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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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# Silly little program to calculate my grades in Coursera's
# Programming for Everybody (Python)
__author__ = 'clamytoe'
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# global variable to hold all of the grades
class_grades = dict()
def parse_quiz():
"""Used to parse the quiz html page"""
global student, class_grades
quiz = list()
quiz_html = BeautifulSoup(open('quiz.html'), 'html5lib')
html_doc = raw_input('Enter name for your quiz page: ')
quiz_html = BeautifulSoup(open(html_doc))
# get the student's name
for a_tag in quiz_html.find_all('a'):
if len(a_tag.attrs) > 0:
if 'data-user-id' in a_tag.attrs:
student = a_tag.getText('data-user-id')
# gather quiz scores
for table in quiz_html.find_all('table'):
for row in table.find_all('tr', class_='course-quiz-item-score'):
for span in row.find_all('td'):
for info in span.find_all('span'):
line = info.text.split('Explanation')[0].strip()
if len(line) > 0:
score = line.split(' / ')
class_grades['quiz'] = quiz[:]
def parse_assignments():
"""Used to parse the assignments page"""
global class_grades
assignment = list()
index_html = BeautifulSoup(open('assignments.html'), 'html5lib')
html_doc = raw_input('Enter name for your assignments page: ')
index_html = BeautifulSoup(open(html_doc))
# get the path and filename for the iframe page
iframes = list()
for attributes in index_html.find_all('iframe'):
iframe_html = iframes[0]
assignments_html = BeautifulSoup(open(iframe_html), 'html5lib')
print "Was not able to find " + iframe_html + "."
print "Please make sure to save the complete web page. and try again."
for row in assignments_html.table.find_all('tr'):
for data in row.find_all('td'):
info = data.text
if '.' in info and ':' not in info:
assignment.append(float(info) / 10)
class_grades['assignment'] = assignment[:]
def parse_exam():
"""Used to parse the exam page"""
global class_grades
exam_html = BeautifulSoup(open('exam.html'), 'html5lib')
html_doc = raw_input('Enter name for your exam page: ')
exam_html = BeautifulSoup(open(html_doc))
exam_info = list()
for row in exam_html.table.find_all('tr'):
for data in row.find_all('td'):
for info in data.find_all('span'):
tmp = info.text.split('Explanation')
exam_info.append(tmp[0].split(' / '))
highest_grade = 0
for entry in exam_info:
if len(entry) > 1:
if entry[0] > highest_grade:
highest_grade = float(entry[0])
class_grades['exam'] = [highest_grade]
def get_total(key):
"""Adds up the grades for each section and returns the total"""
tot = 0
for score in class_grades[key]:
tot += score
return tot
def generate_report():
"""Generates the report and displays it on the screen"""
global student
# grades = {
# 'quiz': [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
# 'assignment': [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10],
# 'exam': [20]
# }
quiz_total = get_total('quiz')
assignment_total = get_total('assignment')
final_exam = get_total('exam')
total = quiz_total + assignment_total +final_exam
print "=================="
print " ", student
print "=================="
print " Quizzes:", quiz_total
print " Assignments:", assignment_total
print " Final Exam:", final_exam
print "------------------"
print " Total Grade:", total
if total > 233:
print "\nYou passed with distinction!"
elif total > 195:
print "\nCongratulations, you passed."
print "\nYou should just stick to being a user..."
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Calculate Your Class Grade

Updated the code to sort of automate the process a bit more. You will need to have BeautifulSoup installed to use. What you have to do is navigate to the page with your grades for each section and then you have to save the page to your computer.

  • Firefox: Save Page > Web Page, complete
  • Chrome: Save page as... > Webpage, Complete

Naming convention

If you name your files as follow, the script will automatically load them for you:

  • Assignments: assignments.html
  • Exam: exam.html
  • Quizzes: quiz.html


If you've saved the pages together in the same folder, you then simply have to run the script from that folder. If you did not name the files as I specified or you are running the script from some other location, you will be prompted to provide the file names.

  Martin Uribe
     Quizzes: 100.0
 Assignments: 150.0
  Final Exam: 20.0
 Total Grade: 270.0

You passed with distinction!


I was fortunate enough not to have to take the quizzes or the assignments more than once, so I'm not sure how that will affect the outcome of your results. This is also the very first time that I attempt to use BeautifulSoup, so if it seems hacky it's because it is :)

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