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Created July 17, 2020 00:01
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API Docs

This Document documents the types that define CRD to be consumed by users.

Table of Contents

Custom Resources

Sub Resources


APMSpec contains the Trace Agent configuration

Field Description Scheme Required
enabled Enable this to enable APM and tracing, on port 8126 ref: *bool false
hostPort Number of port to expose on the host. If specified, this must be a valid port number, 0 < x < 65536. If HostNetwork is specified, this must match ContainerPort. Most containers do not need this. *int32 false
env The Datadog Agent supports many environment variables Ref: []corev1.EnvVar false
resources Datadog APM Agent resource requests and limits Make sure to keep requests and limits equal to keep the pods in the Guaranteed QoS class Ref: *corev1.ResourceRequirements false

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AgentCredentials contains credentials values to configure the Agent

Field Description Scheme Required
apiKey APIKey Set this to your Datadog API key before the Agent runs. ref: string false
apiKeyExistingSecret APIKeyExistingSecret is DEPRECATED. In order to pass the API key through an existing secret, please consider "apiSecret" instead. If set, this parameter takes precedence over "apiKey". string false
apiSecret APISecret Use existing Secret which stores API key instead of creating a new one. If set, this parameter takes precedence over "apiKey" and "apiKeyExistingSecret". *Secret false
appKey If you are using clusterAgent.metricsProvider.enabled = true, you must set a Datadog application key for read access to your metrics. string false
appKeyExistingSecret AppKeyExistingSecret is DEPRECATED. In order to pass the APP key through an existing secret, please consider "appSecret" instead. If set, this parameter takes precedence over "appKey". string false
appSecret APPSecret Use existing Secret which stores API key instead of creating a new one. If set, this parameter takes precedence over "apiKey" and "appKeyExistingSecret". *Secret false
token This needs to be at least 32 characters a-zA-z It is a preshared key between the node agents and the cluster agent string false
useSecretBackend UseSecretBackend use the Agent secret backend feature for retreiving all credentials needed by the different components: Agent, Cluster, Cluster-Checks. If useSecretBackend: true, other credential parameters will be ignored. default value is false. *bool false

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CRISocketConfig contains the CRI socket configuration parameters

Field Description Scheme Required
dockerSocketPath Path to the docker runtime socket *string false
criSocketPath Path to the container runtime socket (if different from Docker) This is supported starting from agent 6.6.0 *string false

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ClusterAgentConfig contains the configuration of the Cluster Agent

Field Description Scheme Required
externalMetrics *ExternalMetricsConfig false
clusterChecksEnabled Enable the Cluster Checks and Endpoint Checks feature on both the cluster-agents and the daemonset ref: Autodiscovery via Kube Service annotations is automatically enabled *bool false
logLevel Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off *string false
resources Datadog cluster-agent resource requests and limits *corev1.ResourceRequirements false
confd Confd Provide additional cluster check configurations. Each key will become a file in /conf.d see for more details. *ConfigDirSpec false
env The Datadog Agent supports many environment variables Ref: []corev1.EnvVar false
volumeMounts Specify additional volume mounts in the Datadog Cluster Agent container []corev1.VolumeMount false
volumes Specify additional volumes in the Datadog Cluster Agent container []corev1.Volume false

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ClusterChecksRunnerConfig contains the configuration of the Cluster Checks Runner

Field Description Scheme Required
resources Datadog Cluster Checks Runner resource requests and limits *corev1.ResourceRequirements false
logLevel Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off *string false
env The Datadog Agent supports many environment variables Ref: []corev1.EnvVar false
volumeMounts Specify additional volume mounts in the Datadog Cluster Check Runner container []corev1.VolumeMount false
volumes Specify additional volumes in the Datadog Cluster Check Runner container []corev1.Volume false

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ConfigDirSpec contains config file directory configuration

Field Description Scheme Required
configMapName ConfigMapName name of a ConfigMap used to mount a directory string false

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ConfigFileConfigMapSpec contains configMap information used to store a config file

Field Description Scheme Required
name Name the ConfigMap name string false
fileKey FileKey corresponds to the key used in the ConfigMap.Data to store the configuration file content string false

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CustomConfigSpec Allow to put custom configuration for the agent, corresponding to the datadog-cluster.yaml or datadog.yaml config file the configuration can be provided in the 'configData' field as raw data, or in a configmap thanks to configMap field. Important: configData and configMap can't be set together.

