be displayed the whole time in grey
# Approach: have the first frame be the whole graph
# and the following frames the walked paths
gr_w_walked_path <- gr_w_walked_path %>% activate("edges") %>%
mutate(step = case_when( ~ 0, TRUE ~ as.numeric(step))) %>% # Make unwalked edges appear first
mutate(walk_start = case_when( ~ 0, TRUE ~ as.numeric(walk_start))) %>% # Only really needed for multiple walkers
mutate(edge_alpha = case_when(walked_edge == TRUE ~ 0.5)) # Forcing alpha for walked edges
# A sequential palette where the first value is grey
custom_palette <- c("grey50", rev(sequential_hcl(palette = "OrYel", n = steps - 1)))
p <- ggraph(gr_w_walked_path, 'kk') +
geom_edge_link0(aes(edge_color = as.factor(step), edge_width = walked_edge, alpha = edge_alpha)) +
scale_edge_colour_manual(values = custom_palette) +
scale_edge_width_discrete(range = c(1.5,1.5), na.value = 0.5) +
scale_alpha(range=c(0,1), na.value = 1) +
ggtitle('Random walker - Step {closest_state}') +
theme_graph() +
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = 'black'),
plot.subtitle = element_text(color = '#F39B4C'),
plot.title = element_text(color = '#F39B4C'),
legend.position = "none") +
transition_states(step)+ #If multiple walkers, can add walk_start here
shadow_mark() + # Necessary so that the whole graph (first frame) stays the whole time
anim <- animate(p, start_pause = 10, end_pause = 10,height = 500, width = 600, nframes = 150)
anim_save("random_walker.gif", anim)
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clairemcwhite commented Oct 22, 2019

Note to self, to get the whole graph to display the whole time, use exclude_layers

p <- ggraph(gr, 'kk') +
geom_edge_link0(color = "grey50") +
geom_edge_link0(aes(edge_color = as.factor(order), edge_width = walked_edge)) +
scale_edge_colour_manual(values = custom_palette) +
scale_edge_width_discrete(range = c(0.5,1.5), na.value = 0.5) +

transition_states(order, wrap = TRUE) + #If multiple walkers, can add walk_start here

shadow_wake(wake_length = 2, exclude_layer = 1, exclude_phase = "enter") + # animated part, excludes layer "geom_edge_link0(color = "grey50")"
shadow_mark(exclude_layer = 2) + #stable part, excludes layer "geom_edge_link0(aes(edge_color = as.factor(order), edge_width = walked_edge))"

Also use fewer frames in gif rendered to stop the flying edges effect

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