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Last active July 19, 2016 20:13
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import qualified Data.Sequence as Sequence
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import System.Random
data Move = Move Position Space
newtype Position = Position (Int, Int)
newtype Board = Board (Sequence.Seq Space)
data Space = Empty | X | O deriving Eq
data Player = PlayerOne | PlayerTwo
data Outcome = Winner PlayerData | Tie | ContinueGame
data PlayerData = PlayerData {
player :: Player,
space :: Space,
playerString :: String,
other :: PlayerData,
isAutomated :: Bool
data GameState = GameState {
playerWithTurn :: PlayerData,
board :: Board,
numberOfMoves :: Int,
randomGen :: StdGen,
playerOne :: PlayerData,
playerTwo :: PlayerData
main = do
putStrLn welcomeMessage
option <- getIndexInRange (1, 2)
let isAutomated = option == 1
gen <- getStdGen
gameStep $ initialGameState gen isAutomated
putStrLn "The Game is over"
where welcomeMessage = "Welcome to Tic Tac Toe.\n" ++
"Would you like to play against:\n" ++
"[1] An automated player\n" ++
"Or\n" ++
"[2] A human player"
initialGameState :: StdGen -> Bool -> GameState
initialGameState gen isAutomated =
let startingBoard = Board $ Sequence.fromList $ replicate 9 Empty
playerOne = PlayerData {
player = PlayerOne,
space = O,
playerString = "Player One [O]",
other = playerTwo,
isAutomated = False
playerTwo = PlayerData {
player = PlayerTwo,
space = X,
playerString = "Player Two [X]",
other = playerOne,
isAutomated = isAutomated
in GameState {
playerWithTurn = playerOne,
board = startingBoard,
numberOfMoves = 0,
randomGen = gen,
playerOne = playerOne,
playerTwo = playerTwo
gameStep :: GameState -> IO ()
gameStep gameState@ GameState {board=board, playerWithTurn=player, numberOfMoves=numberOfMoves} = do
putStrLn $ showBoard board
playersMove <- getMove gameState
let eitherBoard = move board playersMove
case eitherBoard of
Right board -> continueOrEndGame gameState {board=board, numberOfMoves= numberOfMoves + 1}
Left warning -> do putStrLn warning
gameStep gameState
getMove :: GameState -> IO Move
getMove gameState@ GameState {playerWithTurn=player} =
if isAutomated player
then getRandomMove gameState
else getUserMove player
getUserMove :: PlayerData -> IO Move
getUserMove player = do
putStrLn $ playerString player ++ "\nPlease enter your move: "
putStrLn "Row (0, 1, 2)"
row <- getIndexInRange (0,2)
putStrLn "Column (0, 1, 2)"
col <- getIndexInRange (0,2)
return $ Move (Position (row, col)) (space player)
getRandomMove :: GameState -> IO Move
getRandomMove GameState {numberOfMoves=numberOfMoves,randomGen=gen, board=(Board board), playerWithTurn=player} =
let getRandomEmpty = snd $ Sequence.index emptiesWithIndices randomIndex
emptiesWithIndices = Sequence.filter (\space -> fst space == Empty) $ board $ Sequence.fromList [0..8]
randomIndex = randomRs (0, numberOfEmpties-1) gen !! numberOfMoves
numberOfEmpties = 9 - numberOfMoves
in do putStrLn "Player two is calculating it's move ..."
return $ Move (indexToPosition getRandomEmpty) (space player)
move :: Board -> Move -> Either String Board
move (Board board) (Move position space) =
case Sequence.index board (positionToIndex position) of
X -> Left spaceTakenWarning
O -> Left spaceTakenWarning
Empty -> Right $ Board $ Sequence.update (positionToIndex position) space board
where spaceTakenWarning = "There is already a piece there"
continueOrEndGame :: GameState -> IO ()
continueOrEndGame gameState@ GameState {board=board, playerWithTurn=player} =
let outcome = gameOutcome gameState
in case outcome of
Winner winner -> do putStrLn $ showBoard board
putStrLn $ playerString winner ++ " has won the game!"
Tie -> do putStrLn $ showBoard board
putStrLn "The game is a tie!"
ContinueGame -> gameStep $ gameState {board=board, playerWithTurn = other player}
gameOutcome :: GameState -> Outcome
gameOutcome gameState@ GameState {board=board} =
fromMaybe ContinueGame checkEndConditions
where checkEndConditions =
checkRowsForWinner gameState `mplus`
checkColumnsForWinner gameState `mplus`
checkDiagonalsForWinner gameState `mplus`
isTie gameState
checkRowsForWinner :: GameState -> Maybe Outcome
checkRowsForWinner gs =
checkThreeForWinner gs 0 1 2 `mplus`
checkThreeForWinner gs 3 4 5 `mplus`
checkThreeForWinner gs 6 7 8
checkColumnsForWinner :: GameState -> Maybe Outcome
checkColumnsForWinner gs =
checkThreeForWinner gs 0 3 6 `mplus`
checkThreeForWinner gs 1 4 7 `mplus`
checkThreeForWinner gs 2 5 8
checkDiagonalsForWinner :: GameState -> Maybe Outcome
checkDiagonalsForWinner gs =
checkThreeForWinner gs 0 4 8 `mplus`
checkThreeForWinner gs 2 4 6
isTie :: GameState -> Maybe Outcome
isTie GameState {numberOfMoves=numberOfMoves} =
if numberOfMoves == 9
then Just Tie
else Nothing
checkThreeForWinner :: GameState -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Outcome
checkThreeForWinner GameState {board=Board board, playerWithTurn=player} i j k =
if existsWinner
then Just $ Winner player
else Nothing
where existsWinner =
(Sequence.index board i == Sequence.index board j) &&
(Sequence.index board i == Sequence.index board k) &&
(Sequence.index board i == X || Sequence.index board i == O)
positionToIndex :: Position -> Int
positionToIndex (Position (row, col)) = (row * 3) + col
indexToPosition :: Int -> Position
indexToPosition i =
let row = i `quot` 3
col = i `mod` 3
in Position (row, col)
showBoard :: Board -> String
showBoard (Board board) =
"Board:\n" ++
Sequence.foldrWithIndex (\i space acc -> printSpace space ++ newlineIfEndOfRow i ++ acc) "" board
where newlineIfEndOfRow i =
case i `mod` 3 of
2 -> "\n"
_ -> ""
printSpace :: Space -> String
printSpace Empty = "-"
printSpace X = "x"
printSpace O = "o"
readMaybe :: (Read a) => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe s = case reads s of
[(x, "")] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
getIndexInRange :: (Int, Int) -> IO Int
getIndexInRange range@ (low, high) = do
desiredIndex <- getLine
case readMaybe desiredIndex of
Nothing -> do putStrLn errorMessage
getIndexInRange range
Just i -> if i `elem` [low..high]
then return i
else do putStrLn errorMessage
getIndexInRange range
where errorMessage = "Please be sure to enter a number between " ++ show low ++ " and " ++ show high ++ "!"
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