Field Description Scheme Required
configData ConfigData corresponds to the configuration file content *string false
configMap ConfigMap name of a ConfigMap used to mount the configuration file *ConfigFileConfigMapSpec false

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DaemonSetDeploymentStrategy contains the node Agent deployment configuration

Field Description Scheme Required
updateStrategyType The update strategy used for the DaemonSet *appsv1.DaemonSetUpdateStrategyType false
rollingUpdate Configure the rolling updater strategy of the DaemonSet or the ExtendedDaemonSet DaemonSetRollingUpdateSpec false
canary Configure the canary deployment configuration using ExtendedDaemonSet *edsdatadoghqv1alpha1.ExtendedDaemonSetSpecStrategyCanary false
reconcileFrequency The reconcile frequency of the ExtendDaemonSet *metav1.Duration false

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DaemonSetRollingUpdateSpec contains configuration fields of the rolling update strategy The configuration is shared between DaemonSet and ExtendedDaemonSet

Field Description Scheme Required
maxUnavailable The maximum number of DaemonSet pods that can be unavailable during the update. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of total number of DaemonSet pods at the start of the update (ex: 10%). Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding up. This cannot be 0. Default value is 1. *intstr.IntOrString false
maxPodSchedulerFailure MaxPodSchedulerFailure the maxinum number of not scheduled on its Node due to a scheduler failure: resource constraints. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of total number of DaemonSet pods at the start of the update (ex: 10%). Absolute *intstr.IntOrString false
maxParallelPodCreation The maxium number of pods created in parallel. Default value is 250. *int32 false
slowStartIntervalDuration SlowStartIntervalDuration the duration between to 2 Default value is 1min. *metav1.Duration false
slowStartAdditiveIncrease SlowStartAdditiveIncrease Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of total number of DaemonSet pods at the start of the update (ex: 10%). Default value is 5. *intstr.IntOrString false

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DaemonSetStatus defines the observed state of Agent running as DaemonSet

Field Description Scheme Required
desired int32 true
current int32 true
ready int32 true
available int32 true
upToDate int32 true
status string false
state string false
lastUpdate *metav1.Time false
currentHash string false
daemonsetName DaemonsetName corresponds to the name of the created DaemonSet string false

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DatadogAgent Deployment with Datadog Operator

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec DatadogAgentSpec false
status DatadogAgentStatus false

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DatadogAgentCondition describes the state of a DatadogAgent at a certain point.

Field Description Scheme Required
type Type of DatadogAgent condition. DatadogAgentConditionType true
status Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. corev1.ConditionStatus true
lastTransitionTime Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. metav1.Time false
lastUpdateTime Last time the condition was updated. metav1.Time false
reason The reason for the condition's last transition. string false
message A human readable message indicating details about the transition. string false

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DatadogAgentList contains a list of DatadogAgent

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ListMeta false
items []DatadogAgent true

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DatadogAgentSpec defines the desired state of DatadogAgent

Field Description Scheme Required
credentials Configure the credentials required to run Agents AgentCredentials true
agent The desired state of the Agent as an extended daemonset Contains the Node Agent configuration and deployment strategy *DatadogAgentSpecAgentSpec false
clusterAgent The desired state of the Cluster Agent as a deployment *DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentSpec false
clusterChecksRunner The desired state of the Cluster Checks Runner as a deployment *DatadogAgentSpecClusterChecksRunnerSpec false
clusterName Set a unique cluster name to allow scoping hosts and Cluster Checks Runner easily string false
site The site of the Datadog intake to send Agent data to. Set to '' to send data to the EU site. string false

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DatadogAgentSpecAgentSpec defines the desired state of the node Agent

