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Last active February 28, 2022 03:12
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Found a problem on coderpad for pig latin translator
var Mocha = require('mocha');
var assert = require('assert');
var mocha = new Mocha();
mocha.suite.emit('pre-require', this, 'solution', mocha);
const stringOne = "pig";
const stringTwo = "pig latin";
const stringThree = "Pig Latin";
const longerPhrase = "Clay goes to the park to look for acorns."
const longerPhraseTwo = "foo bar something, foo bar aldkfj. foo bar something, foo bar aldkfj.";
// oo-fay ar-bay omething-say, oo-fay ar-bay aldkfj-way. oo-fay ar-bay omething-say, oo-fay ar-bay aldkfj-way.
1) “pig” => “ig-pay” 2) “pig latin” => “ig-pay atin-lay” 3) “Pig Latin” => “ig-Pay atin-Lay”
2) If a word begins with a vowel, just add “way” at the en
separate the Pig Latin-ized parts of the word with a dash
class PigLatinTranslator {
constructor(args) {
this.phrase = args.phrase;
this.SUFFIX_CONSTANT = "ay";
this.memoizedWords = {};
transformWord(word) {
if (this.memoizedWords[word]) {
console.log("hit memoizedWord", word, this.memoizedWords[word]);
return this.memoizedWords[word];
const firstLetter = word[0];
const firstLetterIsVowel = /[aeiouAEIOU]/.test(firstLetter);
let restOfWord = !firstLetterIsVowel ? word.slice(1) : word;
// if final letter has punct then take off and save off to re-add
const finalLetter = word.slice(-1);
let hasPunct = false;
if (/[.,\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]/.test(finalLetter)) {
hasPunct = true;
const restOfWordMinusPunctation = restOfWord.slice(0, restOfWord.length - 1);
restOfWord = restOfWordMinusPunctation;
// build suffix
const fullSuffix = !firstLetterIsVowel ? firstLetter + this.SUFFIX_CONSTANT : "way";
// build word
return this.memoizedWords[word] = `${restOfWord}-${fullSuffix}${hasPunct ? finalLetter : ""}`;
pigLatinize() {
// const words = this.phrase.split(" ");
// const pigWords = => this.transformWord(word));
// return pigWords.join(" ");
// could improve big O maybe by one loop through chars
// each time char is a space, then a word is built
// and would go through transform word then add to a completed array
let potentialWord = "";
let finalPhrase = "";
for (let i = 0; i < this.phrase.length; i++) {
const char = this.phrase[i];
const nextChar = this.phrase[i + 1];
potentialWord += char;
// if find space:
// 1) transform word (with or without punct) to pig latin
// 2) add to final phrase
// 3) reset potentialWord
if (char === " " || nextChar === undefined) {
const pigWord = this.transformWord(potentialWord.trimEnd());
finalPhrase += `${finalPhrase.length > 0 ? " " : ""}${pigWord}`;
potentialWord = "";
return finalPhrase;
describe('PigLatinTranslator', function() {
it('should transform "pig" to "ig-pay"', function() {
const stringOneInstance = new PigLatinTranslator({phrase: stringOne});
assert.equal(stringOneInstance.pigLatinize(), "ig-pay");
it('should transform "pig latin" to "ig-pay atin-lay"', function() {
const stringTwoInstance = new PigLatinTranslator({phrase: stringTwo});
assert.equal(stringTwoInstance.pigLatinize(), "ig-pay atin-lay");
it('should transform "Pig Latin" with upper case to "ig-Pay atin-Lay"', function() {
const stringThreeInstance = new PigLatinTranslator({phrase: stringThree});
assert.equal(stringThreeInstance.pigLatinize(), "ig-Pay atin-Lay");
describe("when first letter is vowel", () => {
it('should always return a suffix of "way"', () => {
const stringFourInstance = new PigLatinTranslator({phrase: "acorn"});
assert.equal(stringFourInstance.pigLatinize(), "acorn-way");
it('should always return a suffix of "way"', () => {
const stringFiveInstance = new PigLatinTranslator({phrase: "Acorn"});
assert.equal(stringFiveInstance.pigLatinize(), "Acorn-way");
describe("longerPhrase", () => {
it("should pig latinize over several words with various cases", () =>{
const longerPhraseInstance = new PigLatinTranslator({phrase: longerPhrase});
// "Clay goes to the park to look for acorns"
assert.equal(longerPhraseInstance.pigLatinize(), "lay-Cay oes-gay o-tay he-tay ark-pay o-tay ook-lay or-fay acorns-way.");
it("should pig latinize over several words with various cases", () =>{
const longerPhraseTwoInstance = new PigLatinTranslator({phrase: longerPhraseTwo});
// "foo bar something, foo bar aldkfj. foo bar something, foo bar aldkfj."
assert.equal(longerPhraseTwoInstance.pigLatinize(), "oo-fay ar-bay omething-say, oo-fay ar-bay aldkfj-way. oo-fay ar-bay omething-say, oo-fay ar-bay aldkfj-way.");
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To solve this challenge, feel free to use any and all resources available to you. Once you start the exercise, you'll have two hours to complete and submit your solution.

Challenge - Pig Latin

Pig Latin is a farcical "language" used to entertain children, but also to teach them some valuable language concepts along the way. Translating English to Pig Latin is simple:

  1. Take the first consonant (or cluster of consonants) of a word, move it to the end of the word, and add a suffix of "ay"
  2. If a word begins with a vowel, just add "way" at the end
  3. For the sake of readability, separate the Pig Latin-ized parts of the word with a dash -

Your challenge is to implement the method pigLatinize that takes a string phrase and translates it to Pig Latin. You're free to add additional classes, variables, and methods if you would like.

The input phrase could be as short as a single word, or as long as multiple sentences or paragraphs. Whitespace, capitalization, and punctuation should be honored and maintained in your final answer.


  1. "pig" => "ig-pay"
  2. "pig latin" => "ig-pay atin-lay"
  3. "Pig Latin" => "ig-Pay atin-Lay"

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