Field Description Scheme Required
useExtendedDaemonset UseExtendedDaemonset use ExtendedDaemonset for Agent deployment. default value is false. *bool false
image The container image of the Datadog Agent ImageConfig true
daemonsetName Name of the Daemonset to create or migrate from string false
config Agent configuration NodeAgentConfig false
rbac RBAC configuration of the Agent RbacConfig false
deploymentStrategy Update strategy configuration for the DaemonSet *DaemonSetDeploymentStrategy false
additionalAnnotations AdditionalAnnotations provide annotations that will be added to the Agent Pods. map[string]string false
additionalLabels AdditionalLabels provide labels that will be added to the cluster checks runner Pods. map[string]string false
priorityClassName If specified, indicates the pod's priority. "system-node-critical" and "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest priority. Any other name must be defined by creating a PriorityClass object with that name. If not specified, the pod priority will be default or zero if there is no default. string false
dnsPolicy Set DNS policy for the pod. Defaults to "ClusterFirst". Valid values are 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet', 'ClusterFirst', 'Default' or 'None'. DNS parameters given in DNSConfig will be merged with the policy selected with DNSPolicy. To have DNS options set along with hostNetwork, you have to specify DNS policy explicitly to 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet'. corev1.DNSPolicy false
dnsConfig Specifies the DNS parameters of a pod. Parameters specified here will be merged to the generated DNS configuration based on DNSPolicy. *corev1.PodDNSConfig false
hostNetwork Host networking requested for this pod. Use the host's network namespace. If this option is set, the ports that will be used must be specified. Default to false. bool false
hostPID Use the host's pid namespace. Optional: Default to false. bool false
env Environment variables for all Datadog Agents Ref: []corev1.EnvVar false
apm Trace Agent configuration APMSpec false
log Log Agent configuration LogSpec false
process Process Agent configuration ProcessSpec false
systemProbe SystemProbe configuration SystemProbeSpec false
customConfig Allow to put custom configuration for the agent, corresponding to the datadog.yaml config file See for more details. *CustomConfigSpec false

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DatadogAgentSpecClusterAgentSpec defines the desired state of the cluster Agent

Field Description Scheme Required
image The container image of the Datadog Cluster Agent ImageConfig true
deploymentName Name of the Cluster Agent Deployment to create or migrate from string false
config Cluster Agent configuration ClusterAgentConfig false
customConfig Allow to put custom configuration for the agent, corresponding to the datadog-cluster.yaml config file *CustomConfigSpec false
rbac RBAC configuration of the Datadog Cluster Agent RbacConfig false
replicas Number of the Cluster Agent replicas *int32 false
additionalAnnotations AdditionalAnnotations provide annotations that will be added to the cluster-agent Pods. map[string]string false
additionalLabels AdditionalLabels provide labels that will be added to the cluster checks runner Pods. map[string]string false
priorityClassName If specified, indicates the pod's priority. "system-node-critical" and "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest priority. Any other name must be defined by creating a PriorityClass object with that name. If not specified, the pod priority will be default or zero if there is no default. string false
affinity If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints *corev1.Affinity false
tolerations If specified, the Cluster-Agent pod's tolerations. []corev1.Toleration false
nodeSelector NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: map[string]string false

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DatadogAgentSpecClusterChecksRunnerSpec defines the desired state of the Cluster Checks Runner

Field Description Scheme Required
image The container image of the Datadog Cluster Checks Runner ImageConfig true
deploymentName Name of the cluster checks deployment to create or migrate from string false
config Agent configuration ClusterChecksRunnerConfig false
customConfig Allow to put custom configuration for the agent, corresponding to the datadog.yaml config file See for more details. *CustomConfigSpec false
rbac RBAC configuration of the Datadog Cluster Checks Runner RbacConfig false
replicas Number of the Cluster Agent replicas *int32 false
additionalAnnotations AdditionalAnnotations provide annotations that will be added to the cluster checks runner Pods. map[string]string false
additionalLabels AdditionalLabels provide labels that will be added to the cluster checks runner Pods. map[string]string false
priorityClassName If specified, indicates the pod's priority. "system-node-critical" and "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the highest priorities with the former being the highest priority. Any other name must be defined by creating a PriorityClass object with that name. If not specified, the pod priority will be default or zero if there is no default. string false
affinity If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints *corev1.Affinity false
tolerations If specified, the Cluster-Checks pod's tolerations. []corev1.Toleration false
nodeSelector NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node. Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node. More info: map[string]string false

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DatadogAgentStatus defines the observed state of DatadogAgent

Field Description Scheme Required
agent The actual state of the Agent as an extended daemonset *DaemonSetStatus false
clusterAgent The actual state of the Cluster Agent as a deployment *DeploymentStatus false
clusterChecksRunner The actual state of the Cluster Checks Runner as a deployment *DeploymentStatus false
conditions Conditions Represents the latest available observations of a DatadogAgent's current state. []DatadogAgentCondition false

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DeploymentStatus type representing the Cluster Agent Deployment status

Field Description Scheme Required
replicas Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment (their labels match the selector). int32 false
updatedReplicas Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment that have the desired template spec. int32 false
readyReplicas Total number of ready pods targeted by this deployment. int32 false
availableReplicas Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds) targeted by this deployment. int32 false
unavailableReplicas Total number of unavailable pods targeted by this deployment. This is the total number of pods that are still required for the deployment to have 100% available capacity. They may either be pods that are running but not yet available or pods that still have not been created. int32 false
lastUpdate *metav1.Time false
currentHash string false
generatedToken GeneratedToken corresponds to the generated token if any token was provided in the Credential configuration when ClusterAgent is enabled string false
status Status corresponds to the ClusterAgent deployment computed status string false
state State corresponds to the ClusterAgent deployment state string false
deploymentName DeploymentName corresponds to the name of the Cluster Agent Deployment string false

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DogstatsdConfig contains the Dogstatsd configuration parameters

Field Description Scheme Required
dogstatsdOriginDetection Enable origin detection for container tagging *bool false
useDogStatsDSocketVolume Enable dogstatsd over Unix Domain Socket ref: *bool false

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ExternalMetricsConfig contains the configuration of the external metrics provider in Cluster Agent

Field Description Scheme Required
enabled Enable the metricsProvider to be able to scale based on metrics in Datadog bool false
useDatadogMetrics Enable usage of DatadogMetrics CRD (allow to scale on arbitrary queries) bool false
port If specified configures the metricsProvider external metrics service port *int32 false

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ImageConfig Datadog agent container image config

Field Description Scheme Required
name Define the image to use Use "datadog/agent:latest" for Datadog Agent 6 Use "datadog/dogstatsd:latest" for Standalone Datadog Agent DogStatsD6 Use "datadog/cluster-agent:latest" for Datadog Cluster Agent string true
pullPolicy The Kubernetes pull policy Use Always, Never or IfNotPresent *corev1.PullPolicy false
pullSecrets It is possible to specify docker registry credentials See *[]corev1.LocalObjectReference false

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LogSpec contains the Log Agent configuration

Field Description Scheme Required
enabled Enables this to activate Datadog Agent log collection. ref: *bool false
logsConfigContainerCollectAll Enable this to allow log collection for all containers. ref: *bool false
containerCollectUsingFiles Collect logs from files in /var/log/pods instead of using container runtime API. It's usually the most efficient way of collecting logs. ref: Default: true *bool false
containerLogsPath This to allow log collection from container log path. Set to a different path if not using docker runtime. ref: Default to /var/lib/docker/containers *string false
podLogsPath This to allow log collection from pod log path. Default to /var/log/pods *string false
tempStoragePath This path (always mounted from the host) is used by Datadog Agent to store information about processed log files. If the Datadog Agent is restarted, it allows to start tailing the log files from the right offset Default to /var/lib/datadog-agent/logs *string false

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NodeAgentConfig contains the configuration of the Node Agent

Field Description Scheme Required
securityContext You can modify the security context used to run the containers by modifying the label type *corev1.SecurityContext false
ddUrl The host of the Datadog intake server to send Agent data to, only set this option if you need the Agent to send data to a custom URL. Overrides the site setting defined in "site". *string false
logLevel Set logging verbosity, valid log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical, and off *string false
confd Confd configuration allowing to specify config files for custom checks placed under /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/. See for more details. *ConfigDirSpec false
checksd Checksd configuration allowing to specify custom checks placed under /etc/datadog-agent/checks.d/ See for more details. *ConfigDirSpec false
podLabelsAsTags Provide a mapping of Kubernetes Labels to Datadog Tags. <KUBERNETES_LABEL>: <DATADOG_TAG_KEY> map[string]string false
podAnnotationsAsTags Provide a mapping of Kubernetes Annotations to Datadog Tags. <KUBERNETES_ANNOTATIONS>: <DATADOG_TAG_KEY> map[string]string false
tags List of tags to attach to every metric, event and service check collected by this Agent. Learn more about tagging: []string false
collectEvents nables this to start event collection from the kubernetes API ref: *bool false
leaderElection Enables leader election mechanism for event collection. *bool false
env The Datadog Agent supports many environment variables Ref: []corev1.EnvVar false
volumeMounts Specify additional volume mounts in the Datadog Agent container []corev1.VolumeMount false
volumes Specify additional volumes in the Datadog Agent container []corev1.Volume false
resources Datadog Agent resource requests and limits Make sure to keep requests and limits equal to keep the pods in the Guaranteed QoS class Ref: *corev1.ResourceRequirements false
criSocket Configure the CRI Socket *CRISocketConfig false
dogstatsd Configure Dogstatsd *DogstatsdConfig false
tolerations If specified, the Agent pod's tolerations. []corev1.Toleration false
hostPort Number of port to expose on the host. If specified, this must be a valid port number, 0 < x < 65536. If HostNetwork is specified, this must match ContainerPort. Most containers do not need this. *int32 false

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ProcessSpec contains the Process Agent configuration

Field Description Scheme Required
enabled Enable this to activate live process monitoring. Note: /etc/passwd is automatically mounted to allow username resolution. ref: *bool false
env The Datadog Agent supports many environment variables Ref: []corev1.EnvVar false
resources Datadog Process Agent resource requests and limits Make sure to keep requests and limits equal to keep the pods in the Guaranteed QoS class Ref: *corev1.ResourceRequirements false

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RbacConfig contains RBAC configuration

Field Description Scheme Required
create Used to configure RBAC resources creation *bool false
serviceAccountName Used to set up the service account name to use Ignored if the field Create is true *string false

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Secret contains a secret name and an included key

Field Description Scheme Required
secretName SecretName is the name of the secret string true
keyName KeyName is the key of the secret to use string false

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SystemProbeSpec contains the SystemProbe Agent configuration

Field Description Scheme Required
enabled Enable this to activate live process monitoring. Note: /etc/passwd is automatically mounted to allow username resolution. ref: *bool false
secCompRootPath SecCompRootPath specify the seccomp profile root directory string false
secCompCustomProfileConfigMap SecCompCustomProfileConfigMap specify a pre-existing ConfigMap containing a custom SecComp profile string false
secCompProfileName SecCompProfileName specify a seccomp profile string false
appArmorProfileName AppArmorProfileName specify a apparmor profile string false
conntrackEnabled ConntrackEnabled enable the system-probe agent to connect to the netlink/conntrack subsystem to add NAT information to connection data Ref: *bool false
bpfDebugEnabled BPFDebugEnabled logging for kernel debug *bool false
debugPort DebugPort Specify the port to expose pprof and expvar for system-probe agent int32 false
env The Datadog SystemProbe supports many environment variables Ref: []corev1.EnvVar false
resources Datadog SystemProbe resource requests and limits Make sure to keep requests and limits equal to keep the pods in the Guaranteed QoS class Ref: *corev1.ResourceRequirements false
securityContext You can modify the security context used to run the containers by modifying the label type *corev1.SecurityContext false

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